Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1299: Direct face

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-nine chapters directly turned face

The entire hall, at this moment, fell into a dead silence.

An invisible atmosphere spreads.

"Very good, the things of the Ten Great Masters have been completely settled."

Kyushu Sword God took the lead in breaking this dead silence, looking at Qin Nan, satisfied.

"Now I am going to take a step with the sword of the sun and the moon. After one hour, the anti-Tianmeng alliance will undergo a major transformation. When you arrive, be sure to come."

Kyushu Swordsman glanced at the crowd and turned to look at the Sun and Moon Sword God. The two men nodded at the same time, and their body shape flashed and disappeared into place.

Almost at the moment when the two great swordsmen left, two amazing momentums, in this hall, rushed open, as if there were two giants of the Pacific, descending here, and the whole anti-天殿, began to shake .

"Qinnan, you really let me look at it today, the area of ​​Wuzu in the district, just beyond the rules of a martial art, actually dare to refuse to me? Then I have to look at it now, where are you coming from!"

Lin Yan Emperor screamed like a thunder, and his anger burned in his eyes. He almost did not hesitate. He strode a big step and punched Qinnan directly.

This punch has a horrible flame power, and it also forms a whirlpool of the fireway, even if it is the giant of the great two, it can not escape!

"Fist of the collapse!"

Qin Nan's face is unchanged, his body shape moves, countless black light, accumulating, and gestation has become a terrible boxing, and this fire road is ideal, colliding!


Only heard a deafening sound, a terrible hurricane, swept through the entire hall, the body shape of Lin Yan, under this amazing power, was shocked and reversed dozens of times step!


At this moment, in the eyes of Lin Yan, the stunned color was revealed!

It’s not just him, the Thunder Emperor, the **** old man, and one of the three great tribes, this is the case!

The existence of a realm of Wuzu's peaks in a district just surpassed the rules of martial arts. It actually cracked the punch of Lin Yan, and also shook it back?

Although the punch of Lin Yandai is just an ordinary punch, I just want to give Qinnan a lesson, but that is not a martial arts environment, it can stop it!

"There is still such a good ability, then I am picking me up!"

Lin Yan Dadi soon

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Reacted, the body broke out even more amazing fire Tao emperor, the momentum of the body underneath, began to climb, so that in the hall, countless arrays of law prohibition, all for it Touch!

"Would you like to die?"

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold, and a terrible force awakened in his body.

Although he can't expose himself now, this Lin Yan Emperor, if he shoots him again and again, then don't blame him.

"Lin Yan, what do you want to do?"

Ghost Wu Emperor, Winter Grotto, and so on, all reacted, and their body shape flashed together, surrounded by Qin Nan, and sent a strong drink.

"Small patriarchs, calm down first, anti-Tianxiang has regulations, can not use force."

The great giants of the Flame family also came back to God and opened their mouths to discourage.

"Hey, this is good luck for you."

Lin Yandai snorted and the will of the fire began to converge slowly.

"However, you remember to me, starting today, you are the enemy of our flame family. Don't think that you can compete with the Emperor's heavy and double, and the world is invincible."

Lin Yandai sneered and looked disdainful.

"Qin Nan, you really let me look at it, but by then, you will know the horror of our Lei family."

"Oh, what I said just now, I have already said that Qinnan Xiaoyou chose to be an enemy of our blood family. If the opportunity comes, then the people of our blood family will not be merciful."

The Thunder Emperor and the **** old man were all looking at Qin Nan with a cold eyes.

In the eyes of the three of them, this Qinnan is indeed a very horrible genius.

But what about that?

Qin Nan is not like Zhuang Shidao, Su Qingning, Sheng Tianjing, and beyond the rules of the martial arts, he has already proved himself and became the giant of the Great.

In the genius of terror, it is only a genius. In front of their three ancient people, they are all ants.

"Is it? The nonsense talks less, even if you come over, you will be accompanied."

Qin Nan looks as usual and does not move.

"You... let's go."

Lin Yan, the emperor's forehead, has a violent swell, and now he has a big sleeve. He is too lazy to talk nonsense, and he turns away. The Thunder Emperor and the **** old man don't want to talk too much.

Between the moments, among the halls, dozens of great emperors have left.

"Qin Nan, you just made an impulse."

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) Ghost Wu Emperor, Winter Cave Emperor and others saw this scene, they all smiled bitterly.

In this way, Qin Nan and the three ancient tribes can be said to be endless.

Only the illusory Emperor, Rongtian Emperor, and Mingkong Emperor did not think that Qin Nan was so hard in the face of the two ancient nationalities.

"No matter, a few seniors, first let go."

Qin Nan smiled lightly, arched his hand, and his body flashed, leaving directly.

Ghost Emperor, Winter Cave Emperor and other people frowned and thought about it for a few times. Until the end, they could only shake their heads and did not catch up with Qinnan, but left.

A storm has ended.

Time passed slowly, and an hour passed quickly.

Sun and Moon Sword God and Kyushu Sword God, once again appeared, combined with the Seven Swords of Spirit, began to transform the existing anti-Tian League.

All the people of the anti-Tianmeng, regardless of the great giants or disciples, are involved.

Of course, in the process of this transformation, the people of the three ancient tribes did not find the troubles of Qinnan, but directly ignored Qinnan.

Qin Nan did not care. He has always been a soldier to block the water and cover it. If someone else kills him, then he will not be polite and will go back all the way.

This transformation is regarded as the most vast project since the establishment of the Anti-Tianmeng Alliance. It continued until the afternoon of the next day, and it used a myriad of ore and so on.

Nowadays, the anti-Tianmeng can be said to be completely new. In addition to the original four halls, all of them have been expanded, and a total of eighteen huge palaces and eighty-three small palaces have been built to form a formation.

The Sun and Moon Sword God and the Kyushu Sword God and the Seven Swords of the Sword Spirit joined forces at the same time. Using these palaces, they laid down a horrific array of horrors, which made countless expanses of aura and pure swords, all gathered in these halls.

Also at this time, a big event happened in the country of the demigod, and the magical swordsman of the anti-Tianmeng, carrying a shocking gift, personally gave it to Nantiandi.

The whole Nantian Shendi and Nantianmen were furious, and the three martial arts giants were dispatched at the same time to chase the magical swordsman. The final result was naturally watched by the magical swordsman.

It didn't take long for the three ancient tribes to completely join the anti-Tian alliance, and spread them directly, so that the whole country of the demigods was completely shaken.

Invisible, the atmosphere of the whole country of the demigod began to tighten.

It seems that an unprecedented storm is coming.

(End of this chapter)



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