Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1434: The bones are still there

The first four hundred and forty-four chapters are still in the air.

"Qiu Hong, only give you time to consider, if it is after the ten interest, has not handed over jade, every time you break, kill one person." Purple old man sneered, the sleeves glance: "Before this, first send You have a big gift."


Han Mingli, Jiang Dingshan, and Yang Bailong did not hesitate, and they slammed into a three-dimensional man, and immediately pierced the two middle-aged men in front of them and the chest of a beautiful woman.


The three screams of screaming and screaming immediately rang again.

Han Mingli three people did not kill them directly, but used a special kind of magical technique to eclipse their vitality a little bit, so that they felt like a heart and a life.


Qin Nan’s figure, like an invisible blow, immediately trembled fiercely.

Somehow, in his mind, a piece of incomplete memory emerged like a mushroom.

There is a middle-aged man in memory who is showing off his triumphantly. Another middle-aged man is full of coldness, reprimanded him, and among the valleys that bloom everywhere. A long skirt woman, standing in the distance, smiles lightly, makes him look 恍惚

These memories are extremely strange, but incomparably true, as if all of Qinnan had experienced it.


Suddenly, a sense of sorrow and anger in the name rose in his heart, causing him to squat on his body, exuding a chill of murder.

"There is still five time!"

The old man with purple illusion, etc., saw this scene, and his heart immediately settled.

If Qiu Hong is ruthless, then their method has no meaning.

"Qiu Hong, leave us alone, you can't hand over jade."

Among the remaining six monks, the old man with a white-browed sword immediately passed a thought to Qin Nan, and his tone was extremely harsh.

"Qiu Hong's younger brother"

As for the other five monks, my heart has long been swallowed up by fear.

"Let them, Yu Pei, I will give you."

Qin Nan ignored the gods of the old man with white eyebrows and swords. He did not hesitate to speak directly.

Although this physical memory, as well as the feeling of grief and anger, does not affect him very much, these people fundamentally have no connection with him. But when he entered this body, it was a fate. In any case, he could not watch the physical master and the same door being killed.

As for the inheritance of the Mausoleum of the Drought, you can wait for the end of the matter, then think of other methods, or find other places of inheritance.

"Ha ha ha!"

The old man with purple illusion, etc., heard this, immediately gave a shrill laughter. After the count, the smile on his face suddenly converges, and the eyes reveal a slap in the face: "Sorry, I have not heard that sentence just now."


Han Mingli, Jiang Dingshan, and Yang Bailong sneered a sneer, and once again shot a sacred light into the body of the three monks, making the three screams of screams screaming again in the plains of Novo.

This Qiu Hong, dare to compete with them for the three major forces, and the attitude is still very disrespectful. Can they let it go so easily?

Since Qiu Hong is empathetic, let him taste it, watch the important person with his own eyes, die in front of him, but he is powerless and incompetent!

"you guys"

Qin Nan’s face suddenly changed. In the mind, the incomparable memory of the road was once again surging, and the feeling of sadness and anger in his heart was gradually filled.

"You? What does this mean? Do you say it?"

The old man with purple deficiency paused a little and said: "Do you still want to hand over jade?"

When the voice fell, Han Mingli immediately noticed, and the light on his finger flashed again, killing one of the remaining three.

This time, the screaming screams seemed to be in the heart of Qin Nan.

"Now the jade is handed over quickly. Otherwise, you will not die so easily."

The eyes of the old man with purple eyes are slightly stunned.

Killing seven people, tormenting Qiu Hong three times, is enough, can not be forced too much. After I got the jade and won the inheritance, I grabbed Qiu Hong and tortured it.


Qin Nan returned to the gods, his eyes became extremely cold, and he screamed with a horrible murderous spirit: "After this time, I will definitely be with you three major forces, one by one!"

He has now been angered by the three major forces.

"Just by you?"

The old man with purple illusion and so on showed his disdain.

Although Qiu Hong is not the same as before, the strength is strong, but compared with them, the gap is still a world of difference.

Not to let the people who are present in the field take the shot, even if you just send a strong Wushu strong, you can easily kill him.

However, just when Qin Nan is about to pop up the jade, the change is sudden.

I saw only that in the white-browed sword and another monk, a ray of light, sudden bursts of bloom, violently shaking.

The breath in their bodies is like a horrible blow and begins to collapse.

They actually started to blew themselves!

"You are so bold."

The old man of Zixu and so on saw this scene, his face changed suddenly, and he was shocked and angry.

Now that Yu Pei hasn't gotten it, these two guys, if they blew themselves, how can they threaten Qiu Hong?


Qinnan looks a glimpse.

He never imagined that Qiu Hong’s master and uncle would make such a choice.

"The people of your three major forces are simply ridiculous. They use this despicable means to deal with my apprentices! As a teacher, can I let you succeed?"

The old man with a white eyebrow like a sword, somehow, at this moment, the body actually exudes a powerful momentum, and his shackles are full of resoluteness and disdain.


The same is true of another monk, without fear.

"Good, good, good!"

The old man of Zixu said three good words in a row, and he laughed with enthusiasm: "A half-step emperor in the district, a Wuzu Yufeng in the district, actually has such a bone."

"Qiu Hong, don't be sad, don't be sad, continue to bloom your brilliance, Master and I have your uncle, and all the elders and disciples of the whole heart, will always support you!"

The old man with white brows like a sword directly ignored the purple illusion, turned his head to look at Qinnan, and his eyes showed a touch of kindness.

From the snowy night that day, I met the little guy who was thin and pale, and his eyes were very clear. In his heart, it was more than just treating Qiu Hong as an apprentice.

Now Qiu Hong has shown his edge, and in the future, there is no limit to the future. He is already satisfied.


Two huge explosions sounded, and the two men’s bodies were smashed and turned into a skylight.

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