Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1328: Dragon God Palace

The first thousand three hundred and twenty eight chapters of the Dragon God Palace

"The death crystal reacted? From this perspective, it should be above the valley."

In the heart of Qin Nan, he looked up and looked up.

But for a long time, he saw a very hidden cave from the mountain wall.

This cave, only one foot high, surrounded by grass and grass, is also inlaid with a palm-sized, as if eroded by the years, a mysterious rune.

"Hey? These runes are a bit like the sacred lines of the eight ridiculous gods. Qin Nan, this cave, a bit strange, we have to be careful..."

When Sima looked up, he was shocked.

He has seen from the ancient books left by the old guys that the ancient squad of the eight ridiculous squadrons, once mobilized, will inevitably kill the existence of the martial arts, more than the murderous and banned horrors of the Jinlong Plain. .

"Well, let's go and see."

There was no hesitation in Qinnan, and the meaning of the collapse swept through, wrapping Simakong and rushing to the cave.

"this is……"

Just walked into the cave, Qin Nan and Sima Kong, looking at the scene in front of them, are all shocked.

I saw that this cave is actually a vast space.

The vastness of this space, the incomparable mess, thousands of feet long, even the huge scratches of tens of thousands of feet, and the huge pits that are bottomless, are countless, the soil is dyed The color of purple blood and blue blood.

In addition, there are many bones left on the land. These bones are all purple gold color, which is incomparably thick, like a giant tree. Even after years of erosion, the terrible dragon and war are still not dissipate.

"...11...18...Twenty-three...Besides the other, here, at least thirty-one dragon emperors of the Taikoo Zijin Dragon, and even a half-step dragon god."

Sima Kong swallowed a hard mouth.

He mastered a magical technique, and he can use the corpse to promote the cultivation of his life. If he practices deeper, he can even deduce how he fell down in the past.


A shock in the heart of Qinnan.

With his current knowledge, these horrible big battles, although he can make him marvel, but can not let his heart shake.

But now this scene,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It is a bit strange, why are the fallen, the ancient Zijin war dragons?

"The time of this war is a bit too long. It should be traced back to seven or eight thousand years ago. I don't know what happened in the past."

Sima Kong returned to his heart and his eyes flickered.

The Taikoo Zijin war dragon family can be different from other Yao people. Their bones are all invaluable. Now the keel here has lost most of its spirituality, but it is still of extraordinary value.

Do you want to find a way to take it all away?

"Seven thousand eight thousand years ago?"

Qinnan has a slight glimpse.

Eight thousand years ago, this time seems to have a lot to do with the bronze mirror.

"But let's take a look."

Qin Nan shook his head, no longer thinking about it, flying forward.

This flight is half an hour.

In half an hour, they did not see any spirits and grasses, nor did they see any existence with life, only the gullies and pits of the earth, and the terrible will that had not yet dissipated.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s footsteps were all stopped.

I saw that there were a huge lake in the 30th miles of the lake. The lake showed the color of purple gold. There was an ancient palace with a height of 100 feet and a total of five floors.

At the gate of the palace, there is a piece of copper cymbal with four twisted ancient characters - the Dragon God Palace.

"I am going to the Dragon God's Palace? Is it difficult to be there, still living in the Dragon God?"

Sima snorted and laughed.

As everyone knows, the space of mysterious gods, only the giants of the great emperor can enter, the giant of the **** of war, it is impossible to come in.

Even in the various forbidden areas, there will be no Valkyrie.

"The meaning of a strong death, Qin Nan, big fat man, are you coming to the Taiyuan battlefield?"

Just then, a surprised voice sounded, and Bai Linger’s figure slowly drifted out of the Nayong.

In general, she does not appear, but she is slowly awakened when she perceives the death of her surroundings.

"Hey, what do you say, can you change your name? Don't think that you have the power to die, you can do whatever you want..."

Sima Air

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The face is not full.

"Well? Dragon God Palace? Qinnan, in this palace, seems to have a very terrible death."

Bai Linger ignored him, as if he had noticed something, his breathing became rushed, a pair of watery eyes, staring straight ahead.

"It seems that the place where the bronze mirror is said is in it."

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed and he was ready to fly.

However, at this time, the dead dragon palace, which was incomparably dead, began to tremble slightly, and the glimpse of the ancient glory, constantly shining!


In an instant, a terrible dragon, from the palace, broke out, making the entire sky a hundred miles dark, and the large purple lake, also drastically boiling!

"not good!"

The face of Qin Nan suddenly changed, and the hair of the whole body was directly inverted!

Rao is based on his current cultivation. Under this pressure, the mind can't help but shudder!

"Good... well... so terrible pressure... really... really a dragon god?"

Sima was full of white faces and his body was shaking!

Such a terrible pressure is not a divial, but a god!

"I am waiting for the ants to squat in the land of the gods. What is the intention? If the speed is true, then the gods will inevitably make you die!"

A majestic voice came from the palace, and the words were like thunder!


Qin Nan quickly reacted, converge, and open his mouth!

However, his words have not been finished yet. He knows the bronze mirror in the sea and suddenly blooms an ancient brilliance!

"The bug, after 8,000 years, you stink, or haven't changed it, have become this look, and don't forget the foxes and tigers?"

A cold voice followed, and it resounded!

"Cough, female Emperor, can you not call a bug? I haven't been here for hundreds of years. I haven't seen anyone. If I see them coming, I can't help but tease..."

Just now, the momentum of the imposing, majestic voice, at this moment, changed instantly, like a child who did something wrong, very guilty.

The horrific powers that erupted from the palaces also dissipated, and the whole world was restored.

(End of this chapter)



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