Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1432: Like god

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-two chapters are like gods and gods.

"Qin Nan, what are you doing?"

The sound of the cold mirror of the bronze mirror suddenly exploded in the grotto.

Qin Nan’s actions have alarmed her far away from the endless void.

Before the Qinnan remarks, the powerful force that is about to change in his body has been completely suppressed. The blue-gold runes are also completely stable, and everything is a foregone conclusion.


In an instant, Qin Nan was hit by a terrible blow, and there was a loud explosion in the body.

Rao is now the body, comparable to the sixfold existence of the Emperor, but also suffered a lot of heavy damage, all the bones, all broken, the mouth overflowed with a blood, his face became extremely pale.

When I was promoted to the realm, I suddenly gave up. This is a taboo in cultivation.

If the power in Qinnan now becomes extremely extraordinary, the blow he will be subjected to will be even more terrifying and may even fall.

"You even gave up the promotion? You know, this opportunity is a rare event. If you give up this time, even if you stay in the nine days for ten years, it is impossible to realize it again."

The sound of the bronze mirror was so cold that it was so cold that the entire cave was frozen and the wind was cold.

She did not think that Qin Nan actually made such a move.

"Well? This is"

When she hadn't finished talking, she saw the powerful power of the shape of the stone in Qinnan, and the illusory blue-gold rune inside, even if it was her heart, she couldn't help but start shocking.

what happened?

How did the lines appear?

Qinnan Mingming is a **** of war, why is there a pattern at this time?

"Bronze mirror, I feel that this blue-colored rune is very important, so I gave up the promotion." Qin Nan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and tried to ask: "With your knowledge, you should know what it is?"

"do not know."

After a long silence, the sound of the bronze mirror sounded again.

"However, from the current situation, as long as you can break through the Valkyrie again, you can touch the threshold of that realm again, and even master more. However, if you want to break through, you need at least ten times more power than you have just."

With the lines, the strength of Qinnan's body, the level is completely different, can not be measured by ordinary.

"Just need to break through the Valkyrie?"

Qinnan looked a glimpse, and the big stone hanging in the heart immediately landed.

Although he believes that the green gold is extraordinary, but this time he took such a big risk, gave up the promotion, still can not be very worried that he can no longer touch the realm.

After all, once he couldn't, he came to the nine days and lost all his meaning. He couldn't break Nantianmen in the future.

"Since it is more than ten times more powerful, then it is only to go to the tomb of the Devil, and with the power of the inheritance, let me be promoted to the Valkyrie, I think more than enough."

Qin Nan quickly calmed down and raised a thought in his mind.

He has 18 pieces of jade in his hand, and there is a black ancient altar, and there is no problem in getting the inheritance inside.

Moreover, he has been in the past nine days and can stay for more than eighty days. Now it has only passed less than a month, and there is no conflict in time.

"Look at the strength of the body now, to what extent."

After making up his mind, Qin Nan’s eyes gathered on the powerful power of Dantian.

Combining the power of one hundred and fifty-six gods of war, and also concise the strange runes, the extent of this power has far exceeded his deity.

"Breaking a finger!"

Qin Nan flexed a shot, a black light, rushed out of the grotto, and fell into the distant forest.


I only heard a loud bang, and the tens of thousands of towering trees, like a raging storm, accompanied by the earth, disappeared in an instant, and turned into a bottomless pit. .


Qin Nan immediately couldn't help but **** up the air.

The extent of this power far exceeds his imagination.

With his body, now that he is fighting the four gods, I am afraid that it is not a problem. If his deity has this power, he must be able to directly confront the existence of the Valkyrie.

"The change brought by the green gold is really too big. After the second transformation, I hope that after returning to the sky, it can still appear in my body." Qin Nan secretly said, " It’s gone, now it’s starting to recover.”

He shook his head, no longer thought about it, sitting cross-legged and silent.

At the same time, in the vastness of the vastness, the dark and icy void, the supernatural figure flying over the female emperor, under the eyes of countless immortals, stopped for the second time.

"It has not yet formed a pattern with the soul of the God of War."

"It seems that the taboos involved in him are even more horrible than I have speculated before. It seems that when I return to nine days, I have to look for the ten pages that have been lost in the endless book."

She has a pair of beautiful eyes, revealing the ice.

She is now very interested in Qinnan.

Time passed, five days later, in the battlefield of Drought, the tomb of Dr.

At this moment, the three major forces have been ordered to teach, and many powerful and geniuses have begun to follow the plan and rush to the fairy tomb at the fastest speed.

Qin Nan in the dark forest also slowly opened his eyes. Through these days of practice, his injuries have been restored.

"It's time to go to the drought tomb."

Qinnan secretly screamed, and he slammed a blast of blood into a black altar, refining it, and his body shape moved to the ancient road that covered the white mist.

These white fogs are very mysterious. Even with his current cultivation, he can only see the three miles ahead.

"Hey? On this ancient road, there are still a lot of elixir growing."

Qin Nan’s eyes lit up and flew, and they took these elixir into the bag.

The whole ancient road, I don’t know how long it is, Qin Nan walked for half an hour, and still did not reach the end. However, there is no prohibition or danger in this ancient road, which saved him a lot of effort.


After half an hour passed, Qin Nan’s footsteps were slightly stunned.

I saw only in front of him, there was a whole body black, like a nine-snake snake-like stone bridge, extending into the middle of the air, at the end of it, stood a bronze gate with a height of five feet and a magical spirit.

Everything after the gate, although incomparably illusory, but between the vague, Qin Nan still saw an illusory, huge ancient palace.

That palace must be the tomb of the Dry Magic.

"This bronze magic door is unusual and seems to be forcibly opened."

Qin Nan’s eyes glimpsed, and the body shone with the blue light of the emperor’s light, and he shot a door emperor.

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