Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1297: Focus of everyone

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-seven chapters focus

"Cough, sorry, just made a mistake, is the remaining three deputy masters."

Kyushu Sword God found something, coughing, quite embarrassed.

On the side of the sun and moon swordsman, turned his eyes and his face was speechless.

"Under the view, the remaining three positions, we need to occupy two flames, respectively, Tong Xuan Emperor and Wen Yan Emperor, although they did not come, but their strength, I am sure everyone here, very clear?"

Lin Yan Dadi was unceremonious, and looked provocatively at Ghost Wu and others.

Ghost Emperor, Gulei Emperor, False Emperor, etc., all breathe slightly stagnation. They originally wanted to refute from other aspects, but when they heard these two names, they really did not know how to refute.

Tong Xuan Emperor and Wen Yan Emperor are the Supreme Elders of the Flames. They have been cultivated and reached the point of the Emperor's nine-fold. On the list of the gods, it is also within a thousand.

"Our blood family, there are not too many demands, just hope that the blood of our family will be the great deputy."

The old man of the blood family said.

The **** emperor in his mouth is also the Supreme Elder of the blood family. The rank of the gods ranks within a thousand, and the body is repaired, and it has reached the point where the Emperor is nine heavy, not inferior to the Tong Xuan Emperor and the Wen Yan Emperor.

"I didn't expect that the idea of ​​the flame family is the same as that of our Lei family. We also hope that the two elites can be the two deputy elders."

Thunder Emperor took a sip of Lingcha, not salty or not.

Although he and Lin Yan are very close to each other, but now it involves the interests of the entire Lei family, he naturally will not retreat.

"Haha, let me bluntly, your Lei nationality, temper is more violent, as an important post of the deputy temple deputy, but it lacks a lot."

Lin Yandai laughed and started attacking.

"Lin Yan brother, this is a slap in the face, the temper of our Lei family, although born violent, but to the extent of the Supreme Elder, can control their emotions. Besides, you flame family ..."

The Thunder Emperor did not hesitate to show weakness and directly counterattacked.

The giants of Ghost Wu, Gu Lei, Emperor of the Winter Cave, and so on, looked at the scene in front of them, opened their mouths, or said nothing, and they have a heart.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) If there is no bitter feeling.

I have to say that their strength is much larger than the giants of the three great tribes. It is too big to compare.

Although the flames and the Lei are currently fighting for each other, there is no doubt that the remaining three deputy lords must belong to the three ancient tribes.

As a result, the ten deputy lords, with nine deputy princes, belong to the three ancient tribes.

"I just heard your opinions. I also communicated with the Sun and Moon Sword God. Now I have decided on the remaining three deputy lords."

After a few hundred breaths, the Kyushu Sword God spoke again. When he said this, Lin Yan and the Thunder Emperor immediately calmed down and looked up.

The rest of the three great ancients, the giants of the great emperor, and the ghosts of the Great Emperor, are all looking at the Kyushu swordsman.

Obviously, the rest of the three deputy heads, everyone still cares a little.

"The eighth deputy master, served by the Yan Xuan Emperor of the flame family."

Kyushu swordsman is faint.

Lin Yan Dadi heard the words, the corner of his mouth smeared the degree of curvature, as if for all this, he did not have the slightest accident.

"The ninth deputy, the elders of the Lei family."

Kyushu Sword God continued.

The Thunder Emperor heard this and drank the tea in the cup.

"As for the tenth deputy master..."

Kyushu Sword God seems to be deliberate. When it comes to this, it pauses for a moment.

Lin Yandai and Thunder the Great, all eyes are condensed, the fists are quietly between, slightly tightened, the **** old man, a pair of turbid eyes, also seems to have a **** light, began to flash.

For them, the position of this last deputy is crucial. If they fail to get it, they will have a big impact on their respective races, their status in the anti-Tian League, and so on.

For a time, the atmosphere of the entire hall has become solidified. It seems that there are ancient mountains and mountains that are one after another, and the suppression is repeated here. It is very heavy.

If you are a strong martial artist, standing in such a hall, it is estimated that it will be directly hurt by this invisible and serious atmosphere.

"Continued by Qin Nan."

Kyushu Sword God showed a smile on his face and looked at Qinnan.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "Well?"

Qin Nan, who was originally looking at the relish, heard this sentence and directly caught it.

Even he himself did not think that Kyushu Swordsman would let him be the tenth deputy.

"Qin... Qinnan?"

The imaginary emperor, Gulei the Great, the Winter Grotto, and so on, all have a spirit of shock, and the heart seems to have a thunderstorm.

"Anti-Tianmeng Qinnan?"


Lin Yandai, Thunder the Great and the **** old man, as well as all the great emperors of the three great tribes in the field, looked a little squinted, and looked down at Qinnan. When they saw it clearly, the face suddenly became unbelievable. The color!

Even, can't believe your ears!

Have you made a mistake?

The tenth deputy head of the anti-Tianmeng League is not allowed to serve as the supreme elder of the three ancient tribes, actually let this unremarkable Wu Zujing serve?

Is this a joke?

"Qin Nan? Can you say that you are the one who came out of Zhongzhou and was considered a three-star enemy by Nantianmen, transcending the rules of martial arts, and having Qin Nan of seven ancestral trees?"

The Thunder Emperor suddenly noticed something and was shocked.

"Is that Qinnan?"

Lin Yandai, the blood family, and other great emperors were also on the spot. They did not expect that Qin Nan, who had set off a storm in the entire mainland, was in front of them.

"Haha, it turns out that you have discovered the identity of this kid until now."

"This time, Qin Nan was the tenth deputy, because I and the Sun and Moon Sword God wanted Qin Nan to lead the younger generation in the future."

"With the strength of Qinnan, is it the most appropriate?"

Kyushu Swordsman laughed and looked at the audience and asked.

"If you have nothing to say, then the position of the ten deputy lords will be settled. From now on, what happens to the anti-Tianmeng alliance, or whether there are major plans, will let..."

The sun and the moon, the **** of silence, has been silent, at this time, faintly said.

However, before he had finished waiting for his words, he sang aloud and blasted.

"Slow, Sword God, I have opinions."

The person who made a sound is the patriarch of the flame family and the great man of Lin Yan.

(End of this chapter)



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