Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1515: Emperor

The first thousand five hundred and fifteenth chapter of the emperor

The aura suddenly collapsed and turned into countless golden lines, intertwined into a huge array.

All the eyes of the monks are instinctively looking up.

I saw only that the formation of the battle, the shape of the wonderful Princess, emerged from it.

At this moment, she has a golden silk dress, her skin is like snow, her dreams are fascinating, and the countless immortals around her make her a temperament. It is no longer like a queen, but a fairy.

"Miao Miao Princess?"

Most of the monks, their looks are stunned.

"This is the ten spirits body?" What happened to the bronze mirror in the afterlife, looked at the flying female emperor, a little shocked, "You found a fairy spirit on this continent?"

Flying over the female emperor, dancing around the ice, did not pay attention.

"The spirit has a soul, the soul is invisible, the tenth is mysterious, and all souls are life!"

In the eyes of the public, Miao Miao princess made a mysterious seal with her hands, and behind her, she suddenly shined and dazzled, and it became an unreal figure.

This figure is the true king of all spirits.


It was made by the bronze mirror, and tens of thousands of heaven and earth spirits made a roaring sound. In their eyes, a special rune was suspended.

"All things are spiritual fairy."

The bronze mirror was quickly produced in the printing of the Fa, and the four mysterious light was shot, and it was not included in the heaven and earth objects of the four kings.

By now, other spiritual things, she can't keep it.

"All the spirits are obeying orders, and those who are hostile to Qinnan will kill them innocently!"

Miao Miao Princess seems to be the same as the king of all spirits, and at the same time open, with an invisible majesty.


Tens of thousands of heaven and earth spirits, all spit out people's words, have shot, shot the monsters they sat down, and attacked the forces of the South Heaven and Earth in all directions.

"What happened? Miao Miao princess actually manipulated these heaven and earth spirits?"

In the eyes of all the monks, the smudged color was suddenly revealed.

Although Miao Miao Princess is a lost Princess of Medicine Garden, she also acquired the gods, but she has not really become a **** of war. How can she have such incredible power now?

"How is this going!"

Tiandu Wushen, the demon lord of the Forbidden Land, and so on, the masters of the teaching level, the face is brushed and changed.

They did not expect that an unremarkable figure could actually do this in such a war.

"Dongzhou helps, the princess controls the spirit, and as a result, anti-Tianmeng has an absolute advantage!"

The giants who killed the land and other powers, the heart shook.

In some people's eyes, it is even more revealing.

Under such a situation, with Qin Nan’s current cultivation, it must be easy, and it can lead to the martyrdom of the gods.

"What are you doing in anti-Tianxiang, what are you doing? Now, with all your anger, destroy all of them!"

Wu Yuange youth and others, Yang Tian made a big drink.

All the monks in the anti-Tianmen alliance immediately reacted and the morale skyrocketed.

In contrast, the monks of the Southern Heavenly Land and other forces began to pale and their bodies were subconsciously retrogressive.

In the face of such anti-Tianmeng, they simply can't beat!

"Lu Tianshen, Nantianmen, God List, Emperor's List, you are now fascinated, and with the previous life, stop Qinnan."

The tone of the bronze mirror is still indifferent.

"it is good!"

The four giants of Lu Tianshen, their body shape flashed into the body of the four kings who were still under the control of the afterlife, and the momentum climbed and flew into the air.

"You have come exactly. Today, you have smashed the body of your will. After you seal the gods, you are devoting your deity!"

Qinnan warfare, long knife.

boom! boom! boom!

The war was triggered again, and countless explosions, like endless thunder, blew up on this land.

One monk after another, successively fallen, blood sprinkled on the battlefield.

The monks who were originally fanned by Lu Tianshen, feared in their hearts, quickly retired from the battlefield.

This has also led to the lineup of forces such as Nantiandi and other forces, which have become even weaker.

"There is a day!"

Qin Nan's figure flashed, and he smashed out, and countless days of desert gas destroyed all the branches, shrouded the towering tree and shattered it.

"Southern Day Printing!"

The will of Nantianmen, raised his big hand, and produced a terrible slogan, and suddenly took it.

Lu Tianshen and Shen Bang are two people who have performed a terrible killing from both sides.

Under this set of killings, even the peak of Wu Zongjing can be destroyed.


Qin Nan smashed out, the terrible knife, directly destroyed the killing of their three giants, the residual strength, but also the three of them.

"Across the sky!"

The shape of Qin Nan has not stopped, crossing the void, and it is in front of the bronze mirror.

The meaning of the collapse is also the meaning of the **** of war, and at the same time gathered together, turned into the strongest knife, and slammed down.

"The heavens and the earth destroy the swords!"

The momentum of the bronze mirror was climbed to the extreme, and all the forces gathered together and turned into a supreme sword.


The terrible strength, the rushing, the void, a tremor.

The sharp edge of the broken knife finally teared open the supreme sword, and squatted on the body of the bronze mirror.

"Qin Nan... Thank you."

There was no pain in the past life of the bronze mirror, but the face was exposed.

She was also the hegemonic hegemon of the nine days of the immortal domain. After the fall, she was bound by the three fathers to kill her own afterlife.

In her heart, after all, it is unwilling.


Soon, her figure was turned into a light.

The golden seal in Qinnan's body also spread a series of cracks, and finally turned into nothingness.

"Princess, crystal, come on stage!"

After Qin Nan nodded slightly, he passed two thoughts, and his body shape flew toward the inability of the Tianzhu.

By now, no one can stop him.

"Qin Nan, you can't think about it!"

Accompanied by this loud voice, the Emperor Bang broke out at an alarming speed and killed Qin Nan.

"Breaking -"

Qin Nan turned and prepared to fight back.

"Qinnan, I have been helping you, you have to be careful, the afterlife and Lu Tianshen, Nantianmen, secretly laid a big picture."

On the occasion of this millennium, the face of Emperor Deng’s face was deliberately revealed with a smile of kindness, and a thought was passed to Qinnan’s mind.

It can't watch Qinnan's failure. It wants Qinnan to really seal God. Finally, it is a battle with Lu Tianshen, Nantianmen, and God List. It is good for the benefit of the fishermen.


Qin Nan looked a glimpse, and then punched out, bombarded the chest of the emperor's list, so that the latter screamed, and fell into the ground.

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