Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1478: Despise the audience

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-eight chapters despise the audience

"Destroy the knife!"

Lu Hao did not stop at all, grabbed a imaginary knife that was dozens of feet from the void, and walked back and forth between the great emperors.

boom! boom! boom!

In the past, the incomparably powerful ancient emperors, at this moment, seemed to be the mortal of the power of the unarmed chicken. They were squandered by this slogan, and they continued to retreat. There was a shocking wound on the body.

"No, we are going backwards!"

Those few face-changing faces suddenly changed, and the heart was chilling, and they did not dare to continue fighting.

"In just a few dozens, you have already slaughtered more than a dozen emperors!"

Among the other gods, the genius Wudi and the Emperor of the Great, once again revealed the stunned color.

This is not a confrontation at all, it is a one-sided slaughter.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, this woman has not done her best at all. If she does her best, how many great emperors will be slaughtered?

More crucially, the other people are basically the same as her, and one person is still better than her!

"In front of me, you ants like this want to escape?"

Lu Hao is full of horror, ready to go all out, she wants the blood of the emperor today, let these ants lie to her thoroughly fear.


At this time, from the five gods on the mountain, at the same time, an earth-shattering roar sounded, and the statue of Zunshan and Linghua was soaring, and the martial arts, Zhenzong, and the martial arts were killed. Xianshu began to retreat.

A door is more horrific, magical, emperor, between the moments, overwhelming to the people of Lu Tianji, Lu Hao and so on.


Lu Tianji and others raised their eyebrows slightly, and Lu Hao snorted and stopped flying, but flew back to the top of the mountain.

"Mountain gods have become more powerful. From this breath, unless they are repaired by the Valkyrie, they can be killed. These people are finished!"

Many ancient emperors, the heart is a shock, the eyes reveal a happy color.

The cultivation of these five people is really terrible. Now they are killed by these mountain gods and so on. They not only lose their threat, but they can also take advantage of the fishermen.


In an instant, under the eyes of everyone, a confrontation of horror began from the five mountains of God.

The strength of Lu Tianji's five people did not continue to be hidden at this moment, and a full 80% broke out.

"The blood of the Lu people turns into Xianli, and my magical method comes from the east-"

I saw that Lu Wuji’s blood was boiling, and the whole person seemed to be a hegemonic hegemon. He rolled out the overwhelming horror of the horror, and twisted countless big stones on the mountain.

"Too no swordsmanship!"

In the vast void of the sky, suddenly a horrible sword is opened, and every sword is like a sword, and tens of thousands of swords are changed to cover the entire mountain.


The body shape of Lu Yan's four people is also extremely terrible and invincible. Every time the body shape changes, there is a completely different kind of fairy technique.


Finally, after the three hundred interest, the one-of-a-kind mountain god, who lost his body and shape, lost all breath and light, fell to the ground, and made a dull sound.

The sacred tree of the sacred flower was twisted into countless pieces, and it covered the entire mountain.


All the ancient emperors, the genius Wudi, and the great giants saw this scene, and their faces became extremely shocking.

Everything in the five mountains of God was killed!

The strength of these five people has reached the level of being comparable to the Valkyrie!

What is the terrible thing about the realm of the great emperor, comparable to the Valkyrie? Even the first emperor of the ancient times, Qinnan, faced with the three martial arts two times, it only supported the few times!

Is the cultivation of these five people more powerful than Qinnan?

"I remembered it. I remembered it. These five people are flying from the side of Nantianshen, they are the people of Nantiandi!"

An ancient emperor suddenly woke up.

"South Heavenly Land?"

Everyone has a shock.

"Ha ha ha, I have never told everyone, I am really sorry."

Nanjian Emperor sent out a thunderous laughter, full of red light, said: "Only, the five lords are not the people of our southern gods, but the Nantianmen adults, specifically from -"

When he said this, he deliberately paused and immediately said: "In the nine days, please come to the peerless genius!"


The entire Taiko battlefield, as if to smash a giant thunder.

All the great emperors on the scene, as well as the dragon emperors and other people hidden in the distance, and Xiaohong, they all felt like they had been hit by terror and set off a wave of stormy waves.

Nine days!

On the vast continent, a more powerful world!

In the past tens of thousands of years, there have been countless strong people who know the horror of Nantianmen. As a result, they have spared no effort to launch a war against the sky, in order to break the Nantianmen and fly into nine days!

The five people in front of me are actually coming from the nine days like a legend!

"The strength is like an ant, but it’s still so uninformed. It’s just nine days. I’m scared you like this?” Lu Yan’s eyes sighed: “If you let us know our true identity, then you will not be scared. Dao Xin?"

"Lu Shimei, this is a bad saying, these barbarians, can you understand the four words of the Lujia inner door, what does it mean?" The other person smiled.


Several other people immediately made a big laugh.

Whether it is their actions or rhetoric, they are unscrupulous, have no convergence, and ignore people at the place.

This is due to the pride of their bones, their natural superiority, and their contempt for the lower bounds.

As the saying goes, people have their own lives, and God is destined.

These people are born to be extraordinary, destined to become kings, and those who are in the lower bounds are born to be ordinary people, no matter how powerful talents, etc., they are extremely inferior to them.

Even if there is, a continent, it is difficult to get one.

"Well, don't say anything about these nonsense."

Lu Tianji said at this moment that the other people heard this and immediately quieted down. The eyes of all the emperors present also looked at him subconsciously.

"We came to this wild land this time, not to compete with you for the godhead. We have no such interest. We are dedicated to killing Qinnan."

Lu Tianji stood in the foothills of Shenshan Mountain, threw the charm in his hand on the ground, stepped on his feet and overlooked all the emperors present: "But, you ants, don't bother us..."

"I don't want to dirty my hands."

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