Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1443: Wrath of the Emperor

The first thousand four hundred forty-three chapters of the Emperor's Wrath

The first thousand four hundred forty-three chapters of the Emperor's Wrath

"what happened?"

The blood-eyed **** looked down at Qin Nan's gaze, and saw that there were tens of thousands of miles in front of it. There was a mountain, a light of Wu Zu, and several great emperors.

Obviously, there are a group of monks of Wuzu and several great emperors who are fighting.

"There is a force called the righteous door. From the current situation, it should be attacked by other forces."

Even though the blood-eyed **** is puzzled, he still told Qinnan about the things there.

"The right heart?"

Qin Nan instantly understood that it is no wonder that he had a different taste in his heart.

This is the heart of the door, and it is the power of this body.

The old man with a white eyebrow like a sword is the doorman.

"Looking at the past."

Qinnan tiptoe a little, did not enter the front.

At the same time, in the heart of the heart, only the sound of a blast of explosions, the radiance of countless emperors, shines in all around.

"Several of you, it’s a great courage! The main doorkeeper and several elders have been taken away by the three forces, and you dare to help each other!"

Among the group of monks who attacked the righteous door, one of the giants of the great emperor, the eyes were extremely cold.

He originally thought that it would be very easy and simple to win the righteous door. The result was not thought of, but it was the most difficult.

"Because the heart of the door, before I have yet to prove the emperor, we have the grace, the feathers of the emperor, can you give the next few thin faces, let go of the righteous door?"

In front of many disciples in Zhengxinmen, the three tall figures are also the monks who have been repaired by the Emperor's peak. Shen Sheng said.

"Give you face? What are you counting?"

The Emperor’s monk’s monk laughed and said: “Since you are so passionate and righteous, let Sanyue Wushen adults come and talk to you!”

"Sanyue Wushen?"

The faces of the three great emperors and so on, suddenly changed slightly, did not expect that for a righteous door, even the strong gods will come.

"No matter what, you must not let them destroy the righteous!"

The three emperors reacted, biting their teeth, and once again hit a door emperor.

"You, you are leaving this place now, I don't want to kill anyone today."

At this moment, a voice sounded, Qin Nan and the blood of the gods of the body emerged.

On the way, all the things here have been understood by them.


The Emperor of Yuhuangmen’s great peak, the face changed slightly. After seeing the Qinnan two people’s atmosphere was very ordinary, they immediately sneered: “Your voice is not small, don’t you know, in this cloud world , what is the existence of our Yuhuangmen?"

They are the masters of Yuhuangmen, but one is a strong man!

"Three interest time, give me a roll."

There is no expression on the face of Qin Nan.

"Three interest rolls inside?"

At this moment, some people were stunned at the place. They did not expect that the two monks who suddenly appeared would dare to say such things.

"Ha ha ha, let's roll? The **** wants to see, who is it, how dare it is so crazy!"

Suddenly, a shrill laughter swelled in the air, a tall figure, like a mountain-like figure, emerged and swayed.

"See Sanyue adults!"

Many of the monks of the Yuhuangmen, with a happy face, quickly handed over.

"Sanyue Wushen?"

The three great emperors who helped the heart of the heart, as well as many monks, changed their faces and turned pale.

Wu Shen arrived, they are completely finished this time!

"You don't have to be polite." Sanyue Wushen slightly decapitated, holding his hands and standing, looking at Qin Nan: "You two, dare to be so crazy, presumably not a nameless generation, quickly reported on the name"


Before he had finished waiting for his words, among the two dragons in Qinnan, a blue-gold flame burned up, and the body shape of Sanyue Wushen immediately became as loud as a slap in the sky.


A scream of screams immediately sounded, and the body shape of Sanyue Wushen was directly smashed.

"Sanyue Wushen"

All the emperors and other monks present in the scene suddenly showed a thick and shocking color.

This is Sanyue Valkyrie!

The young man in front of him didn’t even move his body, but he killed the other person?

What is the realm of this youth?

"Where is the monk, you are so bold, you dare to kill Sanyue!"

An angry voice, blasting in the void.

Sanyue Valkyrie, in their Yuhuangmen, has a very high talent, and now he is suddenly killed, he is naturally angry.

"If you kill, you will kill, and send me a message to Yuhuangmen. If anyone dares to call the idea of ​​the righteousness, it is against me Qiu Hong."

The voice of Qinnan is more cold.

"Uncle Qiu Hong?"

There are many disciples in the heart of the heart, and they have a deep memory of the first genius of the heart.

"Qiu Hong? You are the genius of the heart of the heart? I tell you, no matter what kind of inheritance you have now, what kind of adventures you have, today you will die."

In this voice, there was a cold murder.

"Gangster, shut up for me!"

However, at this moment, a roar suddenly exploded.

"this is"

That voice, as well as the people of Yuhuangmen, are all in one.

This voice, their incomparable familiarity, is now the master of the Yuhuangmen, the strong man of the gods.

"Qiu Hongdao friends, everyone under my door, without any knowledge, offended, but also hope not to blame."

The voice of the main gate of Yuhuangmen became extremely respectful. Others did not know, but he was very clear. What Qiu Hong now means.

"Door, you"

The voice just now, and the people of Yuhuangmen, completely stunned this scene.

"What are you? Give me back, this life, you must not offend the righteousness, otherwise, kill all innocent!"

The main door of the Yuhuangmen Gate screamed, and at the same time, the thoughts of the gods were introduced into the minds of the people.

"What? The four poles in the legend, even the purple"

In the twinkling of an eye, whether it was the voice or the presence of everyone in the door of the feathers, the eyes were full of horror.

"Qiu Hong adults, small eyes do not know Taishan, but also ask adults to spare too little!"

The sound of the original anger was extremely scary.

"Qiu Hong adults"

The presence of the Emperor of the Emperor Yuhuangmen, the face is even more pale.


Many of the monks in the heart of the heart are completely stunned. When did the uncle Qiu Hong have such a terrible power?


Qinnan was cold and cold, and the voice, as well as the emperors who were present at the Yuhuangmen, suddenly got rid of the shackles.

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