Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1407: Broken device

The first thousand four hundred and seven chapters broken device

God of War, not to the heavens and the earth, not to be arrogant, not to be strong, only to parents and teachers.

This time, Qin Nan squatted on one knee, and he was solemn about this will and responsibility.

Whether the magic hair is confused or burnout, he only knows that the magic sword **** completely believes him.

I believe that one day, one day, he will break South Tianmen and spare no effort to sacrifice his life and throw out the peerless sword.

Everyone here. I don't know how long it took, Qin Nan slowly stood up and looked at the crowd. I said: Although I will not rule a power, I don't know how to be a qualified ally, but -

No matter how difficult the future is, one day sooner or later, the knife in my hand will go to the South!

The sound is not big, but there is an invisible force. It penetrates into the hearts of every monk present and moves a certain nameless land in their hearts.

Nowadays, on the mainland of the Cangwu, the world is shooting against Qinnan, and almost people feel that there is no living path.

Under such circumstances, they still choose to stay in the anti-Tian League, not out of love, etc., but they have a glimmer of hope for Qinnan.

Even just a hope.

See the lord!

See the lord!

See -

I don't know who opened it first, and the monks of the Ghost Emperor Gulei the Great, the Emperor, and so on, have all handed their hands and respected them.

Although their voices and movements are not neat, the scene is not too big, but at this moment, it is extremely shocking, and there is an invisible will, condensed in it.

It must be to Nantian, this sentence is very good!

Even Wu Zhige and the source of the Tianshan Mountain, the heart is also suffering from a lot of fluctuations, and these giants, willing to help Qin Nan at all, for that day.

It is better for the two predecessors to stay in the anti-Tian League and serve as the vice-presidents.

Qin Nan nodded to the crowd, looking at the Dragon Emperor and the Jiuwei Emperor, very sincere.

If today's major forces jointly pursue him, he must find a way to prepare for the future battle of the gods, I am afraid that there will not be much time to take charge of the anti-Tianmeng.

In contrast, Long Di and Jiuwei Demon are more suitable.

Our Dragon Emperor and the Nine-Tailed Emperor hesitated, until the end, the former spit out a long breath, well, then try.

After the talk, the faces of both of them showed a smile of gratification.

Although the two of them are no longer the people who are forbidden by the demon gods, they can see the Qinnan in the past, step by step to today, and even get the recognition of the dragon gods. In their hearts, there is an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

The magic hair, as well as Wuyuanyuan Road, left most of their inheritance in this jade, and invited the two lords to let the people of the League master their own inheritance.

The seven-sword sword spirit flexed a finger and handed a cyan jade to the dragon emperor.

Thank you very much.

The expression of the dragon emperor immediately solemnly came down and looked at the nine-tailed demon emperor, and then flew into the crowd and issued a series of orders.

The entire anti-Tianmen alliance, suddenly swept away the heavy atmosphere before, whether the Emperor or Wuzu, began to follow the new rules, go all out and gain inheritance.

Qin Nan, what do you think in your heart now?

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the Seven Swordsman, and asked.

Seniors, I want to take you to see a person. In his hands, there is a way to break Nantianmen.

Qin Nan said slowly.

There are many things he has to do now, and there are many things to know, but the current priority is to see the Emperor.

After half an hour, Zhongzhou, the Promise Mountains.

Although in the mountains, the Wuji Mountains are inconspicuous, but at this moment, there are also many monks, crouching in them, and even three great emperors.

Since the major forces jointly pursued the killing, the first thing that Yin and Yang did, it took a lot of effort to integrate all the information about Qinnan. As long as Qinnan appeared, they sent people to wait.

However, no matter how strong the yin and yang roads are, the several great emperors in the district cannot find the seven-sword flying sword.

In the silent, seven-seven flying fairy sword entered the stone.

Ok? What is this power?

The Seven Swordsman and others have just appeared, and they are attracted by this space.

At their level, it is natural to see that the mysterious power contained in this space can make the powerful gods unable to detect.

The predecessors, according to the agreement, I have come over. Qin Nan said with an arch.

Come in yourself!

The extremely unpleasant voice of the great emperor sounded from the ancient courtyard.

This person's temper is as strange as Qin Nan said.

Seven 曜 剑 灵 and others whispered, the interest in the heart, can not help but become more intense, they want to see and see, this person is so arrogant, in the end what is the ability.

Go in yourself?

Qin Nan looked at the closed door of the house, his eyes glimpsed slightly, and the last time he was shocked, his memory is still very deep.


Qin Nan flexed a finger and slammed the emperor light, directly hit it, turned it into a hurricane, and blown the door directly.


In an instant, the change suddenly occurred, and the whole world seemed to have turned into infinite darkness. At the end of it, there was a slap in the face.

what is this?

The feelings of the Seven Swords and the like were slightly changed. This horrible will, even if they were, was forcibly shaken.

Lying in the trough!

Is this the weapon?

After the interest rate, when Qiu Jianling and others saw the scene at the end of the house, the look was passive.

Even Qin Nan is no exception, this is the first time he has seen it clearly.

I saw that on the stone wall of Nano, one after another, like a behemoth that has been tempered by the boundless fire, in an incredible state, one end and one end are connected to each other and merged into one, until finally, it is difficult to form. A horrible gun in the language.

These behemoths are all dragons, a total of 2,397.

This is the dragon annihilation 诛 诛 枪 gun. The figure of the great emperor emerged from it, and it was cold. This gun seems to be composed of dragons. In fact, it is not the case. In the interior, three hundred dragons are combined with Tian Xuan Jiu Bing, plus three. The quenching of the great fire, with -

With the voice of the great emperor, even if everyone is present, they don’t know how to refine, but they can understand the power of this horror.

This gun can only be used once. Once it is swung out, all the forces will gather together and complete eight transformations, turning into the most eye-catching guns in the mainland!

In the tone of the Great Emperor, there is more to be proud.

Can all the powers come together and change eight times?

Seven 曜 sword spirit and others suddenly sucked up the air.

Before they came, they had doubts, but now they heard the words of the Emperor, and that suspicion immediately vanished.

If this gun is refining, maybe it is possible to break the South Gate!

but. The Great Heavenly Emperor turns a corner and looks dignified: even if it has such power, it is still impossible to crush Nantianmen unless it is powerful, compared to before, at least strong

Four hundred and fifty-four times!

Ps: more tomorrow

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