Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1365: Mysterious ancient painting

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-five chapters mysterious ancient paintings


An invisible force, shot at a very horrible speed from the glimpse of the dragon's mirror, actually passed through the collapse of the shackles and shot into the left-handedness of Qinnan.


Qin Nan suddenly took a breath of cold air and took a step back.

At that moment, it seemed as if there was a golden pin of the god, piercing his left.

Rao is his left-handed, so extraordinary, actually sent a sharp and intense pain.

Emperor heart -

Qin Nan was tense and did not hesitate to prepare for the exhibition.

However, at this moment, the cold feeling in his heart suddenly disappeared, and the slightly raised golden head in the picture returned to normal.

The attack is gone?

Qinnan looked at it.

What happened to Qinnan?

Sima is full of fog.

Good end, how did Qin Nan breathe a sigh of relief?

Qinnan, what happened just now?

The color of the face of the bugs slowly converges and becomes serious.

It faintly guessed that Qin Nan should have been subjected to some kind of intangible attack.

If this is the case, then it will be troublesome.

After all, this kind of attack that can make it undetectable is extremely rare.

This battlefield is a bit strange, I just suffered an invisible attack.

Qin Nan said, while he explored the gods and swept to the flesh. From this point of view, his face suddenly showed the wrong color.

What happened, his body is still left, and there is no damage at all?

Isn't that attack to hurt him?

Sure enough? Qinnan, this place, we will not go.

The worms and dragons flashed a ray of light and slowly opened the way.

As a generation of dragon gods, it is very clear that there are many taboos on this road, which must not be provoked. Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to great disasters.

No, you have to go in.

Qin Nan heard this and immediately shook his head, and his look was extremely determined.

An attack that does not hurt him can also make the left-handed warrior, and there is a pain like acupuncture.

Then this place is very likely to be related to God of War.

Although this can't be the rest of the God of War, but look anyway.

Let's go, don't blame me for not reminding you.

The worm looked at the look of Qin Nan, and after silenced the number of interest, he shook the dragon's tail, took out the French seal, and played the shackle of the ten ban.

Anyway, this kid is the murder of the adult. If something really happened, the adult should not stand idly by.


However, for a long time, under the watchful eyes of the bugs and Simakong, Qin Nan’s figure disappeared into the original place and emerged on the dark battlefield.


Qinnan just appeared, the big hand directly stretched out, and the 150-day-old dragon claws were all included in the ring.

Time is limited, no matter whether you can understand the mystery here, the dragon claws must be taken away.

Does this golden head have no fluctuations? That being the case

Qin Nan left a glance, and then there was no hesitation, and the knife broke out.

If this skull is indeed extraordinary, then under this knife, the original shape will inevitably appear.


Just listening to a soft sound, the entire golden head, like a dead wood, under the knife, without any resistance, directly divided into two halves.


Qin Nan’s face showed a mistake.

How is this going?

Let's take a look at this battlefield.

Qin Nan didn't think much, looked up and looked at the entire dark battlefield.

I saw that the entire battlefield was extremely vast and boundless, as if in the ancient times, a war between heaven and earth broke out in this land.

Not only that, when seeing this scene, Qin Nan’s heart, the inexplicable breeding of a small, and a kind of solitude, a sense of loneliness isolated.

That bone, and the three broken treasures, there are

Qin Nan adjusted his mind and moved to the left, sweeping around.

The final result made him slightly disappointed.

Everything has no fluctuations.

It is as if the attack appeared out of thin air.


Suddenly, Qin Nan saw a piece of hide from a broken corpse.

Qin Nan tiptoe, and immediately pulled out the hide.

The animal skin is not big, it is similar to rice paper, and the area is covered with a thick layer of dust.

There is also no slight fluctuation.

Qinnan's brows were slightly wrinkled, and they shook a finger, and they all bounced off the dust.


In the moment when the dust fell, this ancient animal skin suddenly burst into an ancient light, a kind of pressure like a flood, and rolled up in all directions.

Above the animal skin, a pair of ancient paintings are displayed.

In this painting, there are countless figures, and there are countless radiances. It seems that they are all performing amazing techniques and are killing each other.

However, among these many figures, there is a young man who is particularly eye-catching.

It is as if everyone is dead, and this young man is alive.

The palm of Qin Nan shivered slightly.

He didn't know why, when he saw this young man, there was a nameless incitement in his heart.

Have you remembered it?

A gentle, as if crossing the sound of infinite space and time, from the youth mouth, from the picture, ringing in the ear of Qin Nan, ringing in the soul.

What to remember?

Qin Nan asked subconsciously.

However, he just asked this sentence, the black flame burned again from his body, and his body shape disappeared into place.

The ancient painting of the animal skin did not leave with him, but slowly drifted from his hands.

Don't forget not to forget

The gentle voice, intermittently sounded, until the end, to silence.

The entire painting of the animal skin, but also inexplicable disappeared.

At the same time, the source of the Tianshan Mountains is the deepest.

A blue figure stood in front of a water mirror and motionless.

In the water mirror, countless pictures are constantly shaking. If someone is here, they can find these pictures, which are among the treasures of all dangers.

Where are the few guys sent out by the Emperor's List?

No, I have to find you today.

The blue figure muttered to himself, and with a big hand, he played an ancient brilliance.

However, from the beginning to the end, he did not notice that Qin Nan’s figure entered a mysterious place that he could not even figure out so far.

At this time, the vast continent, the southernmost land, and the southern gate.

So far, no one in the entire vast mainland has known that there is an endless darkness in Nantianmen.

In this darkness, there are countless different treasures, ancient books, and so on. It is quietly suspended, like a starlight in the night.

For this infinitely dark place, the spirit of Nantianmen today cannot be fully grasped.

Only half of it can be mastered.

In the depths of this darkness, it still does not have all refining, nor does it know what is hidden in the depths of the darkness.

Therefore, it does not know that in the deepest part of this southern Tianmen, there is a terrible horror, and slowly opened the right eye.

Where did this picture come from?

Is fate still coming from nine days of temptation?

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