Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1307: Bai Linger

The first thousand three hundred and seventy chapters of Bai Linger

"……it is good!"

Qin Nanyi took a few deep breaths and almost used all his minds to force the anger that was constantly surging in his heart.

At this time, he must be calm, be calm, not impulsive!

Otherwise, it will only make the situation worse!


The shape of Qin Nan finally moved again. Between the banned ban, the formation, and so on, he continued to shuttle, and after two breaths, he reached the altar.

At the moment of arrival, Qin Nan did not hesitate, and the left arm directly went.

Although the meaning of death that broke out is indeed very powerful, but with his current body and the special power of the left arm, he could not have any influence on him.


Qinnan has a slight glimpse.

His left arm, now on the death crystal, is just the death crystal, and there is no meaning of death, it is extremely calm.

"What do I rely on?"

Simakong on the side is directly dumbfounded.

How to change to Qinnan, the death crystal did not respond?

"The place is going to collapse, let's go out first."

Qinnan returned to God, did not think much, the meaning of the collapse was released, and he and Simakong, the death crystal, wrapped up and flew out of the city.

"Breaking the thunder of the heavens!"

"Sword from the fire!"

"Blood wrath!"

At this moment, Tu Di, Fei Hong, Shi Ang and others have already broken the savage knives. When they saw Qin Nan, they flew directly, and they immediately shot a horror emperor. Desert Blood City attacked!

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of explosions suddenly rang out. The bans and killings in the desert blood city, which were constantly awakened, were attacked by these attacks, and naturally released, and the horrible light of the horror suddenly rose to the sky!

Originally, I had to breathe a few times. These bans and kills can only be triggered. But now, because of the attacks of Tudi, Feihong, Shion and others, they are motivated in advance!

"Ha ha ha, Duan Qing, you will stay here!"

Tu Di, Fei Hong, Shi Ang and others laughed and immediately ran out of the ancient mystery. The figure was made into a shadow and flew out of this blood lotus hole!

"Nima! It's shameless!"

Sima Kong saw this scene, the gas of the whole body was shaking!

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "Hey!"

Qinnan is as water-like as it is, and does not think that it is moving. The broken knife in the hand is repeatedly pulled out, and the core of the prohibition and the law of the road is destroyed one after another!

However, the speed at which they left was still affected, and it was slower!

After the passage of time, after five breaths, the shape of Qin Nan and Sima Kong, from the hole, rushed out at an amazing speed!


The moment they rushed out, the mouth of the hole rang out with an earth-shattering explosion, countless suffocating swells out of the hole, and the whole standing on the earth, like the peak of the sword of the blood god, also Shake it vigorously!

"It’s a little worse..."

Sima is full of anger.

It’s really a little worse. His future thief is about to fall into this hole.

"Mom, these nine little **** are running very fast, and the figures can't be seen. But it's not enough to have your Sima grandfather become like this."

Sima was gnashing his teeth, and then took out three crumpled red runes from the Nayong, and the inscriptions were printed. The rune turned into three bright lights and rushed into the void.

"Sima Kong, come and see."

Qin Nan runs left, staring at the death crystal, his brows are tightly wrinkled.

Under his courage, he could see that the black blood of the drop had turned into a blood poison and was immersed in it.

This blood poison, although overbearing, but with the meaning of collapse, or the knife of the broken knife, can be easily and easily broken.

However, in this way, the death crystal will inevitably be damaged to a certain extent.

"If you want to eliminate blood poisoning, you have to damage the crystal of death. This is indeed a bit difficult. I am afraid that you need to be emperor and blood, and add some means to me..."

Sima Kong frowned.

"Emperor's heart and blood? Good."

When Qin Nan heard this sentence, his heart immediately sank on the emperor's heart.

"I rely on Qin Nan, this is the essence of the Emperor's heart, not a little bit, and it will cause great damage to your cultivation. You should not worry, there is still time, let us think about it, see if there is There is no other way..."

Sima Kong was shocked.

"You can't take care of that much, the longer you drag, the greater the impact."

Qin Nan shook his head.

It’s just repaired to be greatly damaged.

He did not hope that Jiang Bilan was affected by his own self-enlightenment.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I am afraid it is only a little bit.

Suddenly, at this moment, among the crystals of death that have been silent, a black and white light shines and wraps the blood poison that is spreading.

Although this black and white light is very weak, it has an incredible power, which is actually consuming the blood poison.

"Hey, eat well."

A crisp and sweet voice suddenly rang.

I saw only the black and white light, after swallowing the blood poison, from the death crystal, began to slowly float out, condensed into a white short hair, black eyes, delicate facial features, age about 12 or three years old girl.


Seeing this scene, Qin Nan and Sima Kong were directly stunned.

No one expected that this change would happen suddenly.

Not only that, what Qin Nan didn't know was that he knew the bronze mirror that had been dead in the sea, and the mirror suddenly flashed a light.

The appearance of this little girl caught the attention of Bronze Mirror.

"Who are you?"

Qin Nan’s eyes instantly became extremely cold.

The meaning of the emperor in his body began to flow and he was ready to go.

"Qin Nan, why are you looking at me like this? I will not harm the owner."

Bai Linger wrinkled his nose.

"Master? Also, how do you know my name?"

Qinnan has a slight glimpse.

"Knowing your name is very simple, this stupid big fat man, you should remember, when you want to take away the crystal, the result of being attacked by death?"

Bai Linger looked at Simakong.

"Big fat? Stupid? I rely! Little sister, I tell you, Grandma Sima, but a million years of genius, and my body, how perfect, you actually said..."

Sima Kong heard this, and suddenly did not hit a place.

This special child, too, can't talk too much.

"The owner once said that there are only three people in this world who can take away the crystal. If other people want to take away the crystal, they will be attacked by death."

Bai Linger looked at Simakong with a scornful look and said directly.

“Only three people can take it away?”

Qin Nan smashed.

"Yes, the parents of the master, and Qin Nan, these three talents can take away the crystal."

"The parents of the master, not all died."

"You can take it, then you are Qinnan."

(End of this chapter)


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