Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1505: a strange scene

The first thousand five hundred and five chapters are different

When she first created a tattoo in the body of Qinnan, she had such an idea in her heart.

You must know that a top genius who has mastered the four poles, even if he has a strong martial arts talent, will take at least three hundred years to gather the lines.

And, you have to get a great adventure.

If you want to condense in a short time, only your own past life, you also master the road pattern.

She was able to gather the lines in 30 days, because of her past life.

However, Qin Nan should be more exaggerated. When he was promoted to Wushen, he directly condensed.

Even if he is the descendant of the fifth **** of the gods, it is impossible to do this.

The only possibility is that Qin Nan’s past life has mastered the Taoist pattern, and it has to be the existence of the hegemonic level in the nine-day immortal domain.

The **** of war, from among the countless monks, chose him as a descendant, probably because of Qin Nan’s past life.

This makes the flying over the female emperor, can not help but raise the curiosity.

Who is Qin Nan’s past life? Is it also among the immortals?

"Work you as a teacher? That is impossible."

Qin Nan didn't think about it, and refused directly.

Although he has already seen the horror of San Shenggong, he only recognized one master in his life.

What's more, after calling out their own three lives, they have to bear three robs.

"You can do it without a teacher, but when you are in the nine days, after you rise to the immortal, you have to help me to do one thing."

Flying over the female emperor seems to have expected the reaction of Qinnan.

"After you learn the three births, you will get the blessings of the three students, etc., and it will be of great help to the current situation. It is not necessary to call out your own three lives."

Flying over the female emperor thought of something, make up one sentence.

She was guilty of taboos because of the fact that she and her husband were left in the whole world.

“Don’t necessarily call out your own three lives?”

When Qin Nan’s eyes lit up, he suddenly saw the color of vigilance and said: “How do I feel, you really want me to practice this practice?”


Flying over the female emperor looked no longer to look at him, too lazy to nonsense.

"Well, you will pass it to me. I can help you do one thing at that time."

Qin Nan said a little, said openly.

The current situation is indeed very unfavorable for them. If there are three major contributions, it should be much better.

It’s fine to learn a lesson, just don’t break the taboos.

“It won’t take long to support this place, we need to find a place again –”

Qin Nan looked up at the swaying land above, and the rest of the time was not enough to comprehend.

"Time is more than enough, unless you are the first fool of the ages."

Flying over the female emperor directly shot, the body flashing brilliance, an ancient essay, flying up, gathered on her fingers, until finally, turned into a horrible ancient rune, into the Qinnan body.


Qinnan’s mind seems to have left a saga.

Numerous essays, surging, evolved a piece of ancient verses that were successively integrated into the depths of his soul.

"Zero is the beginning, one is the beginning, the nine is the extreme, and the ten is the end!"

"The heavens and the earth are all living, the reincarnation is not limited, and it is above the avenue-"

"Causal cycle, fate forever, is for the beginning, not for the beginning, for the end, but also for the end-"

In the midst of it, it seems that there is a terrible existence, crossing the infinite void, thinking of words, and imparting this endless mystery to Qinnan.

In just a few hundred hours, Qin Nan will fully understand it.

In addition to his martial arts talent is extremely detached, it is because of reaching the level of flying over the female emperor, and imparting a practice, you can ‘醍醐顶顶’.

"This is the merit of the three lifes? The zero is the beginning, the ten is the end, how do you feel that this life, there are ten reincarnations?"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the color of the smudges was revealed.

If he thinks it is right, then the so-called "three births" are more horrible than he knew before.

"Don't think too much, condense the law."

Suddenly, the cold voice of the female emperor flew in his mind and woke up Qinnan.

"But, don't think too much now."

Qin Nan shook his head and his hands became a strange French seal.

This kind of seal is for the three births.

As the bronze mirror said before, after the three births, it will be blessed by the past, the present and the future, and become the force of the three life.

Not only that, but there is also a great possibility to suddenly comprehend the exercises mastered in the past and the afterlife, and even get some of their incomplete memories.

"Let me see who your past life is."

Flying over the female emperor's ice blue eyes, suddenly turned into a brilliance.

Injecting the power of the three life into the eyes, you can become the top of the three life, you can see the past lives of other people who cultivated the three.

If it is repaired, there is an understanding of the three students, reaching an incredible point, you can directly see a person's past and future.


Just as the millennium was on the verge of a thunderous thunder.

Invisible, it seems that one side has no world, and it has been smashed.

"what is this?"

Rao is flying over the female emperor, and in this moment, his face can not help but glimpse.


Qin Nan only felt that the brain was suddenly chaotic. He had not waited for him to respond. His body shape was like an invisible blow, and he trembled, and his mouth overflowed with a blood.

The power of the three lifesies that have just been born has been smashed.

"what happened?"

Qin Nan’s eyes could not help but reveal a deep doubtful color.

He understands Sanshenggong correctly, and there is no mistake in the three-legged seal. How can it not condense the power of Sansheng?

Among them, what went wrong?

"try again."

Qin Nan was never a person who gave up easily. He took a breath and calmed his mind. His hands were printed according to the three-year method and re-released.

However, at this time, a very strange scene appeared.

An invisible force, I do not know where to come from, pressed on the hands of Qin Nan, let Qin Nan use all his strength, his hands, can not be closed.

The first law can't be printed.

"Impossible, my understanding of San Shenggong is absolutely not wrong..."

Qin Nan was even more confused. He couldn’t help but look up and asked: "Bronze mirror, what is going on?"

Flying over the female emperor stood not far away, did not speak, her eyes, staring at Qin Nan's hands.

Although she only passed on Qin Nansheng, all of this is beyond her cognition.

The power of the three lives is broken!

Sansheng's law can't be printed!

Could it be said that Qin Nan has experienced a great cycle in this world, but is in the state of "beginning"?

Still or say -

With the rise of a thought, the surrender of the female emperor suddenly shrank.

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