Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1411: Broken figure

The first thousand four hundred and eleven chapters broke the figure

After the semi-column incense, the seven-footed flying fairy sword, on a nameless mountain.

Qinnan's eyes slowly opened, not far from him. With the intertwining of mysterious lines, a dark crystal emerged, giving out a strong sense of death.

Just now he entered the space of the mysterious god, and gave the old man a lot of mysterious **** fragments before he brought the death crystal out.

"Jiang Bilan" Qin Nan moved his mouth, there are a lot of words to say, but I don't know why, I can't say it at all, until after a while, he just said: "I am now injecting the source of your power, you must To overcome this level, I feel the way of death."

The voice just fell, in the body of Qinnan, a terrible suction came out, and the red gold of the original Dili was sucked from the depths of heaven and earth and entered the crystal of death.

If it is the general emperor, if you want to absorb the Dili, you must also pass the Wuhun.

Now Qin Nan self-documentation emperor, naturally there is no such bondage.

Time passed, and after eight hours, the entire crystal of death began to tremble, and the meaning of death was so intense that it was like a metaphysical metamorphosis, and it began to condense out of a slap in the palm of your hand. The symbol of death.

Not only that, but a very special atmosphere, looming in the deepest part of the crystal.

This breath is the will of Jiang Bilan.

"The source of Dili, listen to my orders!"

In the left-handedness of Qinnan, the red-gold flame burned, and the original Dili of that road immediately became a life-like dragon of the ancient times, and it continued to fly into the crystal, with the death of the piece. Fuss fusion.

Between the time of the moment, on every sign of death, a strange pattern began to appear, spreading all around.


After another eight hours, Qin Nan suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

I saw that the piece of Zhang Zhijin’s death symbol flew into the will of Jiang Bilan’s martial arts, but for a long time it became a lacquered book with a slightly illusory, flashing golden awn.

The atmosphere of the entire death crystal, at this moment, also completely restored calm, even the slightest sense of death, has not yet been distributed.


Qin Nan spit out a long breath, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and whispered: "Go."

With a big hand, a boundless emperor, coming, wrapped in death crystal, shattered the void, and floated into the endless darkness.

Although Qin Nan couldn't bear to see her alone, this lonely and empty void is her new hope.

"After you are born, I will definitely not let you suffer from such suffering in the future."

Qin Nan muttered to himself, and after standing for a long time, his figure disappeared into place.

It’s time to go home.

Cangwu mainland, Dongzhou.

In the past few years, the development of Dongzhou has been much faster than other continents.

The Emperor of the Burning Emperor, the town of Xuanwu, and so on, have all reached the peak of Wuzu, and other Wuzu, Wushengqiang, and genius disciples are also numerous, and they are emerging like a flower, which makes people feel the martial arts and prosperity of this place. prosperity.

Especially on the day when Qin Nan was the first emperor of the ancient emperor, the whole world's aura of heaven and earth seemed to be several times richer. Many Wusheng peaks existed, and if they realized it, they broke through and reached Wuzu.

Of course, as Qinnan's hometown, and Qinnan's relatives and friends are here, the major forces jointly pursued Qin Nan not long after the yin and yang old roads issued orders, sent a monk.

Even though there is a suppression of the original rules of heaven and earth, the monks who can sneak into Dongzhou are limited, and they have been suppressed to Wuzu, but the monks of all major forces still have not given up.

And even the terrorist giants such as Nantianmen, Emperor's List, and God's List are also secretly shooting, interfering with the original rules of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the endless sea edge, the empty source island.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of explosions in the air, in the middle of the air, sounded again and again.

I saw only dozens of Wuzu strongmen, such as the Emperor of the Burning Emperor, the Blood Wing Phoenix, the Xuanwu of the Town, and hundreds of Wusheng, combined with the array of the law, played a door of the emperor and ancient Surgery.

In front of them, there are five figures, exudes rolling pressure, a record of emperor, and successively played.

Even though these five figures are cultivated and breathed, only the Wuzu peaks, but they were originally the existence of the peak of the great emperor. The understanding of the martial arts, etc., is far from being compared with the people of the Burning Emperor.

Therefore, even if faced with so many strong, they are only slightly weak.


The five great emperors, the giants of the peak, were keenly aware of the terrorist force that had risen in the depths of the Scorpio. They did not say anything at the moment, and they spurred the symbol and disappeared into the same place.

Their stay in this continent is limited.

"Today's finally passed."

The blood-winged phoenix immediately sighed. If they went on, they would probably have many deaths and injuries.

"The emperor, the news that has just been sent, the Red Flame Army has rebelled, and the people of Lingyunge and Huamutang have ordered to capture the Qin Tian and Qin family."

The town of Xuanwu is sullen and sullen.

"All killed!"

The Emperor of the Burning Emperor opened his mouth directly and his face was cold.

"The emperor, under the current situation, we"

There was a minister of the ancestors of Wu Zu, who hesitated for a long time and couldn’t help but speak.

"Don't say anything, I know what we are facing now. If you are afraid, you can retire. I don't insist, don't blame. But don't forget, in the middle of the Imperial City, what stands. ”

Before he finished, the burning emperor said slowly.

The minister of the Wuzu peak, and other people, immediately silenced.

In the middle of the imperial city, the statue of that person stands.

Although that person has not seen many of them, but the legendary deeds of that person, and the friendship with the ancient world of burning, they all remember clearly.

"He is the pride of our Dongzhou, and we are the ally of the eternal life of the ancient kingdom. I am standing on his side anyway."

The Emperor of the Burning Emperor looked at everyone, the blood-winged phoenix and the town-state Xuanwu, and so on, the expression was extremely solemn.


When the other monks listened to this, both mind and body were trembled, and their eyes gradually became firm.

"Ha ha ha, pride? Allies? I didn't think that you guys, who are still so sturdy, really open my eyes today!"

At this time, a thunderous laughter picked up from the sea.

Tiandu Wushen and the other two great emperors, the peaks and strong, came from the waves, especially the former, even though they were suppressed in the martial arts peaks, but the exuberance of the exuberance, so that the presence and others feel a suffocation .

"What happened? How can you enter Dongzhou?"

The burning emperor and other people suddenly changed their face.

"How long can the original rules of the heavens and the earth in a barbaric land block us? How long can we tell you that, within ten days, the original rules of heaven and earth here can no longer stop us!"

Tiandu Wushen held his hand and stood by, overlooking everyone, full of faces.

The moment when his voice fell, on the opposite side of the endless sea, a stockpile of weather, like the sword of the world, rushed into the sky.

Even at such a long distance, the Burning Emperor and others can feel it very clearly. At the end of the endless sea, it is a huge army of powerful.

If this army regiment enters Dongzhou, even if it is repaired, it will inevitably become a charcoal.

"To let you know today, what is life is better than death!"

Tiandu Wushen’s eyes were instantly cold, cold and murderous, and released, which made countless sea waters boil.

When he learned that the strong **** of the gods could suppress the cultivation, he immediately came over after entering Dongzhou.

He came here, not doing anything else, killing people!

"Is it better to die? Then I have to look at it. In Dongzhou, this place, what can you do?"

However, just in the midst of this millennium, a light voice blew from the depths of the day, and a figure of infinite emperor bloomed, stepping down from the void, shaking the eight sides, like a god.

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