Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1346: ready

The first three hundred and forty-six chapters are ready to go

It is also at this time, the country of the demigod, the land of the extreme south.

"A good sun and moon sword god, even sacrificed all of his cultivation, sealed my will. This time, the emperor and the gods list, but it is a big bargain."

The majestic voice of the Spirit of the South, slowly rang between the heavens and the earth.

It used 20% of the will, not only to prepare to kill the Sun and Moon Sword God, but also to find out who the self-certified emperor, and to destroy all the pieces of the Emperor and the gods.

"Master, what should we do now?"

In front of the facade of Nantian, a handsome young man with a **** forehead asked.

This handsome young man is now the master of the Southern Heavenly God, and the lord of the martial arts, the Holy Land of the Yaochi Holy Land, and the Lord of the Forbidden Land, and is called the 'Four Great Armies.'

"My two wills will be sealed, and the emperor and the gods will relax their vigilance. The original plan does not need to relax the vigilance. However, you must remember to send more people and stare at the magic sword, the sun and the moon **** lost. If he is repaired, he will not be willing to give up."

The spirit of Nantianmen said.

"The martial arts sect and the Yaochi holy land..."

The young brow wrinkled slightly.

"You tell them that although the seal of the Sun and Moon Sword God is very powerful, it only takes half a year to break open."

"This is irrelevant, Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhidao, Su Qing Ning three things, you have to stare. After all, after entering the source of Tianshan, the success or failure of this confrontation is still in their genius Wudi."

In the tone of the spirit of Nantianmen, there is more smearing.

In addition to killing the self-certified emperor, it plans to let Sheng Tian stun three people, and directly understand the true cultivation of the true source of the Tianshan Lord.

As long as you comprehend, you can completely seal the source of the Tianshan Mountains, and never suffer.


Junmei youth nodded, and his body shape turned into a blue light, falling into the sky.



The kingdom of the demigod is in the void.


Dressed in a white dress, staring at the magical swordsman of a pool of water, his face suddenly changed dramatically, and Zhang mouth spit out three drops of golden blood. The extraordinary momentum, like a terrible blow, became wilting.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wu Yuange youth standing on one side, his face suddenly

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page).

The good end, how did the magic sword **** suffered such a big hit?

"No problem, this is a dark injury that was once left with Nantianmen and has not been completely restored."

The magical sword **** shook his head and his face quickly became indifferent.

"Okay." The Wuyuange youth shrugged and suddenly thought of something. He couldn't help but ask: "The relationship between the Sun and the Moon and your relationship should be very good. You look at him and lose his repair. Why are you not angry?"

"What anger is this? Everything is to break Nantianmen."

The magic hair sword **** is indifferent.

"Then we are going, waiting here?"

The Wuyuange youth shook his head and opened the subject.

"Of course not. There are some things. We have to start preparing in advance. If Qinnan can kill the dilemma this time and prove the emperor in one fell swoop, then then..."

On the body of the magical swordsman, a horrible sword light suddenly emerged, and the whole piece of the void was directly shattered, and the avenues around it trembled.


The momentum of the magic sword **** quickly converges, and it is calm, and the footsteps disappear and disappear in place.



The country of the demigod, the source of the foot of the Tianshan Mountains.

Those giants who have not yet entered the bronze arch, the genius Wudi, and many scattered repairers, looked at the heavens and the moons on the Scorpio, which radiated countless sun and moonlights, and their faces were slightly dazed.

None of them thought that this terrible war ended so soon.

I also did not think that the sword of the sun and the moon alone, even the display of such a horrible technique, even the South Gate can be trapped.


"We are saved!"

"I didn't die, I didn't die!"

The blood, Lin Yan, Thunder and other monks are all coming back to God, and their face has a huge surprise color. In the first few moments, they are all desperate.

"Sun and Moon Sword God Seniors..."

Qin Nan looks like a hairpin.

In the scene just now, did he read it wrong?

In order to save them, Sun and Moon Sword God sacrificed their own cultivation?


A faint voice rang from above the sky.

I saw that the sword of the sun and the moon was calm, and from that date, I walked out step by step.

"The next time, I need

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) into the world of this day and month, will not be able to guard you. The other great emperors of the three major forces also have the genius Wudi, I am afraid that they will come soon, so you can quickly enter the source of Tianshan. ”

The sword of the sun and the moon is as usual, as if nothing has happened.


Hearing, Lin Yan, Thunder, etc., heard this, there is no hesitation at the moment, the body swayed the rolling emperor, and stepped toward the bronze arch.

This place, they don't want to stay too much for a moment.


Qin Nan's footsteps did not move, could not help but open.

"Qin Nan, my cultivation is indeed gone."

Before the end of Qin Nan, the eyes of the sword of the sun and the moon looked at him and passed on the mind.


Rao is Qin Nan’s current mind. When he heard this sentence, he still couldn’t help but tremble.

Others don't know, but he is very clear in his heart. The source of Tianshan can be opened in advance. They used the Tianshan Mountain before the Tianmeng, and all of this was to help him prove himself.

If it is not to help him, the sun and the moon will be insinuated, and finally have to sacrifice themselves to repair it?

This is not a general repair, but a martial art repair!

Looking at all the monks in the entire continent, how many people can become giants of the Valkyrie?

I want to stand out from this countless genius monk and become a generation of Valkyrie. How many hardships does this have to go through?

But now, because of him, this body is repaired, no longer exists!

From the martial arts that stood at the top of the Cangwu Peak, it became a mortal in an instant. What a great pain?

"Qin Nan, you don't think too much. I sacrificed my own cultivation, just to break Nantianmen. If you can't prove yourself to another person, I will do the same. Not to mention, If you haven't done it, you can retrain it."

The eyes of the sword of the sun and the moon, as if wearing the idea of ​​Qin Nan’s heart, said.


Qinnan still wants to say something.

"Nothing, if you really appreciate me, then you will succeed in the emperor this time. If you can succeed, even if I die... I can laugh at Jiuquan."

Sun and Moon Sword God slowly said, after he finished, he looked at Qin Nan and saw a half ring, he turned and walked toward the boundary of the sun and the moon, a robes, dancing with the wind.

Perhaps because of the light of the sun and the moon, the figure of the sword of the sun and the moon, at this moment, has become extremely warm.

(End of this chapter)

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