Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1309: Waiting for the rabbit

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-nine chapters

"At the time, the fragments of mysterious gods on them, you and me are two or eight."

Sima Kong said with a thick cheek.

"it is good."

Qin Nan nodded directly.


Sima Kong was directly stunned.

From the very beginning, he never thought about two or eight points. The reason why he said this is that he wants Qinnan to make a counter-offer. As long as he can reach four or six points, he will be satisfied.

However, he did not expect that Qin Nan actually promised so simply.

"You...determine two or eight points? Why are we four or six points? After all, the three characters are very precious in this mysterious space, and I am also very..."

Simakong coughed and said.

Although he is shameless, he will not be a brother.

Moreover, this is his only brother in the mainland.

"Two or eight points, three or seven points, four or six points, these do not matter."

"Now... I just want to kill."

In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was an amazing murder.

He did not forget the actions of the Tudian, Feihong, Shi Ang and others.

Originally, he was going to find the fragments of the mysterious god, because his heart was angry, these people have already gone, he could not find.

Since he can find it, he only wants to kill.

Only blood can vent his hatred.

"Okay, then let's go now."

Sima Kong saw Qin Nan’s appearance. He did not say anything nonsense, and told Qin Nan directly about the specific location of the three people.

The meaning of the collapse of Qin Nan immediately swayed, with Sima Air, disappeared in place.

The passage of time, after an hour, the space of the mysterious god, within the context of an ancient forest.

I saw only the body shape of Tu Di, Fei Hong and Shi Ang, which radiated a powerful momentum and flew deep into the woods.

The treasures of the blood lotus hole day did not get the hand, and the remaining places, with their cultivation, were enough to cope.

Therefore, they let their confidants leave.

After all, their confidants also need to be cultivated and cannot always accompany them.

"Hey, blood, thunder, what do you think Duan Qing is now?"

Feihong squatted and asked.

"In my opinion, after the blood poison in the crystal, he is probably trying every means to see if he can fix this crystal."

Shi Ang thought

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I want to say.

"Oh, it is best to die in the blood lotus hole days, even if you are not dead, at least give me serious injuries."

The Tu Emperor snorted and his face was slightly gloomy.

After the end of the blood lotus hole, he was still a bit uncomfortable. After all, they did not get the treasure, but they were also suppressed by Duan Qing.

"I knew it, I just tried to get rid of the fat man."

The Emperor’s heart was in the dark.

However, at this time, the change is sudden!

The faces of Tu Di, Fei Hong and Shi Ang were changed at the same time, because at this time, their hearts, somehow, raised a very strong sense of crisis!

This sense of crisis is that they are young patriarchs, refining countless heavenly spirits, practicing countless ancient mysteries, etc., and quenching them!


I saw that on that day, there was a terrible horror, just like the shape of a crescent moon, like three ancient dragons, facing them three directly!

A huge sense of oppression fell on the three people, letting their bodies be like a giant mountain!

"not good!"

The Tudi, Feihong, and Shiang three people were both physically and mentally trembled. They quickly ran an ancient ban, and they rushed to the three knives. Their body shape also turned toward the rear and quickly regressed!


Just listen to a loud noise!

These three horrible knives directly crushed their ban, crushed and smashed on the ground, and instantly took the ground out of three huge gullies, and the storms that swayed The trees are twisted into pieces!


The Tudi, Feihong, and Shiang tribes looked at this scene. They were all cold, so powerful, and the people who attacked them just repaired at least the Sixth Emperor!

"The reaction speed of the three of you is quite fast!"

A cold voice blew up on the heads of the three emperors, Feihong and Shiang!


Tu Di, Fei Hong, and Shi Ang were shocked. They looked up and saw it immediately. Qin Nan’s robe fluttered, holding a broken knife, smashing his body, emitting horror and murderousness, toward them three, step by step. Come!

"Section... Duan Qing? You... How did you find us?"

In the eyes of Tu Di, Fei Hong, and Shi Ang, they all showed a huge shocking color!

If Qin Nan is not dead, or is not injured, they will not be so rude, the key is their current position, from the blood lotus hole, but

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Very far away!

Even if it is a powerful giant, it is impossible to track them!

"Hey, isn't this the three giants of the great emperor, Feihong, and Shiang?" We are so smart! But how are all three of you tremble?"

Sima Kong laughed and laughed at the side!

Was it not very arrogant before?

Isn’t it very embarrassing to start?

How can it be hard now?

"Duan Qing... Two, I tell you, my identity is completely beyond your imagination. If you are here, it will be detrimental to both of us, just now..."

The Tu Emperor was the patriarch of the blood family, and he quickly responded. After taking a deep breath, he began to speak quietly. No way, keep the body of the martial art and say it!


Before he had finished waiting for his words, Qin Nan’s broken knife was once again pulled out!

I saw only three knives entangled in the horror of the horror, like a big river breaks the dyke, roaring down, the three people over the sky, directly shrouded!

"Blood shield!"

"Lei Yan secret method!"

"Fu, break me!"

In an instant, Tu Di and Shi Ang, both cost a certain price, the use of taboos, the body shape into a blood, and a thunder, rushed to both sides!

Feihong is crushing a symbol, the majestic emperor, wrapped his whole body, flocking to the front!


Unexpectedly, the three smashing knives that had just been smashed suddenly exploded. The countless collapses were like thousands of knives and smashed into the square!

what! what!

Two screams, suddenly sounded!

Fei Hong and Shi An’s body shape were all hit hard, and they were penetrated into the ground by the knife and penetrated into the ground!

"Give me a boost!"

The scalp that the Emperor saw was slightly numb, without any hesitation, took all the three life-saving emperors in his hand and took them all together!


A knife, in front of him, flashed away!

These three life-saving emperors, without any resistance, all smashed!


The broken knives in the hands of Qin Nan also came out of their hands. The tip of the knife passed directly through the chest of the Emperor, and passed through the big trees at the rear, directly pinning the body shape of the Emperor to the Eight Miles. On a big mountain!

The whole battle, end directly!

There are only three painful screams, and in this woods, constantly ups and downs!

(End of this chapter)


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