Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1570: Big shot

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-seven chapters hit the hand

When she said this, almost all the monks, all eyes gathered in Qinnan.

Obviously, they are very curious about Qin Nan’s identity.

Especially the princes of the yin and the swordless gods. At the beginning, both of them believed that this person was a purple fox.

"Anonymous monk."

Qin Nan said that he is now an unknown monk in the sky.

"Giggle, a famous monk, in the sky, the unknown monks like you are rare." The purple fox made a silver bell-like laugh: "But the nameless monk also has A name?"

"I don't know if you are willing to tell?"

Not only her, no one believes that a monk with such a terrible strength is an unknown monk.

"Qin Nan."

Qinnan has no scruples, tell the truth.

It’s not long before he came to the upstairs, and he has offended Xiaopeng Wang and Long Xuan Ling. He doesn’t mind being offended.

"Qin Nan?"

At this moment, the purple fox, the yin prince, the traceless sword god, and the other monks who were present, all looked at it.

The name Qinnan, of course, they knew that they had offended Xiaopeng Wang Wanzhen. In the dojo, they also had a dispute with the disciples of the Supreme Master.

There is also some friction between the prince of the yin and Qinnan.

"Hahaha, isn't the lord fooling us all?"

The yin yin returned to the gods and gave a big laugh and looked disdainful.

He didn't believe it at all. That Qinnan would have such strength.

Moreover, if Qin Nan really has such strength, then the courage to give Xiaopeng Wang no big dare, do not dare to speak out, to chase Qin Nan.

Qin Nan saw this scene and could only shrug his shoulders.

All he said is true. These people don't believe it. What else can he do?

"Since you don't want to say it, then we will not force you. This time everyone is coming for an opportunity. Although you are strong, you don't want to give up. I hope you don't blame the little girl when you arrive."

The purple fox was not angry, and did not say much. He showed up a body of fairy tales and came to the top of the two collapsed mountains. The jade hand shot and shattered it.

"How do you join forces with two friends?"

Purple fox eyes are like water, and there are thousands of styles. If others can see her true content at this time, if they are not good at it, they will be directly confused and unable to extricate themselves.

"I think so too!"

The yin yin and the sacred sword **** floated in the air at the same time, wiping off the blood at the corner of the mouth, and they fought in a war.

Being able to master the four poles, whether the character is arrogant, insidious, or gentle, etc., has one thing in common, has great perseverance, and is not afraid of danger.

Even if they face a strong person who is far superior to their own, they will never give up until the last moment.

The higher the opponent's cultivation, the higher their fighting spirit.


The three geniuses of the world are no longer nonsense, and they directly shoot.

Although they are not familiar with each other, and there is no exchange, but now they have an amazing tacit understanding, mutual cooperation, so that the power of the magic is even more terrifying.

Looking at it from a distance, now the three of them are just like the three emperors, the earth is moving, the momentum is extraordinary, and people are trembled.


In the face of such a lineup, the blood of Qin Nan’s body has been boiling to the extreme for the first time since the closure of the gods.

Even the red gold armor on his body is also shining in the golden awns, as if there is a peerless beast in the depths, and a roar of screams.

"Three geniuses join forces to deal with a monk?"

The monks around, looking at the sight, couldn't help but swallow.

You must know that this time the opportunity is certainly a big creation, but it is not a chance to rise.

It is extremely difficult to have a genius to come and fight each other. It is extremely difficult to compete with each other, let alone the three geniuses who join forces to fight against the enemy.

Such a thing is extremely rare.

"I don't know, the three geniuses join forces, can you defeat this mysterious blocker?"

However, for a long time, in their minds, the idea was raised almost at the same time, and the eyes stared at the front without hesitation.

Their appearance is now completely immersed in this confrontation.

boom! boom! boom!

At the moment of the outbreak of the war, the heavens and the earth, which was more than a dozen miles away, fell into a tremor.

Four distinct divine light, in the mid-air, every time, has launched thousands of collisions.

Only this time, the battle was completely different from the last time.

With the addition of the purple fox, Qin Nan’s various killings have been solved one after another, and the killings they have laid have become even more alarming.

In addition, the purple fox is not only good at charm, but also good at some strange means, such as mobilizing the power of the heavens and the earth, creating defects, attracting the thunder of the void and so on.

Rao is the divine power of Qinnan, and the realm of martial arts reached, far more than three people, and was suppressed by three people at one time.

"Dear friends, what are you still doing there? Now that more than half of the time has passed, if you want to get this adventure, you will get together soon."

The purple fox jade handed a slap, and played a rune, while gently opening the red lips, the sound is like the spring breeze, flowing into the hearts of all the monks.

In her voice, a powerful fairy technique is used.

"Get together!"

These monks suddenly woke up.

Although it is extremely rare for the three geniuses to join forces against the enemy, in contrast, the adventure is more important.


A monk, swaying the light, broke through the air, and the law was printed in the hands, and he gave a door to the fairy tales. He attacked Qinnan from all directions.

The confrontation between Qin Nan and the three geniuses of the world is so amazing that they can't get close and can only shoot from a distance.

"Across the sky!"

The shape of Qin Nan suddenly disappeared in the same place. He crossed the three geniuses of the world and waved the knife to prepare for a knife.

"The magic of purple water!"

"Nine shackles!"

"No shadow"

Purple fox, yin yin seems to have been expected, the palm of the hand at the same time, the former body of purple water, around Qinnan, layered.

The latter is called the shackles of nine erhus, one by one in Qinnan.

In the end, there is no invisible sword, and the invisible sword is sealed, sealing the void around Qinnan, and covering the body of Qin Nan.

In the blink of an eye, the whole person in Qinnan was completely locked and could not move.

Moreover, this time the blockade is not a trivial matter. It is specially designed for the various methods mastered by Qin Nan, so that Qinnan has nothing to do.

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