Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1405: Terrorist murder

The first thousand four hundred and five chapters of the terrorist murder

At this moment, the land of the extreme south.

When the major powers came in, no one thought that in a strange void, the will of the Emperor's list of the gods of Nantianmen sat in front of an ancient crystal table.

Unexpectedly, for tens of thousands of years, because of the birth of a great emperor, we actually sat together.

The spirit of the Emperor's list drank a bit of spiritual tea, could not help but said with emotion.

Others don't have to say much, now the news has spread and the flame has been ignited. The brow of the gods list is slightly wrinkled. Road: Nantianmen, how do you want to join hands?

I have three thoughts during this meeting. The middle-aged man in the blue robes of Nantianmen’s will, in the eyes, reveals the smear of coldness. First, we join hands and tamper with the rules. The atmosphere of all the people of Qin’s name in the world cannot be hidden, so that the people of all major forces can slay. he!

Second, when the gods compete for the battle, once Qinnan enters it, you will do everything in your power to interfere with the war of gods and let other geniuses inherit the godhead!

Third, join forces to destroy the innocent roads and other places, so that they can not recruit the Valkyrie, just in case!

Now Qin Nan, for them, there is no threat at all.

The real threat is Qin Nan after the gods.

Therefore, it met with the Emperor’s list in advance, in addition to the necessary things to join in the fight against Qinnan’s invasion of Qinnan into the war of gods, etc. The most important thing is to lay down the bureaus one by one and let Qinnan seal the hope of God. , completely zero!

All of this can be done, but what do you guys seem to be missing?

The spirit of the gods list asked lightly.

Before the start of the war of gods, we will use the secret law to let the genius above nine days come to the mainland of the sky! The spirit of Nantianmen has a pair of eyes, looking directly at the spirit of the gods.

Oh? On the side of the Emperor's list, the eyes of the spirits flashed a ray of light, said: Is it the nine-day genius of the power of the gods?

That is natural. The spirit of Nantianmen did not look at him, and his face was expressionless.

If it is not necessary to join forces this time, otherwise, it will not pay attention to the Emperor.

In this case, then it will act accordingly.

The spirit of the gods list thought a little and then nodded.

It seems that they are two people, those things, do not know. Then I will not tell them, maybe when the spirit of the Emperor's List flashes the smeared eyes, the heart secretly: become a chance for me to meet!

When Qin Nan participated in the evaluation of the Emperor's List, he knew something about Qin Nan's body.

Later, he also recommended Qinnan to the gods list. He could use Qinnan as an important piece to cultivate, but he was fortunate enough to leave a hand. He did not have the mystery of the three murders and the Qinnan and the nine days. The martial arts thing, tell the gods list.

As for Nantianmen and the god, they have no chance to know at all. Otherwise, they will not be laid out like this.

The people of all major forces have come, we are in the past.

Nan Tianmen sees this, his body flashes and disappears in the same place, and the spirit of the gods list is closely followed.

After the rest of the breath, the southern gods.

Among the shocking eyes of countless disciples' elders, a powerful atmosphere is like a road to the Changhong, piercing the sky, and falling into the deepest part of Nantiandi.

These people are the lord of the martial arts, the lord of the sacred sect of the sacred lord of the sacred lord of the sacred land, the lord of the forbidden land, the lord of the forbidden land, the lord of the lord of the lord, the lord of the ancient sea, the lord of the forbidden land, and the eight ancient patriarchs and those of the world of Megatron Fengfeng Wushen.

Although many of the giants who personally helped Qinnan did not arrive, it is no exaggeration to say that this is probably the most grand meeting in the history of the mainland.

Even the confrontation between the gods of the South and the mysterious gods in the past, or the flying of the female emperor 8,000 years ago, has not caused such a scene.

This time, the Qinnan emperor, the big rebellious, sinful! Therefore, my emperor is on the list of gods, and now I unite you, even if I want to find the whole sky, I must kill him!

If this is not the case, who will help Qinnan, then we must face our anger!

If this is the case, who will try his best?

Among the ancient palaces, the Nantianmen Emperor's list of gods is incomparably majestic, like the nine gods, and began to reverberate.

The lapse of time, this incomparably grand meeting, which lasted for only a few thousand years, ended completely.

At the end of the moment, the thoughts of the Tao, like the tides of the sky, have not entered the major forces.

Listen to my orders, two elders, three elders, seven elders and nine elders, you lead all the monks in the four halls, together with this French imitation, your gods can enter the even monument!

Passing my orders, let the three supreme elders, ending the retreat, leading the three tribes, urging this French seal, God read into the monument!

Master, this time in the South Gate -

Although a lot of forces, do not want to shoot Qinnan, or have their own calculations, but on the surface, they have promised the three giants, passed the mind.

As for the monument to the gods, it is the sixth largest treasure of Nantianmen. As long as the special French seal is promoted, even if it is separated by an extremely distant distance, the gods can enter the stone tablet and communicate with other gods.

When the vast war appeared, Nantian Shendi would sacrifice this magic weapon.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that the will of the lost drugstore owner was forcibly killed, and the blood family of the Lei family was a certain deal with Nantianmen.

Time continues to flow, after the three hundred interest, the monks of the major powers of the monks have entered the monument.

The results of this grand meeting have also surfaced.

The third emperor of the Tiandu Wushen, the yin and yang old road, was responsible for everything.

The monks of the major forces divide themselves into thousands of teams and go to the five continents of the world of demigods to search for them. If they find out, report them immediately!

I am a yin and yang old man, and now pass you a secret technique. After this technique, start immediately!

Among the monuments, a hoarse voice rang in the minds of all the monks.

This secret technique is extremely simple, but for a long time, a single monk has learned.

If someone deliberately observes, they will find that among the major forces, the one-piece team is vast and has become a stream of streams, and has fallen into all directions.

All major forces jointly pursue Qin Nan?

what? All the forces are in it?

Under the help of Nantian Shendi, a message, once again like a storm, swept the whole country of the demigod and the state.

All the monks, shaking again, in a pair of eyes, revealing the color of horror, the flame that just ignited, was suddenly drenched by a basin of ice water.

Just just witnessing the emperor, would you have to encounter such a murder?

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