Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1378: Self-documentation

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-eight chapters

"This kid, are you finally starting?"

Only small insects, a pair of dragons, staring at Qinnan.

Even as a generation of dragon gods, at this time, its mood also fluctuated wildly.

Whether this can be done this time is really too important. If it can't, then everything will disappear.

"Qin Nan really lost."

Those giants of the Great Emperor and the ancestors of Wuzu saw the action of Qin Nan, completely dispelled a trace of doubts in their hearts, regained their gaze, and turned to look at the confrontation between the giants and geniuses.

Obviously, Qin Nan did not become a descendant, otherwise he would not go to the Heavenly Road.

Therefore, they do not need to pay attention, after all, the other party is just a small Wuzu.

At this moment, in the midst of the war.

I saw that the horror giants who have surpassed the seven great emperors are flying away from the heavens, and have not entered the deepest part of the Scorpio. They are constantly confronting each other. In just a few dozens of time, they will let the vast voids collapse and become completely collapsed. Chaos, even stunned.

Those who are less than the seven heavy emperors are flying into the air and fighting back and forth. If you look far away, you can see hundreds of emperors flashing at the same time, just like the night star map, impacting the soul. .

As for the Heavenless Road, there are only Wanyonggu two, Shengtianjing three and Jiang Kong Mantra, Li Qi Mo, Funeral Xuan Yun and so on.

"Flicking the sky!"

Wan Yong's ancient momentum is like a rainbow. In the midst of an imperial rain, his figure flashes, and countless sly emperors gather at his fingertips and suddenly pop up.

"Lock the chain!"

Sheng Tian was screaming, and there was a chain of incredibly cold in the sleeves. It was like a head and a dragon, and he continued to dance.

"Sheng Tian is shocked. Now, you still don't use your three great martial arts? If so, then I will force you to use it!"

The whole body of Wan Yonggu suddenly swelled up. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant Taigu who was as high as a hundred feet and covered with numerous runes.

This boxing seems to be ordinary, but it is extremely terrifying. It is one of the martial arts martial arts martial arts. It can be used to the extreme, and it can destroy a space and be overbearing.

"To deal with the three martial arts you still use? It is simply a slippery world!"

Shengtian was shocked by the disdainful color. Around his body, a horrible momentum, like a tide, surged.

From the beginning, the combat power he used was only 50%.

What he is using now is his full strength.

"The world is infinite, and the gods will strike!"

Shengtian’s stunned Hong Hongzhong, the French and Indian glimpses, countless gods suddenly shine, and his whole person at this moment seems to have turned into a god, the body of the incomparable stalwart, swaying the gods.

At this moment, everything, in front of him, began to become eclipsed.

However, at this moment, the change suddenly occurred.


A loud knife sounded through the entire road, an old long knife, carrying a slap in the air, descending from the sky, the countless strength, and the stock of the gods, all smashed, inserted The center of the entire road.


Sheng Tianjing and Wan Yonggu both changed at the same time, and they stepped back dozens of steps.

"Is someone involved?"

It’s not just the two of them, the unbroken, the Zhuangshou, the Su Qingning, the Jiang Kong Mantra, etc., and the one who is killing the giants of the great emperor, the Wuzu scattered repairers, and the gods read them together.

"Two, and everyone present, you have made a mistake."

A faint voice sounded, Qin Nan's figure flew directly, and fell to the side of the broken knife, a robes, swaying with the wind.

"Qin Nan?"

At this moment, Sheng Tianshen, Wan Yonggu and all other great emperors, Wu Zu scattered repairers, his face was exposed to the wrong color.

Because no one expected, Qin Nan, who was in the Wuzu area of ​​the district, would intervene.

"Qin Nan, you are coming right, the broken knife in your hand is used by me. Afterwards, I will report to the emperor and let the adults give you countless benefits."

Wan Yong’s ancient look is slightly hierious. If he has a broken knife, he will certainly be able to defeat Sheng Tian’s surprise.

"Qin Nan, I didn't kill you in the Dragon Emperor's Court in the past. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come to the door today and give me death!"

Shengtian was shocked by the cold, and his sleeves were glanced. Numerous gods rushed and became a terrorist murder.

"The martial arts area of ​​the district, but also dare to participate in these wars, is really looking for a dead end."

The other great emperors, the ancestors of Wuzu, saw this scene, they all came back and shook their heads.

However, at this time, the change of regeneration, the other side of the sky in the blue space, there are six breaths, flying at an amazing speed.

"Little Lord?"

"what happened?"

The other great emperors, the Wuzu scattered repairers, noticed the six breaths, and immediately looked up, but this look, their faces changed dramatically.

I saw Xiao Yun, Wan Wan, the soul of the six people are extremely weak, there is a huge wound in the chest, flowing blood in a steady stream, the chest is dyed into a blood red.

Are they six, are they competing for the battle of succession?

How have you been hurt by such an eye?

"Quickly stop Qinnan! All the people in the forbidden land will give me a quick stop! He has become the descendant of Tianshan in the source, and he must never let him prove himself again, otherwise"

When Xiao Yun appeared, he immediately exhausted his whole body and screamed.

"Block? Passing people? Self-documentation?"

All the great emperors and the ancestors of Wuzu are all in their heads.

When it was said that it was too late, at that time, when Xiao Yun’s six people suddenly appeared in the spoiler, the horrible blow that Sheng Tian’s surprise condensed was completely released, and turned into a sword that was dozens of feet long. Against the head of Qin Nan, kneel down.

Not to mention Qin Nan, even the four giants of the Great, have to fall.


Just listening to a loud bang, a knives knives, rising from the sky, tearing this sword into a smash.

"what happened?"

Sheng Tian Jing, Wan Yong Gu, as well as Heng Wu, Zhuang Zhi Dao, Su Qing Ning and Jiang Kong Mantra, etc., are all slightly shrunk.

According to Qin Nan’s cultivation, how could it be so easy to smash this sword?

"I have already said that you have made a mistake." Qin Nan looked indifferent, his hair was flying, and his voice echoed between heaven and earth: "The one who will be self-certifying on this heavenly platform, is not Other people, but me."

"It's you?"

Wan Yonggu and Sheng Tianjing almost suspected that their ears were wrong.

"Yes." Qin Nan looked up and looked at the big man in the air, the great ancestors of Wu Zu, and on him, a horrible momentum suddenly rose: "The friends present here, today. Let you make a testimony together. No **** robbing, not falling at this time, but when?"


The moment when this word comes out, the deepest part of the Tianshan space in the whole source, and the deepest part of the country of the demigod, even the deepest part of the entire continent, seems to have a horrible nine-day **** , rolling and blasting, the sky is moving.

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