Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1334: Dark current

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-four chapters are undercurrent

Among the major forces, these unremarkable monks, when they received orders, went to the Tianhe Mountains to explore the news!

First, the Nantian Shendi, followed by the Bu Daozong, the Yaochi Holy Land, the Killing of the Forbidden Land, and the Lost Medicine Garden. One of the great figures was directly shocked by this sudden news!

There is hardly any hesitation. Among all the major forces, the emergency parliament is quickly convened!

If the general forbidden land is opened, they will naturally not care too much, but the source of the current Tianshan Mountains is one of the seven forbidden places, and it has disappeared for nearly three thousand years!

What is happening now when it suddenly appears in the world?

What kind of plan does the horror in the Tianshan Mountains originate?

Time continues to pass, one day later, from the Tianhe Mountains, a piece of news, at an amazing speed, is conveyed to the major forces!

"The source of the Tianshan Mountains is constantly emerging. At this rate, it will take half a month and it will be completely available!"

"On the top of Tianshan Mountain, there are colorful dragons and phoenixes. According to the comparison of ancient books, I am afraid to choose a descendant!"

"Now the depths of the Tianhe Mountains are blocked by a horrible force. Even the giants of the Great, they cannot be forced to wait."


With the arrival of these intelligences, the great people among the major forces are thoughtful, discussing, and finally come to a conclusion!

The origin of the Tianshan Mountain, this must be in order to pick and pass!

After all, in this era, there has not been a quiet smashing of the land, the nine-character ancient sea, the Erlang forest, have begun to pick and pass people, the source of Tianshan is so, it is no exception!

"Haha, the source of Tianshan, I did not expect to open again!"

"If this time, I can enter that place, then this time, it is very possible to break through the realm that I have been unable to break through in the past 100 years!"

"The order is passed down, and the beginning and end of the matter will be told to the disciples, so that they must become the descendants of the Tianshan Mountains!"

"Let the people of the Temple of God be prepared for me, even if they can't be the descendants of the Tianshan Mountains, they can't let other forces succeed!"

"Through my hand, let them three, immediately leave the space of mysterious!"


Determined the source of the Tianshan purpose

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), after the forces of Nantian Shendi, Wudaozong, Yaochi Holy Land, the demon ban, the lost medicine garden, etc., all the big men have told the disciples of all the disciples!

For a time, countless geniuses, countless monks, are moving!

Because, this source of the Tianshan open, for them, is a step to the sky!

In addition, there are also one big emperor giants in the major forces, all staring at the source of Tianshan!

Of course, they don't want to be the descendants of the Tianshan Mountains. They are different from the other six forbidden places. They have a very wonderful place. If they can reach that place, they can break through the realm of the present!

Breaking through the realm of the moment, what is this concept?

These giants of the great emperors, many of them are decades, have not made any progress, and even say that they have remained in place for hundreds of years!

After the emperor, every liter will become more and more difficult!

Of course, this shocking news, after spreading all the forces, did not take long, it was passed to various parts of the country of the demigod, all kinds of strength!

This also makes it possible for the giants and geniuses of the major forces to stare at the source of the Tianshan Mountains, and more people are eyeing the source Tianshan!

At the same time, the country of the demigod, the nameless land!

"Haha, I didn't expect it. After nearly three thousand years, the old guy from the source road couldn't sit still. Want to start the layout and recruit people?"

A white-haired old man, looking at the lake in front of him, laughed!

This white-haired old man is a spirit of the Emperor!

"Since the source can't sit still, then this time, let the two pieces be used, and be sure to source the source and earn us our majesty!"

An indifferent voice rang, and it was the spirit of the gods!

"In addition, the place in the Tianshan Mountains of the source road is not affected by the rules of the East. It is very likely that Nantianmen and the guy will use that place to break through the blockade of the two of us. We have to lay the game in advance!"

The voice of the Spirit of God is suddenly becoming dignified!

"Well, this is the killing of the game, let me arrange it. No matter what Nantianmen wants to do, it will be counted... it will make it impossible to succeed!"

In the eyes of the Emperor's List, the eyes of the gods have flashed!

In any case, they will never allow self-evidents to appear in this world.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page)! If it does, it will be a very serious blow to it and the gods!

At the same time, the country of the demigod, the southern gods!

An ancient domineering gateway, suppressed on this land, as if to give all the life on the entire continent of the continent, all lively suppression!

“South Tianmen, how is the plan prepared?”

An old and majestic voice rang in Nantianmen.

"The plan is ready. If this time, the magic swords and other people, as well as the emperor and the gods, and so on, dare to intervene in the Tianshan thing, they will inevitably make them all hit!"

The spirit of Nantianmen is cold and cold.

Since the news of the opening of the Tianshan Mountains, it has used the horror of the gods and began to lay down the overall situation.

"The magic hair is also good, the emperor's list and the gods list. They are secondary to the present. Don't let the one who picks the self-certified emperor succeed in breaking the blockade!"

This old and majestic voice, warned.

"I am very clear about this."

The spiritual road of Nantianmen.



When the whole country of the demigod has stirred up countless undercurrents, the space of the mysterious god, the depths of the ancient palace of the dragon soul, Qin Nan sitting in the blood pool, knowing nothing, one breath, one rhythm.

I don't know how long it took in the past, Qin Nan's body suddenly sounded a burst of explosions, smashing the power of terror.

Through this period of retreat, his body has undergone a transformation, with the power of the purple gold dragon, can be hard to regret the four.

In addition, the spirit of his emperor's heart, as well as the glimpse of the original Dili, have gained a lot of benefits.

"The blood of this purple gold dragon is really extraordinary for me."

Qinnan gods glanced at it, and the heart was slightly happy, and then no longer thought about it, continued to immerse in the mind and began to cultivate.

Time has passed, and it has passed twelve days.


The twelve-day calm was suddenly broken, and a humming sound came as if it had come from a distant time and space, and it was in the mind of Qin Nan.

This kind of voice is transmitted through the flesh of Qinnan.

"Half of the time... is it finally over?"

Qin Nan’s eyes are suddenly open, and a horrible momentum is on his body.

This day, he waited for a long time!

(End of this chapter)


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