Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1545: Battle of Ascension

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters

Qin Nan is still curious about this.

At that time, the animal skin scrolls said that it was clear that the immortal, the question, and the master were above the heavens, and there was a higher level of cultivation.

"Hello, I am really sorry. I don't know much about the higher realm. I only know that above the fairy, I ask for it, and then reach a certain level. It can be called ‘Nine Heavens!’

Luo Shen teaches apologetics.

He has a general qualification, no fairy roots, and no excellent background, so he stayed in the nine days of the fairy field for a small amount of time, less understanding.

"Nine days of supreme?"

Qin Nan has a different look.

"Yes, in the nine days of the Xianyu, only after reaching the nine-day supreme, can we open the system."

"Even if it is a hegemonic hegemony, he can only expand his own power and cannot recruit disciples."

"However, it is said that this is not in the system, there are other mysteries, it is not what I can know."

Luo Shen teaches to continue teaching.


The golden light in the eyes of Qin Nan beat.

The second lower bound, and the upper bound, the gap is too big.

It’s just the words “nothing to do”, it sounds extraordinary and fascinating.

"Right, you know what the thirty-ninth people of Zhuxian are?"

Qin Nan suddenly thought of something, but he did not say the fifth person of the immortals, lest people think of the **** of war.

"The thirty-ninth people of Zhuxian? I am sorry, I have never heard of this name."

Luo Shen teaches to shake his head and smile.

"Whether, other things, you don't have to say more, how did the monks in the nine-day fairy field rise to the immortal?"

Qin Nan took a drink of Luo Shenfu and asked.

As for other secrets and so on, he went to the nine days of Xianyu to learn about it. The most crucial thing now is to know how to raise the fairy.

"I know a little about Shengxian."

Luo Shenism taught to sit up straight and said: "The immortal is different from the **** of the gods and the gods. It needs to reach the peak of the gods, and it has a fairy root. Without the roots, it is almost impossible to succeed."

"In addition to this, you have to get the immortal order!"

Qin Nan brow slightly wrinkled: "Up to the immortal?"

The true way of cultivation is that the monk can achieve a higher level through his own efforts. He can understand it. After all, in addition to the natural roots, it can also be born.

Just how can I need to be promoted?

Is this the same as the emperor of the Cangwu continent?

"Yes, if you say it carefully, this promotion will have no effect. It is actually a tradition left over from ancient times."

"As long as an ordinary token is put on the atmosphere of a hegemonic hegemony, engraving a fairy word is a sacred order."

"Through this order, you can participate in the Battle of Shengxian. If you don't have it, you can participate, but it will be targeted by everyone."

Luo Shen teaches the Tao.

When Qin Nan heard this, he felt a lot in his heart.

The immortality is different, the gods become immortals, and the meaning between the two is extremely different, just like the old days on the mainland, Wuzu and the Great.

Now that there is a tradition of ascending immortality, the great hegemonic hegemons can absorb some talented and powerful people for their own use.

Of course, there are other advantages in this, but it is not necessary to say one by one. The meaning behind the three words of Shengxian is two words, interests.

"What is the battle for the rise of immortals? Is it true that if you want to achieve something like a fairy, you can truly become a fairy?"

Qin Nan asked the doubts in his heart.

"Of course not. If you want to rise to the fairy, you can only rely on yourself. However, you must be clear, but if you want to achieve a high level, you need a very grand scene?"

Qin Nan heard this and nodded.

He proves that the emperor is a great scene. In Wu Yuange’s words, this is a law in the dark.

"It is also true that God is promoted by the gods. Only a big scene can successfully create a fairy, or you will not be able to rise."

"The so-called battle for the promotion of immortality is to hold the immortal order, go to the forbidden land, battlefield, etc., which can be crowned with the word 'Xiangu', gain opportunities, confront the genius, and succeed in ascending."

"After this countless years of development, we have now explored an iron law. Every two to forty years or so, there will inevitably be several, even dozens of immortals and battlefields."

There is a longing for the eyes of Luo Shenjiao.

When a battlefield of Xiangu was opened, he was watching from afar. For the breath in the battlefield, he always let his dreams come back.

Even if you can't rise to the immortal, you can get in and get some chances. He must break through the realm of the gods early.

"What is Xiangu?"

Qin Nan is becoming more and more curious.

"The so-called Xiangu refers to the birth of the heavens and the earth, has a great creation, or has accumulated over many years, it is full of all kinds of forbidden places and battlefields."

"And, the monks above the gods can't step in."

"Right, when there is a general rise to the immortal, there will be a rule without plaintext. If the ascension fails, and it falls into it, you have to leave your inheritance in Xianu."

Luo Shen teaches the teacher to come.

"It turned out to be."

Rao is Qin Nan, and I can’t help but marvel at it.

He never imagined that the so-called Shengxian, it turned out to be like this, there are so many doorways inside.

However, perhaps it is because of the immortality, the immortality, and the legacy of inheritance that it is invisible and feels the importance of ascending.

At the same time, this is also a truly prosperous martial art.

If there is no such thing, it can only show that everything is not mature, or it has completely declined, or it has just started the tide of martial arts.

"When I am promoted to the immortal, I don’t know how many geniuses will come!"

Qin Nan’s fist was subconsciously clenched, and the golden light in his eyes began to become paralyzed.

"Hello, you must not know about the nine days of fairyland, and the various small worlds around me. I will tell you now..."

Luo Shen teaches extremely thoughtful teaching, and also allows Qin Nan to understand that there are almost 3,000 small worlds near the nine-day fairyland.

Some of the famous small worlds, there are strong gods, even the existence of human immortals.

“Thank you.” Qinnan stood up and said: “Teach me, please give me a map. I want to go to the world of hundreds of sizes and enter the nine-day fairyland.”

The world of hundreds of sizes is the red **** world, the empty wheel world, etc., which was originally mentioned by the **** eyes. Only in these small worlds, there is a ship of the ferry.

From a small world, to the nine-day fairyland, even if it is a human being, and forcibly crossing the void, it is a dead end, only to take this boat.

"Well, I will send someone to prepare the map for you." Luo Shenjiao quickly promised, suddenly thought of something, hesitated, said: "If you go to the empty wheel world, there is any trouble, you can motivate this order brand."

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