Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1303: Seven Miles

The first thousand three hundred and three three chapters


The sound of Nantianmen was stunned.

You know, within a few hundred thousand miles of the place of Nantian God, everything can't escape its perception. Now that the sword has disappeared completely, it is clear that it has left its perception.

Such a means, even if it is to be used by the Emperor and the gods, it has to pay a price.

"Damn magic hair!" Nantianmen reacted and angered. After a few dozens of interest, its voice was restored to its original state. It was extremely cold and blasted over the entire southern gods: "All the powerful gods, all dispatched Go to Tianshan, the source road, kill Qinnan anyway!"

After that, it immediately evolved a terrorist will, and fell into the void, and its deity disappeared on the sky and repressed in the far south.

Although it is extremely angry now, I can't wait to use all the penalties for the three swords of the Devil Swordsman. But at this point, the first priority is to remove Qinnan.

Qinnan is the real threat!

"Wuyuan, do you think that if we stop us, we can help Qinnan resolve this murder?"

A mysterious land in the kingdom of the gods, the cold voice of the emperor's list and the gods list, resounding between heaven and earth.

At this moment, they also passed on the minds of God, and placed them in a piece of chess in the kingdom of the gods.

"Can you resolve it, I don't know, I only know that what I have to do is to stop you!"

The youth of Wuyuange looks as usual, and countless circles of light are destroyed. From the depths of the void, they are constantly falling.

Not only that, in another place in the country of the demigod, the war between the Lord of the Tianshan Mountains and the many gods of Wushu broke out again, shaking the eight sides and shining the sky.

Although the magic hair lifted the sword to the south, it made everyone very shocked, but Nantianmen was still there, not broken, and everything went on.

"Try again, this murder, Qin Nan, how should they resolve?"

The terrorists in the vast areas of the mainland have taken a deep breath and their eyes have once again fallen into the Tianshan Mountains.

I saw only that within the Tianshan space of the source road, that huge water curtain slowly dissipated.

Shocked at the scene of the people in the place, although it is over, but every monk present is still unable to recover from that scene.

That sword, too powerful, too amazing, is like a brand, imprinted into the soul of each of them.

"Little South Son"

Miao Miao princess took the lead in returning to the gods, a pair of beautiful, looking to Qinnan, they want to speak.

She saw Qin Nan step by step to today, she knows the character of Qin Nan best, naturally knows how much impact it will bring to him after the end of this matter.

"Princess, things are over, we are leaving here!"

The dozens of powerful illusions behind her, seeing this scene, immediately swayed the powerful power of the road, did not give the wonderful Princess any chance, forcibly enveloped her body and disappeared in place.

"You are also leaving this place!"

In the body of Tang Qingshan and Gong Yang, a sound of majesty was heard at the same time. Before they both returned to God, they were shrouded in powerful divine power and emptied into the void.

Things have reached this point, and they can no longer participate.

If you participate, it is completely enemies with the three giants!

"Qin Nan, is your kid okay?"

The little worm swayed and turned into a seven-color flower snake, which fell on the shoulders of Qinnan and spit the snake letter.

I saw only that Qin Nan, at this moment, stood in the void, with a pair of eyes and lost the focal length.

He did not die, but his heart, still in the sword.

As the first emperor of the ancient times, his heart, this has been powerful to an incredible point, even if it is said that the battle of the gods, or the confrontation of giants such as the emperor, he will not be so rude.

However, with the devil's sword in the sky, only three swords left, his heart, as if there is a place, was directly taken.

This scene, when the battle of the Qinglong Holy Lord, Jiang Bilan was very similar when they died.

"Qin Nan, now is not a time to be in a daze, the magic swordsman predecessors, paying so much for you, the only thing you have to do now is to live well!"

Although Sima Kong was slightly shivering, his face was extremely serious.

"Do you even say this kind of person?"

The bug was full of surprises. In its impression, in the eyes of this fat man, nothing but treasure.

Of course, occasionally I will talk about loyalty.

The focal length of "I" Qin Nan's eyes slowly recovered. Until the end, his clenched fists loosened and continued to tighten, so he repeated the number of interest, and then he said: "Leave this place first."

After saying this, his gaze looked at the dragon emperor and the nine-tailed emperor on the ground.

"The two predecessors, the demon gods are forbidden, you may not be able to go back, let me go with me first."

Qin Nan did not wait for the two to refuse, and with a wave of hands, they used countless emperors to wrap them directly.

"Qinnan! The magic hair is dead, Wuyuan and the source road are also trapped, no one can save you!" The voice of Nantianmen suddenly blasted over the space: "Actively surrender, spare you not to die!"

Although its will, there is still a long way to go from here, but it can directly transmit the sound according to the southern air of the place.

"Many murders are close to Qinnan. If you rely on Qinnan yourself, I am afraid it is difficult to escape!"

The horror of the sacred continents found what they found, and the heart could not help but hang up.

Although they did not participate in this war, but in their hearts, they still hope that Qinnan can survive.

Otherwise, everything that was done before does not make any sense.

"South Tianmen, are you sure no one has saved?"

However, at this time, an ancient voice sounded above the source of the Tianshan Mountains.

The blade of the Seven-Flying Flying Fairy Sword emerged in the void.

"Is that sword?"

The horror of the vastness of the mainland, the look of the earthquake.

Even Nantianmen, and always pay attention to the Emperor's List and the God List.

The sword has just left the southern gods, and now there are not even hundreds of hours of time. How did it reach the Tianshan Mountains?

These means, even Nantianmen, Emperor's List, God's List, can't do it!

"Haha, emperor, **** list, you didn't think of it?"

In the mysterious land of the **** of the demigod, Wuyuange youth laughed and displayed a secret technique prepared in advance, disappearing.

"Play with you next time."

In another place, the owner of Tianshan Tianshan smiled a little, and his toes were a little bit, turning into Qinghong.

The magic hair has been planning for half a year, and he will not hesitate to raise his sword to the south. All the back roads are naturally ready.

"Qinnan, let's go."

The Seven Swords of the Sword Spirit spoke in it, and there was no sword, and it fell down. Qin Nan and others were involved and disappeared into the void again.

In the entire space, only the group of Wuzu scattered repairs, as well as countless icy wrecks of the great emperor.

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