Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1382: Enemy

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-two chapters are enemies

"The Emperor's List, the God List, and the South Gate are teamed up!"

"They have been fighting for tens of thousands of years and never joined forces. I didn't expect this exception!"

The horrors of the various places on the mainland of the Canggu, seeing this scene, could not help but scream.

At the same time, in their hearts, the same thoughts have also floated. This is such a murderous day. Can this person prove himself to the emperor?

"If you can prove yourself to the emperor, even if there is no endangered, you will definitely help you, if you can't."

Many horrible beings have a secret voice in their hearts.

If there is no absolute hope, even if there is still a slight change, they will never take risks.

"The people of Nantiandi, with me, break the thief's thunder!"

After a few dozens of interest, the source of the Tianshan Mountain, from the South Heavenly Land, with the Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Great Emperor, took the lead in reacting, shouting, the body poured out a million emperors, turned into a peerless murder, killing To the hundred heads robbery.

"Get together!"

Wu Daozong's traceless emperor, Yunchi Holy Land's Yunrui Emperor, the demon's forbidden white lion demon, the ghost's undecided emperor, the Ming's Tao Tao emperor, the sea's Lu Sheng, and so on, the giants of the great emperors It also reacted with it, and the body was made into a sacred god, rushing into it, killing the Quartet.


Other great emperors have reacted, followed by countless emperors.

Between the time and the time, the whole sky was dyed into countless colors by these hundreds of emperors. Even the Tianshan space, the source of the whole Noda, was trembled again. It rolled up a storm and shattered all. all.

Hundreds of great emperors have shot together, and these scenes are too much.


The hundreds of emperors in the depths of the scorpion robbed the brontosaurus, and suddenly broke out of the raging anger of the sky, not killing with Qinnan, but wandering in shape, bursting out a burst of light, the light of war, toward These hundreds of great emperors have killed.

At the time of the robbery, anyone who intervenes will be regarded as an enemy.

First smash the enemy, then smash the people who robbed.

boom! boom! boom!

A terrible sound of horror sounded through the heavens and the earth.

Countless voids, collapsed together, even if it is a rule of heaven and earth, it is shattered and turned into a piece of chaos.

The scale of this battle, even if compared with the confrontation of the four great gods at that time, is only inferior.

"These emperors robbed the brontosaurus, just have a sense of self, how can they become so tyrannical?"

However, for a long time, the faces of Emperor Wu, the Emperor, and the Great Emperor, all of them were slightly changed.

Originally, they thought that they could at least smash one shot. Now even if they are five strokes, I am afraid they can't do it.

Is this the gap between the pseudo-emperor and the self?

"Sheng Tian Jing, playing the Nantian God Seal in the body, and Wan Yonggu together, breaking through the blockade of self-employment, directly killing Qinnan!"

"Wan Yonggu, offering the martial arts **** emperor's order, and the Nantian **** seal together into one, you can survive the self-employment"

At this moment, the majestic voices of Nantianmen and Emperor's List blew in the minds of Sheng Tianjing and Wan Yonggu.

Self-employment is too powerful, it will not be able to smash at one and a half, and they will take a little time to reach the source of Tianshan, so they will join hands again and come up with such a law against the sky, let Sheng Tianjing and so on. Geniuses, go directly to kill Qinnan, do not give Qinnan any hope.

Of course, although this law is against the sky, it has been repaired more than the seven heavy, and the number is more than seven, and it will be discovered by the emperor. If this is not the case, Nantianmen and Emperor's List will directly send all the great giants.

"Southern God Seal!"

"Follow the orders, the martial arts gods order!"

Sheng Tianjing and Wan Yonggu looked at each other without any hesitation, and at the same time took out the French seal.

Between the moments, a illusory and majestic portal, and countless emperors, rushing up and meeting each other, finally turned into a gray-colored world rule, like a goose-like snow, swelled and sprinkled in Sheng Tian Wan Yonggu, Heng Wu, Zhuang Zhi Dao, Su Qing Ning, Jiang Kong Mantra, and Li Qi Moe made their breath become chaotic.

"Is this what it is?"

The source of the Tianshan Mountain and the giant who looked at it secretly changed their faces.

"Join hands together and kill Qinnan!"

Sheng Tian was shocked and screamed, and his body opened a road to the South Heavenly Light, and Wan Yonggu and others were shrouded in it and flew to Qinnan.

As the Emperor and Nantianmen said, when the seven of them arrived at the Qinzhang Baizhang, the head of the emperor who robbed the dragon in the day was also indifferent.

"A good means, so that it is almost impossible to succeed in the emperor!"

The source of the Tianshan Mountain and the one who possesses the horror of the horror are all taking a breath.

There are hundreds of great emperors outside, and they are attacking the thunder and robbery of the world. Now there are seven geniuses, such as Sheng Tian Jing, and they are fighting against Qinnan.

Even if Qin Nan’s war is against the sky, he can resist Sheng Tian’s surprise and so on, but at that time, the thunder and robbery will be broken.

What's more, this is Sheng Tian Jing seven people, just relying on Qin Nan alone, he can block?

"Qin Nan, I have to say, all of you, even I am not as good as myself." Sheng Tian was shocked with both hands, looking directly at Qin Nan: "But your courage is too big, even dare to break this day, So no matter what, your final result is only a dead end."

"Qin Nan, I wanted to fight with you for a fight, but it turned out to be counterproductive. This time I offended."

"Qinnan Road Friends, I still don't want to blame."

At this moment, people such as Su Qingning, Zhuangshui, Wanyonggu, etc., have fists and fists, and they are not murderous, even a pity.

Each of them, between the heavens and the earth, is an extremely dazzling existence, and the nature of the heart is extraordinary. Even if Qinnan is in the present, it is extremely against the sky. If they can, they are more willing to fight with Qinnan alone. .

This is the pride in their bones.

"Haha." Qin Nan looked at Sheng Tian’s seven people and looked at the hundreds of great emperors. They made a big laugh and rang through the whole world: "You don’t have to be like this, I am an enemy of the world. Life is awkward, but if not, what about the emperor?"

"I want to go against the sky, it should be difficult to bear the sky!"

"Come on, fight!"

In an instant, the battle of the sky, the surge.

There are countless knives, as if it has turned into a horrible rain, brushing down.

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