Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1500: Sensational continent

The first thousand and five hundred chapters sensationalize the mainland

But for a long time, everyone saw an amazing scene.

On the vast expanse of the island, two completely different light of the sky, launched a collision and confrontation.

Mutual tampering with the rules of the heavens and the earth, vying for the position of the 'master'.

Although all the giants did not participate in it, they all had a strong feeling in their hearts.

Even if it is the strongest of the **** of the gods, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive.

As for the great emperor, it will be crushed directly.

In addition to these, the entire island of Noda, without any influence, still sucked a huge piece of land from below, into it, and expanded at an incredible speed.

The ancient city and the mountain of God, once and for all, have already been broken and shrouded in endless shadows.

At this time, even if every monk looks from a faraway place, he can still find his own smallness and feel its majesty and grandeur.


Warrior Wushen and Tianji mother-in-law and other powerful people have never thought of such a short time, and such a sudden change has occurred.

"War Yuan, Heaven, we are now entering the Seven Miles Flying Xianjian, and let all the forces willing to join us, come together, waiting for the orders of the female Emperor!"

The Wuyuange youth took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and said in a voice.

This is the end of the matter, they can only act in accordance with the orders of the female Emperor.

"Well, I will now pass on to other forces."

Warrior Wushen and Tianji’s mother-in-law nodded and passed away to God’s thoughts. Their physical form also entered the Seven-Flying Flying Fairy Sword.


With a broken sound, the whole sword was disappeared.

"Ha ha ha, the group of people who oppose the alliance, I am afraid I never thought that everything will become like this?"

Under the Nantianmen, Lu Tianshen and other giants, bursting out with a big laugh, very incomparable.

Now the whole situation, they have an absolute advantage.

"Well, everyone here, we are now preparing for the flight over the past, and when the time comes, kill Qinnan and destroy everything."

Lu Tianshen returned to God, and his eyes became extremely cold.

"I am duty-bound!"

The demon lord and other landlord-level giants are nodding their heads, and their eyes are exposed to cold and murder.

Qinnan, Qinnan, this time, can you escape?

"I didn't expect it all. It changed so fast. Fortunately, I didn't shoot it before. But these people didn't know it. It has only just begun. After all, the martial arts of Qinnan, but from nine days..."

The spirit of the Emperor Bang looked at this scene, his eyes glimpsed, did not say anything, but only in his mind, there is a big plan, began to quietly form.

Next, the anti-Tianmeng and Lu Tianshen and other giants began preparations.

The ancient beings of that sage also passed some means and learned most of the news.

This made many of the original ancient people who wanted to support Qin Nan and others stop their steps and choose to wait and see.

Of course, even so, the ancient existence of joining the anti-Tianmeng is still numerous, making the former grow to an unprecedented level.

As for the other monks on the mainland, I don’t know about the changes.

Their eyes were deeply attracted by the huge island that was born.

"Hey, it's still expanding!"

"This island is already equivalent to thirty-nine southern gods!"

"Well, if you continue this way, I am afraid there will be half of the country of the whole demigod!"

One monk after another, like a raging wave, continually came from all directions.

When they saw this scene, they were very shocked.

Even if they don't know anything about the changes, they can't see through them, but in their minds, they have drawn the words 'second continent'.

After all, looking at the tens of thousands of years of history of the entire continent, these horrific scenes have never appeared.

At this time, Miao Miao Princess, Tang Qingshan, Gong Yang and others, have gone out of the land of God.

When they learned everything, they passed back to their respective forces, in addition to passing the gods to the Dragon Emperor.

Just like Wu Yuange and others, now they can't do anything, they can only wait for the end of this change.

At the same time, above the second continent.

Endless fairy light, filled with every corner.

The horrible will of the horror, the illusion has become a storm of all roads, sweeping in all directions.

The major players have underestimated the confrontation here. If the Wushen peaks are involved, they can only support the five interest.

"The power exerted by Bronze Mirror in the coming world seems to be similar to the flame that has just been born in my body."

Qin Nan's figure, sitting on the foothills of a mountain, staring at it all.

On his body, covered with a layer of ice crystal fairy, isolated everything.

The afterlife of Bronze Mirror seems to be tabooing. It has not been shot by Qin Nan. This also makes Qin Nan here, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Look at seeing if you can understand."

Qin Nan quickly closed his eyes and distributed all his mind.

This battle is a rare event. Now he can't do anything. It's better to understand the collision of all the wills.

If you can really understand what it is, it is also a good thing.

Time passed slowly, and it took a full five days.

There were monks who said that the island would have half of the country of the whole demigod, and there were many monks who did not believe it.

However, today, their hearts have been greatly affected.

The island is now not only halfway through, but the speed of expansion is ten times faster than before.

Even if there is a monk, standing in the middle of the state, looking up, you can also see the huge black spots suspended in the sky.

"If this continues, the whole island will certainly surpass the country of the demigod. In that case, will it bring disaster to our mainland?"

A long-time monk with a look of horror.

Not only him, but many monks also have this idea.

Once it is as they think, it is not the confrontation between Anti-Tianmeng and Nantiandi. It will be a devastating disaster involving millions or even tens of millions of monks.

However, very quickly, they were relieved in their hearts.

Because the entire island expanded to a half of the country of the demigod, it stopped completely and there was no movement.

Until a day later, countless avenues of the avenue, throughout the void, resounded and passed into the ears of every monk.

The terrible island of that horror has also undergone an unprecedented shock!

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