Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1496: Second continent

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-six chapters of the second continent

At this moment, the land of the extreme south, under the South Gate.

In addition to Lu Tianshen and God List, the spirit of the Emperor, the demon lord, the Haizu patriarch, and so on, are still here.

The forces under their command are temporarily stationed in the South Heavenly Land.

This time, it’s terrible to fly over the female emperor’s cultivation. If they are scattered, they can be completely destroyed.

"Report! I have passed the order, and I have already accepted the order, and I will join the anti-Tian League at the same time and advance and retreat together!"

"The patriarch! Just now, Akasaka is giving orders to the squatters, starting tomorrow."

"Southern Heaven! The Ten Great Forbidden Spirits, all of them have just been dispatched to the land of the gods and talk to the mother-in-law-"

The thoughts of one after another are ringing in the sea of ​​great minds.

Every name, in the mainland of the sky, means a dazzling story, an ancient powerhouse that has been silent for thousands of years.

More than nine years ago, the giants issued orders and paid close attention to these strong.

But now, listening to this news, let their moods get bored to the extreme, can not wait to close the gods.

"Flying over the female emperor as a place to be suppressed, and can lead to thunder, all destroyed by us, they can not be our opponents, how can these people be so ignorant?"

The voice of Nantianmen is very cold.

This is the first time that it has come to the mainland for tens of thousands of years. Everything seems to have left its control.

"Nantianmen, then according to your opinion, how do we deal with them now?"

The spirit of the Emperor's List is quite bad.

Other giants present, no buzz.

The current situation is very clear to everyone.

Although there are no movements in the forbidden land of the Erlang Forest and the Jiuzi Ancient Sea, with the ancient existence of the Wilderness Spirit, Tu Xiong Wushen, etc., the strength of the anti-Tianmeng Alliance is already unprecedentedly powerful.

Moreover, there is really no place in the vast mainland of China that can attract thunderous robbers. However, there are flying female prostitutes, and Qinnan can never be robbed.

This is absolutely impossible!

Even though the flying female emperor suppressed the cultivation, she stayed in the nine days for a full eight thousand years. With her means, she could definitely find a way.

At that time, Lu Tianshen and the three giants joined forces, can they still block?

"You don't have to worry, if I and the three giants, I sent out the deity, blocking them is absolutely nothing to say."

On the side of Lu Tianshen, his face is slightly gloomy.

His remarks are not to comfort the great powers, but the facts.

Nantianmen, the gods list, the emperor's list and his deity all have extremely terrifying strength on this vast continent.

Flying over the female emperor and Qin Nan is stronger, and they can't kill them.

However, once the deity is dispatched, they will be greatly traumatized and will most likely be squandered by the original rules of heaven and earth.

"I have a plan to continue to recruit some of the strongest people from the nine days and join forces to kill Qinnan. But it will cost a lot of money and everyone who needs to do it -"

Lu Tianshen said slowly.

He did not think about removing the flying female emperor, because the latter came to the robbery. After spending it, he would inevitably leave the mainland.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has made another big killing, and he has also killed the female emperor.

"I still want to continue to attract the strong men of nine days to deal with them? Now Qin Nan and others have become a big force, flying over the female emperor is also coming to the sky, then I just --"

There is a glimmer of light in the depths of the spirit of the Emperor.


However, at this time, an explosion of sound from a far-reaching place passed over and became dull.


The giants present at the scene, their faces are all in one.

"The country of the demigod has changed!"

The spirit of Nantianmen, the first to feel what, the entire stalwart of the stalwart, a slight sway, played a blue light, evolved into a huge blue water curtain.

Among the water curtains, it is a piece of land in the middle of the country of the demigod.

boom! boom! boom!

It’s not just them, the dull voice that passed to the kingdom of the demigod.

Countless monks are looking up and looking down, full of water and fog.

As for the ancient beings of the kingdom of the demigods, they quickly applied ancient means to the place where the sound came.

"what is that!"

"The scorpio is completely shattered!"

“Don't the mainland be destroyed?”

When they saw this scene, the face that was hit was white, and the heart was extremely shocking, even if it was Lu Tianshen and other giants.

I saw only that the land of the demigod was above the middle of the earth.

A scorpio that couldn't see the end, completely smashed, was even more vast than when the female emperor flew, and there was no light or vision.

Only the darkness of the ink.

Not only that, the vast land below, like the trampling of countless giant beasts, violently swaying and continually breaking.

The broken land flies into the air and condenses into a huge black island, and the entire island is still exploding in all directions at an alarming rate.

The giant mountains that stand on the earth, and the huge city walls, under the island, are all very small, like a scorpion ant, and an ancient giant.

And the countless monks and creatures on the land, whether it is the great emperor or the martial arts, flew in all directions at an incredible speed.

In contrast, they are like a group of glittering dust, blowing around.


At this moment, there is no sound and no sound.

Lu Tianshen and other ancient giants, even if they are not on the spot, can hear, countless screams, gather together, and resound through the heavens and the earth.

Nothing, panic, fear, like a storm, sweeping everything.


Suddenly, a figure flashing the infinite fairy ice emerged from the depths of the broken scorpio.

Even in such vast darkness, and under such a huge island, her radiance is still very dazzling.

The atmosphere of the hegemony, no one can cover it!

"Flying over the female emperor?"

Lu Tianshen and other ancient giants, almost at the same time.

How can a flying female emperor appear there?

Is this all she did?

What does she want to do?

"The mysterious method of heaven and earth, I am unparalleled, the origin of the sky, the heart is moving, the glow of the road -"

Flying over the female emperor's hands, the cold voice, passed into the heart of each monk in this tens of millions of miles, so that countless monks, looked up and looked up at the gazette hegemon.

"Da Luofa, the chain of the fairy wheel!"

The three whistling sounds like a thunder are smashed.

The Seven Swords of the Sword, the Wuyuange Youth, and the Lord of the Tianshan Mountains, the three descendants of the Tianshan Mountain, are like a fairy, and each has a huge chain in their hands.

At the end of the chain is the depth of the ground.


The three men suddenly pulled back, and the fairy light behind them suddenly surged, and the roar of countless gods and devils exploded in a piece of emptiness.

Everyone only saw that in the depths of the broken earth, a group of hundreds of thousands of miles, the huge light group that shone with chaotic light, was pulled straight out and flew into the air.

Looking far away, it seems that there is a huge sundial, rising on the ground.

"That breath... is the space of mysterious god?"

The Lord of the Forbidden City stunned: "They pulled the space of the mysterious god? No?"

It quickly realized that the space of the mysterious gods, how vast, not only a few hundred thousand miles.

Moreover, the breath of this group of light is more terrifying than the breath of the mysterious space.

"This is impossible!"

The face of Lu Tianshen and the three giants suddenly changed dramatically. They stared at this scene with death, and their bodies shook slightly.

Of course, they are very clear, this is the origin of the mainland of the Cangwu!

Moreover, it is still the power of the source of the mysterious space!

Isn't there only four copies of the origin of the mainland? Is the mysterious space not a chess piece arranged by the original rules of heaven and earth?

Now all this, what is going on!

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