Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1502: Flocking

Chapter 1 502 is swarming

Chapter 1 502 is swarming

The flying female emperor added: "The emperor and the gods are similar to the emperor's god, but there is no rule to bind."

"Well? Why is this?"

Qin Nan brow slightly wrinkled.

If it is to suppress the degree to the level of the mortal, and can only be on the road, can lead to the thunder of the gods, he can understand.

But why would all monks be allowed to arrive?

You must know that on the Second Continent, there are so many treasures of heaven and earth, and God has planted God and fruit, and the monks of the entire continent will be eagerly awaited.

In this case, it seems that there is no point. After all, everyone is a mortal. The group of people, Lu Tianshen and Nantianmen, is enough to slay the horror.

What is the idea of ​​the afterlife?

"do not know."

Flying over the female emperor with no expression: "But, I remind you that after one day, the monks are coming, and now they have not left, they have lost a lot of opportunities."

They are also mortal now. When they meet other monks, the advantage is not so obvious.


Qin Nan calmed down, no longer think about it, ready to fly forward.

“Suddenly, it’s really not used to being suppressed.”

Qinnan secretly screamed, only a little toe, drifting forward.

Of course, no matter what level the realm is suppressed, their breath, etc., and the understanding of power, there is still no change.



At this moment, the afterlife of Bronze Mirror, as well as the news of flying over the female emperor, were introduced to Lu Tianshen and so on, as well as the anti-Tianxiang people.

At the same time, the people of the two camps passed a series of thoughts and summoned all the disciples.

"Weapons, food, water, and low-level medicinal herbs..." Wu Yuange youth personally sat down in the town and passed down a sacred mind.

He used to be an ordinary youth, and he later gained great adventures before he rose up against the sky.

"I don't know, why did the former great man tell the world? However, since this is said, then the news will be passed on to the whole sky."

Lu Tianshen passed a **** thought.

A moment later, when countless monks were still silent in this stunning vision, an amazing news came suddenly.

"What? Emperor and God?"

"After refining, will you be able to prove yourself and seal God?"

"The emperor and the gods, together with the treasures of heaven and earth, this second continent is simply an unprecedented opportunity!"

"Hahaha, I didn't think that after I failed, I still have a chance!"

Almost all the monks are boiling, even Dongzhou or other monks in the four continents are no exception.

Because this time, it is completely different from those of the past.

After all, everyone will suppress the cultivation, only the mortal world.

Even though the great emperors have a great advantage, this advantage will be very small, and each of them has great opportunities.

Next, no matter how big or small, the forces began to prepare.

A lot of scattered repairs are also being contacted by familiar friends and ready to go to the alliance.

Time passed by, and in the past half a day, in front of the Second Continent, a vast expanse of light was ignited, and a huge fairy door was condensed.

The second continent is wrapped in the wall of the world, and it is still created by the flying emperor and her past life. Unless they are shot by Lu Tianshen and Nantianmen, they cannot be forced into.

Only through this fairy door can you enter safely.

brush! brush! brush!

At this time, the sound of a sudden rush of air continued to ring, and a statue of the body appeared one after another.

The weapons of the great powers, as well as the giants, come at the same time.

The Seven-Flying Flying Fairy Sword is hidden in the void and waits quietly.

Except for some ancient existences, what are still waiting for, almost all the giants on the mainland have come together.

It was almost half a day later.

The entire fairy door of Nuo Da, a slight sway, the various prohibitions in operation, began to retreat to the surrounding.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Different from before, the sound of the road is like a series of bombs, which come out one after another.

A monk, turned into a ray of light, like an unprecedented animal wave, coming from all directions.

Among these monks, there is still the existence of Wu Wangjing.

"So many monks?"

"There are at least hundreds of thousands!"

"More than that, the monks behind are endless, I am afraid there will be nearly a million!"

Even the giants of all major forces, seeing such a shocking scene, couldn’t help but **** a cold air.

They, like Qin Nan, knew that this time they would attract a lot of scattered repairs, but they never thought that they had reached such a terrible level.

"The prohibition of the gate has completely opened! We are now entering it quickly!"

After the semi-column, an ancient existence suddenly noticed something and made an amazing long whistle.



At this moment, the vast mainland, the land of the extreme south, the gateway of a stalwart, stands here, and does not move.

The opening of the Second Continent, even the spirit of Nantianmen, also sent a lot of will.


Suddenly, a breeze blew through the heavens and the earth.

An ancient painting of animal skin, flashing light, flies from a distance at a slow speed.

It is very strange that the spirit of Nantianmen did not have any awareness. The various killings arranged in this world did not respond.

"It's really you! How did you find out that my Lord came to this vast continent?"

In the deepest part of Nantianmen, a horrible body with a broken face opened his right eye and made a drink.

"Haha, what do you think of that year, only you know?"

The ancient paintings of the animal skin made a loud laugh, very incomparable.

"However, you get more than I have, even if I die in the end."

The ancient paintings of the animal skin are more smeared.

"Don't tell me this, what do you want to do? If you are for..."

The body of God of War became indifferent.

"Don't think that only you, always wanted to do that, I saw everything that happened there, I know all..."

Ancient paintings of animal skins are not good.

"Some of these, I am too lazy to say to you more. I came here specifically to tell you. The last time he entered the nine days, when the birth of the lines, it caused the alarm of the ancient taboos."

The ancient paintings of the animal skin said faintly, when the four words of the ancient taboo appeared, the whole world seemed to be solidified.

In the right squat of the **** of war, a flame suddenly burned.

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