Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1451: The robbery

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-one chapters of the robbery

When this was said, Qin Nan and others immediately stopped.

"Are you sure you won't kill us?"

The bugs couldn’t believe it at all, and the temptation asked.

"Well, I will never kill you. I will not shoot you again from now on."

The stalwart figure nodded, word by word, like a promise.


The little bug looks awkward.

Although it doesn't like this old thing very much, it also knows the nature of this old thing and never deceives people. If you say it, you will definitely do it.

"I just said, I have been waiting for you."

The sensational voice of the stalwart figure has become somewhat embarrassed: "From the suppression of your body by Nantianmen, it has been eight thousand years now. I have been thinking for eight thousand years and have been asking myself repeatedly."

"At the end of the day, I found out that although I don't agree with the rules that you have laid down for the demon gods, I have always felt that you are a Genghis talent, suitable for leading the entire Yaozu. In my heart, I admire you. ”

The bugs are directly stunned.

It never thought about it, and it was almost a deadly enemy like the dragon spirit, and actually said something like this.

"I have assisted a demon **** and completed the mission once and for all. Only when you arrive, you are not assisting. You have been defeated, and there is a big part, it is my reason."

"So, I have been waiting for you, waiting for you to come back, I will assist you."

"I am sorry, I have forgotten my mission."

The voice of the stalwart figure has become a bit heavy.

For the past eight thousand years, it has been living in the shackles. If it is not seen again today, it will still continue to fall asleep, for all, regardless of whether.

The bug was completely silent. The impact of this passage on it was a bit big. It was only after a long time that it slowly opened its mouth: "If this is the case, then Jiu Lingxuan is her Taoist from today."

"If you are saying this, I will shake everything that you committed in the past."

The stalwart man said that although he could not see the expression, his mouth was indeed twitching.

"Cough, joke, it's just a joke, I don't feel the slightest for her."

The bug quickly waved his hand, and the corner of his mouth slowly smacked a smile.

In this life, there is not much thought. When he fled, he no longer helped fly over the female emperor. The second is that he did not get the approval of the dragon spirit.

It has finally arrived, even though it has been eight thousand years.

"Now the time is tight, we don't have much to say. We need to take some dragon bodies and refine a weapon that breaks Nantianmen."

The bug is the color.

"Fragmenting the weapons of Nantianmen?" The stalwart figure was slightly shocked and immediately said: "If they can come in handy, take them all away."

"All taken away? Then you are not"

The bug stunned again.

The power of the dragonfly is related to the dragon corpse that inhabits here.

"If they know that their bodies can help break the Nantianmen, they will be very grateful if they are under Jiuquan."

The stalwart people suddenly thought of something, and there was more cold in the voice: "But you only have a hundred moments. Today's demon **** is here, I have arranged some means, I always want to refine me. If it exceeds the breath, it will let It found out."


The face of the bug changed, and the shackles were exposed.

It never imagined that today's demon gods are shameless to this point.

You must know that there is one in the family training of the whole Yaozu. In any case, you must not shoot the dragon, and the status of the dragon is equal to that of the demon god.

"Qinnan, Longhu, speed to get the dragon body, specifically take those powerful dragons!"

The bug took a deep breath and resisted the anger and said.

"Well, thank you older!"

Qin Nan and Long Hu saw this scene, and they didn't know what to say. They only nodded, and the figure flew again, and the huge dragon corpse was in the bag.

This time, there were a lot of murders and bans.

And these dragon corpses seem to feel what they have in the dark, without the slightest resistance.

Time passes by, the monsters who are vying for the Dragon Soulstone, and the one who is the forbidden land of the demon god, have no awareness.

Qin Nan and Long Hu were also the first to take twenty-three martial arts dragons and collect them, and then went to the head of the emperor's body.

The atmosphere of the entire dragonfly was reduced by the disappearance of these bodies.

However, Qin Nan and others, as well as the spirit of the dragon and the dragon, did not notice that in the depths of this vast land, there is an incomparable mysterious seal, which began to flash a ray of light.

This law is printed, and it is a demon god.

It is silent, a little bit of eating the power of the dragon.

Suddenly, the whole demon god’s seal was felt and stopped. The lines of the gods hidden in the road began to light up.

Until Qin Nan and others, after grabbing the forty-five interest of the dragon corpse, all the gods are lit.

An invisible force, swaying in an instant, spans the entire space and flies into the depths of the demon gods.

"For a period of time, the dragon martial art seems to have begun to make contact with the people of the anti-Tianmeng. The demon god, we do not need to use it."

The voice of the Zhenhai Wushen still sounds in the hall. It comes over and there are other things.


The Lord of the Forbidden Land, who is listening to all this, suddenly picks up his eyebrows and sweeps away.

"The dragon corpse in the realm of the martial arts in the depths of the Dragon Gate, and the dragon corpse in the realm of the Great Emperor are gone?"

The face of the Lord of the Forbidden Land has suddenly changed.

You must know that the dragons in the depths of the dragons are not the spirit of the dragons, and they cannot be destroyed or transmitted.

The only possibility is that someone has stolen these dragons.

"Give the command to all the monks who are deep in the dragon, and immediately go to the east of the dragon, find the door of the dragons, and go in and see what happens inside!"

The Lord of the Forbidden City immediately screamed and heard the word.

Then, in the forbidden land of the whole nobility of the demon, a statue of the great **** of the gods and the giants of the great emperor were alarmed.

The thoughts of the same way also appeared on the tokens of the great monsters in the dragon.

It was at this time, in the endless void, a peerless ice shadow.


Suddenly, a breath of incomparable horror broke out on this figure, and the endless void of the square was shattered into pieces.

This peerless ice shadow, like a certain blow, overflowed with an ice crystal color of blood.

"Flying over the female emperor!"

"grown ups"

Then the horror figure who shone in the rear, the eyes of the horror figure, all of them showed a strong and powerful color, and almost did not believe their eyes.

Flying over the female Emperor, was actually injured?

Who killed her in the end?

“No need to panic, keep going.”

Flying over the female emperor said coldly, her footsteps did not stop at all, but her eyes were condensed with countless ancient characters.

These characters are constantly changing, forming a patch of vision and the world.

Her heart is also very confused, with her current cultivation, how can it be hurt?

Is it that the few people in the nine days of Xianyu have a shot?

"Can't you push it out?"

Flying over the female emperor looked at the runes that were still changing, as if they could not always gather together, and a pair of jade hands began to form a French seal.


Suddenly, a whisper.

The flying female emperor immediately saw that in the depths of her body, an ancient bronze mirror began to tremble, and a ray of light, flashing in succession, and a picture, slowly emerged.

"Is this what it is?"

In her eyes, a lot of dignity was revealed.

After only a few counts of time, this picture has completely emerged. Inside is a quaint mountain. On the top of the mountain stands a black body with a total thickness of ten feet and a jade-like black stone.

The stone does not have any breath, but on the surface of this stone, there is an ancient big character written with blood. Even though the picture is still visible, it can still feel a cold and cold killing, just like the essence.

I'm coming!

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