Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1320: Thousands of dragons

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-two chapters

"That's not necessary, just a little effort."

Overlord put a hand in the world, faintly said.

Although he helped Duan Qing, he did not believe anything about what Duan Qing said before. Similarly, in their hearts, there was no plan for Duan Qing to return.

When Qin Nan saw this, he did not say much more. He began to live with the Overlord and others, and he was bloody.

The other great emperors, when they saw the end of the storm, all regained their gaze and began to form an alliance. After half a ring, all the emperors, except the two emperors, left the scene, all the alliances were completed.

"Now, the time for a fragrant incense has arrived. Please come with me."

The purple shadows were printed in the hands, and countless Taikoo dragons suddenly rushed in. In front of the field, they continued to fly and twist, and they condensed a Taikoo gantry with a height of more than 30 feet. The door was dark.

The purple shadow figure flashed, so there was no entry.


At this moment, Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhidao, empty old man, ice cream to the giants, etc., the body shape is turned into a bright light, rushing into the front, Qin Nan, Sima Kong, Bawang live, etc. People are also close behind.

"this is……"

When I stepped into the door, everyone was attracted by this scene.

I saw only that at their feet, it was still a dojo, but the scene was dark in all directions, like floating in the void.

In front of this field, it is different. There are thousands of bridges. Each bridge is composed of countless purple-gold scales. It is swaying in the darkness of the dragon. It is not in the darkness of the paint. It does not end, it seems like an extension. It opens to the nine-day Dragon Road.

This scale, some people in the place, are very familiar, and it is the dragon scale of the Taijin Zijin Dragon.

“There are 1,999 dragon-scale bridges, each of which leads to the Dragon Soul.”

"However, in these dragon-scale bridges, some are filled with a large number of dragon scales, some are a small number, some are hidden with numerous murders, some are very safe, some lead to the middle of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace. Some, it is the gateway to the outermost."

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) "What kind of dragon-scale bridge can be embarked on, completely look at your choices, and each person has only one chance. After stepping on the bridge, they must not look back. Otherwise, they will forcibly remove the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace. ""

The purple shadow will tell the mystery inside.

"Excuse me, the seniors, the dragon's counter-scale, what is the role?"

Among the crowd, a giant of the great emperor, who was keenly aware of what, quickly asked.

"The more the number of scales of the dragon's counter-scale, the more murderous, the more murderous, the stronger the murder can be blocked, and the stronger it is. In the depths of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace, there are other wonderful uses."

The purple shadow is slow.

“Can you avoid and resist murder?”

Some people in the whole place are flashing in the light, and their minds have finally made up their minds. When you have time, you must find a way to get some of the dragon's scales.

"This time I chose the Dragon Scale Bridge, the time is still a pillar of incense, and I hope you can make a decision early."

The purple shadow raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a column of incense was slowly burning.

"The Emperor's heart is running, the Wuhun is released, the yin and yang gossip, and all things are deduced."

In an instant, Sheng Tian was shocked, and the shining red mans, a heavenly eight-piece martial arts soul, and behind it, emerged. On the palm of his hand, there was a yin-yang compass, which contained countless black light. , is constantly flashing.

The trick he exerted was learned from the yin and yang old man, and he could predict the blessings of life, and the opportunity to deduct the opportunity.

"The Seven Miles!"

"Eight light mysterious turtles!"

“There is no picture of the cloud!”

Immediately afterwards, Zhuangzidao, the empty old man, the frosty ice, the vast pines, and other giants have all shot, and the other great emperors are also the same, a threshold, a divination, a strange treasure Qiqi Shi unfolded.

Although all the great emperors of the mainland are pseudo-emperors, they can reach this realm. Their own heritage and means are of course different and not ordinary.

"You will continue to follow me after you are two."

Overlord in the world, he said to Qin Nan and Simakong, and then sat down on the knees, and the other two emperors, at the same time took out an ancient French seal, countless black light, distributed, a strange prying

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) surgery, start running.

"Qin Nan, which one do we choose? If you want to be two, and the overlord is alive, and spread together, when we get the dragon's scale, there will be more..."

Sima Xiaoxiao laughed.

"With your cultivation, even if you tell you how to avoid murder and ban, it is also a death."

Qin Nan was unceremonious and poured a cold water, and God read it to the map.

After dozens of breaths, his eyes flashed a fine man.

"Three Taoist friends, this 18th article, the dragon's reverse scale, the largest number, the least murderous, also directly leads to the middle of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace, is the first choice, let's go together?"

Qin Nan's figure did not move, but looked at the three kings of the overlord.


Overlord in the world.

He did not expect that Duan Qing actually started to guide the way.

"You two, go and go by yourself, don't pull us."

Beside the king of the world, the two great emperors opened their eyes and their mouths floated and sneered.

It’s only now that there’s a lot of time in the district. Even if it’s a means of countering the sky, it’s impossible to see all the dragon-scale bridges and choose the best one.

"If you want to go, you can go by yourself, but advise one thing, some things, don't blindly believe, otherwise it is very likely to lose your life."

Overlord came back to the world and said, there is persuasion in the words.

In his view, Qin Nan is very likely to have got something to choose the Dragon Scale Bridge.

As a warring lord, he naturally knows how unreasonable these ‘things’ are.

"That's alright, but if you are willing to believe me, Article 27, Article 63, Article 89, 354, 936, 1,366. Articles are worth going."

"First leave."

Qin Nan saw the attitude of the three people, and his heart was like a mirror. After finishing this sentence, he arched his hand to the three people, and together with Simakong, flew forward.

In any case, the three are entitled to him, and he naturally wants to return. As for the three, how to choose, they will see themselves.

(End of this chapter)


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