Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1324: Domineering

The first three hundred and twenty-four chapters are domineering

At this moment, whether it is the genius of Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhi Dao, or the empty giants, the ice cream to the top giants, or blood killings, etc., the heart seems to sound a terrible bombing!

Because they did not think of it anyway, this person who directly arrived at the five-pronged Jinlong domain, turned out to be the breath of only the district emperor, and uttered madness, I do not know the high and thick Duanqing two!


what is the problem?


Qin Nan and Sima Kong have just come out, watching the distant Sheng Sheng and other people, blood killing and other people, as well as the scene of the Jinlong Plain, the eyebrows suddenly picked.

The two knew nothing about the Jinlong Plain, but according to the sights in front of them, the look of the people, etc., the heart immediately understood a lot of things, with a rough outline.

"Haha, Duan Qing, Duan Qing, have to say, you let all of us, I was shocked, and I was taken aback."

"However, when you used only sixty-feet time, you went to a dragon-scale bridge. At the time of sixty interest, even if it was in the way of heaven, you could not know that this dragon-scale bridge led to the five-claw. Jinlong Shangyu?"

"So, this is just a coincidence."

At this time, the blood, the flames, the Lei Yuan three, reacted over, laughed aloud, and in the eyes, still revealed the disdain.

Although at the beginning, all of this had a huge impact on their hearts, but when they thought about it, they were completely relieved.

"It makes sense."

"I will say how it is possible."

"Oh, this Duan Qing, although it is very low, likes to speak out, I don't know how to be honest, but I have to admit that his luck is really good."

The other great emperors, all of them reacted, and the shock on their faces disappeared and disappeared as usual.

I want to choose a dragon-scale bridge that leads to the five-jawed golden dragon in the sixty-fee period. Unless it is Duan Qing, I have a map of all the dragon-scale bridges in my hand.

Is this map possible?

Totally impossible.

Well, all this is just a coincidence.

"No interest."

Sheng Tian shrugged his shoulders and regained his gaze, and his heart was slightly disappointed.

He originally thought that this time, what would happen to the top people

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), the result is a long time, just a lucky guy.

“Just a coincidence?”

Only the three kings of the overlord, after hearing this, watching the look of the people, after a slight sigh, the look suddenly became weird.

They are very clear, is it all coincidence?

"Is it?"

Qin Nan faintly saw the blood killing three people, lazy to say anything, turned around, his eyes fell on the road of the purple gold dragon.

According to the map, there is a strange and secretive secret door on the avenue. Through the secret door, you can directly reach the deepest part of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace.

"let's go."

Qin Nan gave a low drink, and he didn't want to waste any more time. His body exploded and his body was surrounded by pieces of dragons.

The same is true of Simakong’s situation.

"Three thousand dragons against the scales?"

Some people in the whole place looked at the scales of the dragons around them, and their hearts were shocked.

This is a full scale of more than 3,000 dragons.

If they have so many dragon scales, how many murders and bans can they avoid and resist?

"This is a period of luck, luck is simply too bad."

Even if the identity is extremely incomparable, there is no end to it. At this time, I can’t help but say that my eyes are exposed to the envy.

The same is true of other great emperors.

"Cut, what is this enviable?"

"Duan Qing both directly arrived in the five-jawed golden dragons, and each person has more than 3,000 pieces of dragon scales, but with the repair of the two of them, in this domain, if dare OK, that is, you must die."

"I'm sure that you can kill them at most with only three kills and bans."

Blood killing, swearing, and Lei Yuan three are very envious, even though they are naturally envious, but they naturally do not show it, but sneer.


The great emperors in the field also want to understand this and agree with the dagger.

You know, the light is the three-clawed green dragon, and the murder and prohibition of the four-claw red dragon in the middle of the field, it is already so terrible, then how horrible this five-pronged golden dragon on the field?

At least it is necessary to have the same strength as the Emperor, and it is possible to spend it.

Luck is always just luck. When it's really critical, you still need to look at your own cultivation.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Need three killings and bans, you can kill us? Then the three of you, but your eyes wide open, show me clearly. ”

Qin Nan, who did not want to pay attention to the three of them, after hearing these words, swept three people, the body shape did not hesitate, and rushed straight ahead.

"They actually dared to rush over?"

Everyone is surprised!


When the shape of Qin Nan and Sima Kong rushed out of less than three steps, a horrible murder and ban were triggered, and a golden light was ushered in, and a golden figure with a long gun was condensed. Respecting the shadows, they all exude a terrible killing intention!

"This is... Wanjia cutting gods?"

The face of Sheng Tianjing, Zhuangzidao, and the empty old man, suddenly changed slightly. In the rumor, this array of methods, running to the extreme, even the martial arts can crusade!

Although this line of law is not working to the extreme, but from this breath, it is still terrible!

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, it was three golden days, and the golden figure of a hand-held rifle continued to evolve. In the blink of an eye, almost the entire sky was filled!

"Three in a row?"

The faces of Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhi Dao, and the empty old man are all suddenly moving!

They did not think that under the tens of thousands of slashing gods, they actually hidden a full three martial arts!

The prohibition and murder of the five-clawed golden dragon on the field is actually terrible to this point?

"Ha ha ha, Duan Qing, you are really looking for a dead end -"

Blood kill, 滔 、, Lei Yuan three look is not shocked!

As a result, they don't have to spend any effort!

However, just in the midst of this millennium!

I saw only that Qin Nan’s figure suddenly moved. In the long sky, the golden figure was directly shuttled!

Somehow, when he fell in every step, a shocking scene happened!

Those golden figures who killed the sky are all slightly stunned, and it seems that they have suffered an invisible blow and cannot move!

Brush it!

Between the electric and the Flint, the shape of Qinnan, flashing again and again, lightning fast, after counting the interest, only listen to the sound of a bang, Qin Nan will be a golden figure, stepped into a crush, the figure is like a head Expand the wings of the Golden Wing Dapeng, skyrocketing!

Three consecutive battles in the array, directly crossed!

(End of this chapter)



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