Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1363: Inheritance statue

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-three chapters inherit the statue

Eight or eighty days of dragon claws?

Sima air swallowed a mouthful of water.

Even Qin Nan, the emperor's heart in the body, is quietly accelerating.

No wonder so many geniuses, the emperor, so many giants will kill together.

These eighty days are absolutely claws, but a very huge number.

Oh, this statue is not simple. It is a heritage statue of the ancient times. As long as it is broken, there will be a good inheritance inside.

The little insect licked it.

This ancient thing, it has not been seen for a long time.

And inheritance?

When Simakong heard this sentence, the saliva almost flowed out.

Inheriting the statue?

Qin Nan’s heart moved slightly.

In this way, then this heritage statue is probably one of the thirty-six cellars.

However, how do you get these things?

Simakong thought of something quickly, and asked.

We must know that Qinnan’s last ‘唬’ went to the two great emperors and won the time, but this time, with so many geniuses, the Emperor Wudi’s giants fought together and wanted to hold them all, I’m probably not very likely.

Passing on the statue, rest assured, I have a way, send me over.

Qin Nan whispered, and suddenly thought of something, the eyes flashed a ray of light.

Although the method is not comprehensive and the risk is great, but the treasure is in the forefront, in any case, have to try.

You have to be careful.

The worms squat on the side of the banned dragon.

If Qin Nan’s fall is here, it will be bad luck.


However, for a long time, the black flame came again, Qinnan once again disappeared in place.

At the same time, in a strange space, a huge incomparable dojo.


A series of detonating explosions sounded one after another.

The three great emperors of the Great Emperor, smothered in the air, stunned the sky, the remaining 10,000-soul soul, Wen Wenlin, Thunder, and so on, and the genius of the Emperor Wudi, the giants, were divided into three batches, constantly confronting each other, all kinds of means, successive Show.

Wu Hongling, Secretary Zhao Zhaoxue, you three, not our opponents at all, it is better to join me and defeat the **** people!

Wan Wan Soul and Jiang Kong curse shape change one after another, shouting loudly.

to join you guys? Although the three of us are not as high as you are, but the three of us are joining forces, the two of you are not opponents at all, it is better to join us!

The **** Lin Yan Thunder three people smiled coldly.

I am really sorry, we have a few characters in the ancient sea, do not join hands with any ancient people!

Wu Hung’s eyes flashed in the eyes and did not waver.

From the situation point of view, the three of them were the lowest and were in a weak position, but they had already prepared for the shocking means, and the 80-day-old dragon claws could all be in the bag.


At this moment, the Wanshou Soul Jiang Curse and so on, as well as the three great emperors in the sky, all of them sensed something, their faces changed slightly, and they turned their heads.

Wan Chou, blood, and everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time.

A voice, screaming.

In that midair, a group of dark flames, burning up, a figure, emerged.

Qin Qinnan?

Wan Wan Soul Jiang Kongman and others, as well as other great emperors, are shocked.

How is this going?

How could Qinnan suddenly appear here?

Last time, you joined forces to chase me, and this time, I will take away your dragon claws.

Qin Nan said faintly, when he took a wave of fishing, he took all the 80 days of the dragon claws into the bag.

Hahaha, Qinnan, you are really a paradise, there is no way to go, **** has no door but it is coming! Just relying on one person in your district, dare to take away all the dragon claws?

Ladies and gentlemen, killing this together!

Wan Huo’s face was not flustered, but he laughed and was very happy.

In his view, Qin Nan appeared this time, that is to die.

Last time you were lucky enough to escape, this time you don't think about it!

The **** Lin Yan Thunder three people are also a happy face, then become extremely cold.


In an instant, many genius Wudi, many great emperors, all burst into the momentum of the sky, shaking the entire Daodao dojo.

The voids around them were all blocked.

Ridiculous, no sigh of relief, I dare to be alone, take away all the dragon claws?

Qin Nan shook his head, a pair of eyes, and became extremely sharp. In his body, a vast momentum suddenly burst out, like a peerless sword, rising to the sky.


Some people in the whole place, the body shape is a tremor, and the eyes reveal an incredible color.

what happened?

In the Qinnan area of ​​the Wuzu Peak in the district, how did it break out of the sixfold of the Emperor, or even the general seven?

He is making a swindle!

After the breath, a drink, a blast, and it is a river curse.

In his view, Qin Nan is definitely only a martial arts ancestor. Now it has released such an imposing manner, presumably because it is delaying time or has other purposes.

Even if you have a force in the body that is comparable to the Emperor's seven, what about it?

Uncle, start!

The Wanshou soul also reacted and shouted loudly.

Among the three giants in the air, the nine giants suddenly returned to the gods, and the French and Indians smashed out. The three horrific bans began to brew, which caused the entire dojo to crack a crack. .

I didn't expect it to be seen by you so soon, but it started!

In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was a faint decision, and the figure suddenly moved, and the knife fell on the statue.


Just listening to a loud noise, the statue was smashed hard, and at the moment when it was completely broken, a dazzling brilliance bloomed in the whole dojo, even if the pressure of the giants of the great emperors could not be suppressed. .

Who wakes me up!

A thunderous voice rang.

A figure of a red Thunder is entwined in the whole body, and slowly emerges from the glory, and the breath is terrifying.

The Wanshou Soul Jiang Kongman and others waited again.

No one expected that in this statue, there is still such a mystery.

Since I am awakened, then according to the rules, everyone will now accept the assessment, and the passers-by will get my inheritance.

The red Thunder sounded again, and the big hand waved. In an instant, the entire dojo was covered with countless thunders.

Everyone is locked here.

Seniors, I am sorry, I will not participate in this assessment.

Standing in the south of Qinnan, I saw this scene and smiled a little.

Time is almost there.

Be bold, give me a sigh!

The red Thunder giant thunder, as if hit by the counter-scale, in the eyes, spurting infinite anger, a shape of a cross, it came to the face of Qin Nan, a palm of his hand.

This palm is enough to crush a big eight giant.

Qinnan, you are dead!

The sacred blood and other people saw this scene, and his face was a joy.

Although they haven't figured out what the situation is up to now, they only know that Qinnan can't escape this time anyway.

Goodbye, everyone.

Qin Nan's face is unchanged. When the millennium comes, the black flame emerges, and his figure disappears into place.

Time, just right.

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