Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1396: Magic like rainbow

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-six chapters are like a rainbow

"The magic sword **** does not hesitate to launch the anti-day war, just for this?"

Hearing this statement, Rao is the spirit of the Emperor's list, the spirit of the gods, the horror of the mainland, and the masters of the major forces, the giants of the gods, can not help but breathe in the air. The mind has been greatly affected.

The power of the magic sword **** is really terrible!

You must know that he is now alone, and he will enter the South Heavenly Land. He will finally fight with Nantianmen and fight it completely. The final result is destined to fall!

This is his own life, and now he is still the first martial **** of the vast mainland, whether it is power, or status, etc., has reached the most peak level!

More crucially, Qin Nan is still just witnessing the emperor, but he only saw a glimmer of hope. He even did not hesitate to do so!

“Reverse against the sky?”

As for the other genius Wu Di and Wu Zu scattered repairers who were present, the impact was even greater, and there was a gap in the knowledge of the sea.

They used to be in the book of Cang, and they saw the recorded anti-Japanese wars. They never thought about it. They will one day witness the witness!

And the reason for this anti-day war was just to let Qinnan know how powerful Nantianmen is!


The entire brain of Qinnan is creaking.

He did not think of it anyway, the magic sword **** sent him a gift like this.

Be clear, since he joined the anti-Tianmen alliance, he met with the magic sword god, no more than three times in total, the dialogue has not exceeded ten sentences!

"Qin Nan, the magic sword **** does not hesitate to pay such a huge price, you must not let down his pains, everything in the war, you must look carefully, any details, must not miss!"

Suddenly, a long-lost voice, through the fishing treasure, rang in the ears of Qinnan, the master of this voice, has been quietly in a certain forbidden place in Zhongzhou, still has a will to live the world.

If someone is in the forbidden land, they can see that they used their own martyrdom and used their own everything to refine the great sword of the strongest knife. His face was also slightly lost.

"I didn't expect that the biggest problem in refining the treasure is that the magic sword **** is going to solve it for me."

The Emperor couldn’t help but scream, and the ring finger moved slightly.

In his life, the ring finger moved a total of four times. The first time was to see the legend of the flying female actress. The second time was to see the arm of the pit. The third time was to see Qinnan become the first emperor of the ancient times.

This is his fourth time.

At this moment, in the picture, Nantian Shendi.


The Shenshan of the seat seems to have come alive, and it has burst into a huge, god-like light. When it is inserted into the sky, it is intertwined with tens of thousands of fierce names and terrible seats. The big array made the whole world and the world printed.

Not only that, on every mountain of God, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there is a monk, a giant, whether in retreat, or other, are all alarmed, the momentum is scattered, looked up, face blank.

Looking far away, it seems that it is in the darkness, suddenly lit up hundreds of thousands of fires, the scene is grand, impacting the soul.

"The magical sword **** is killing again!"

"The bell of the day is ringing, he has moved this time!"

"Fast, fast, fast! Speed ​​home, enter the mountain gods!"

Throughout the southern heavens, hundreds of thousands of voices were heard. Although they were extremely noisy, when they gathered together, they were still like countless ancient monsters, and they were deafening.

Not only that, almost in a short period of time, the Great Emperor, the Emperor of the Peak, and the giant of the Valkyrie, have appeared, and countless thoughts, as the tides passed down, make the cultivation of the existence of Wu Sheng, or The giants of the Valkyrie are all returning to each other.

boom! boom! boom!

Between the time of the squad, the road screamed and rang again, and each mountain was released again. Thousands of ancient ancestors, and other sacred mountains, connected together, faintly, as if they had become awakened. The ancient beasts that come.

In the past tens of thousands of years, although the Nantian gods have been subjected to huge wars again and again, but with these wars, the entire forces have had the same small deposits and accumulations, which can make everything all run in an instant, making the enemy incompetent. Machine.

Even if it is as strong as a magical sword god, God does not know that the ghosts sneak into the South Heavenly Land, they can also be transformed into another way to resist.

"Your reaction is getting faster and faster." The magical sword **** looked indifferent, a pair of eyes like the gods, looked at the deepest parts of the many mountains of God: "The seven shards, and the heavens are scattered, Why can't you die?"

Even though the sound of the last dead word is still very dull, when it falls, it seems to have launched a very terrifying magical power, which makes the void above the many mountains of God suddenly collapse and squat down.


The endless array of gods suddenly swayed violently, and even some of the weaker powers were smashed out of the cracks, revealing a layer of vast aura and rolling to the square.

"A terrible repair!"

Even if hundreds of thousands of monks in Nantian **** once saw each other once, but when they saw it again, their minds were also greatly impacted. Even the emperor’s giant, the **** of the gods, did not exist. exception.

Perhaps others can't understand the horror of the magical swordsman, but the people they witnessed are very clear. Under the indescribable expression, the surging is the power that can be shaken by the whole world!

"Magic hair, you are so courageous, one person in the district, and dare to ring the bells of regret, oh my god!"

Seven incomparably ancient, incomparably majestic sounds, blasting from the depths of the mountains of the gods, followed by seven figures exuding the light of the gods of heaven, from which, striding out, the eyes are full of cold and murderous.

They are among the Nantian gods today, or the entire vast continent, the oldest, and the most powerful seven people. Everyone has reached the peak of the Valkyrie and began to enlighten more powerful forces.

Only they have been retreating, even if it was the last time the magic sword was killed, none of them had shot, and now they are all awakened by Nantianmen.

"Hey, the magic sword, for the sake of a Qinnan, you actually"

Not only that, behind the seven people, there is a middle-aged man with a variety of ghosts floating behind him, the momentum is like a giant, with a gloomy face, step by step.

This middle-aged man is a true **** of the Southern Heavenly Emperor, and is one of the three great gods of today.

However, before I finished talking, a **** sword, across the void, pointed to his head, making him a cold!

"The eight pieces of blood, just barely can wake up the sword in my hand."


In an instant, the endless magic, as if evolved out of a respected demon god, came down, suppressed in the big array of the seat, the seat of the mountain, so that all the light, disappeared directly, It turned into an infinite magic.

Today, when he is far ahead, no matter what, no one can stop him!

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