Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1574: Floating life

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-four chapters of floating life

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-four chapters

There is a hint of surprise in Qin Nan’s eyes.

I saw him in the depths of his knowledge of the sea, on the main map, the silent roots, and suddenly, the violent roots bloomed.

A line of purple gold lines, like the ancient war dragons, from the bottom up and down, constantly climbing and winding.

In the four weeks, a seven-pronged platinum flame emerged.

These platinum flames seem to form a nameless immortal squad. Even if Qin Nan did not motivate the sacred roots, he also took a hint of immortality from the gloom.

If other changes are said to be within the expected range of Qinnan, but Qinnan never imagined that Xiangen would also change.

"I urge this fairy root to try."

Qin Nan quickly calmed down, and God thought about it. The six-pronged platinum flame, the fire suddenly rose, and in the midst of it, a pure fairy was sucked in and fell into his body.

"You can **** in the fairy!"

Qinnan heart and spirit.

Although these scented scent is extremely rare, but if it takes a long time, it can accumulate a lot, comparable to a powerful heaven and earth spirit, and bring him great benefits.

More crucially, this time, Xiangen has undergone a transformation. When he breaks through the repairs, there is still a great possibility to make the next transformation.

At that time, the immortality that comes in, must be very much.

Thinking of this, Qin Nan eyes open and look forward.

Among the halls, the illusory figures stand quietly, and beside them are blood-eyed gods.

The **** gods ended the retreat a few days before, and they came here to wait for Qinnan.

Qin Nan glanced at it. After this period of practice, the blood-eyed gods were repaired, and they also made breakthroughs, reaching the gods and gods.

"Qin Nan, your cultivation is -"

The look of the **** **** is amazed.

He spent a lot of time in Qinnan, very familiar with the latter's breath.

But this time, he felt that Qin Nan’s breath was completely different, and he even felt an amazing sense of oppression.

Could it be said that he was passed down this time and broke through to the gods?

"I have now reached the peak of the earth god." Qin Nan saw his doubts, faintly laughed, and at the same time converge on the air machine, looking at the illusory figure: "Predecessors, that bad print -"

Before he finished asking, the Unreal Shadow said: "What you are born in your body is a heart of contempt."

Qinnan heard a word: "The heart of the jealousy?"

He has already thoroughly understood the immortality of the body of the jealousy, but he does not know at all, what is the heart of jealousy.

"If you want to refine your body, you must first have a heart of grievances. Then you can open your heart and release the heart of the heart, so that you can fully refine it."

The phantom figure explains: "The body of the counter-tooth is different from other celestial techniques. If there is no contradiction to the elders of the door, forcing cultivation, it will only go into anger and go astray."

"This is also to prevent this technique from being stolen by outsiders."

Qin Nan heard this and nodded.

Although he did not know much about the nine-day fairyland, he also knew that for some forces, the core cents and core exercises are the foundation of everything.

For example, those who are unsuccessful, can make countless monks rush, not only they have nine days of supreme.

But in them, there is a way to ask.

"Predecessors, how does this heart print open?"

Qin Nan asked quickly.

"If you want to open your heart, you have to go to a place." The illusion of the figure is a little thought, saying: "Floating, you know?"

The blood-eyed **** was shocked and heard, "Is it a floating heaven, is it the fairy land under the dying king?"

Qin Nan's brow wrinkled. "Only go there?"

As everyone knows, the land of Xianfu is the place where the hegemonic hegemons can occupy.

In general, if you do not join the power of the Gestapo, you will not be able to enter this fairy land.

If you break into it, you will be directly obliterated.

Unreal figure nodded and said: "It is true that there is only one place, but you don't have to worry. There are several sacred places in the small fairyland, which allows outsiders to enter."

"As long as you complete the tasks they have enacted, or give them enough benefits, you can."

The blood-eyed **** smiled awkwardly: "The words are like this, but it is not so easy to get the token into the floating world..."

If it is so easy, they will not come to these six deserts.

Moreover, Qin Nan has long said that he does not want to be bound by any forces, otherwise it is still very easy.

Unreal people smiled and said: "Token, we are already ready."

He gave a shot, each with two palm-sized, ancient tokens made of a certain spar, falling in the hands of Qin Nan and the blood-eyed god.

On this token, there are countless words, and there is also a breath of breath.

This silky breath is the breath of the hegemony!

“Is this a token that can enter a floating environment?”

The blood-eyed **** is slightly glimpsed. He has seen those tokens before, which is completely different from the one in his hands.

"This order was made thousands of years ago, but as long as the floating king is still there, you will have no problem if you take it."

The Unreal Shadow said.

"In this case, then we are going to the floating world now."

Qin Nan immediately said that he had long wanted to see and see, what is the so-called sacred land.

Last time, if it wasn't for the bronze mirror, he would not reply to him. He may now retreat in the land of Xianfu under the bronze mirror.

"Well, I will send you out to the six wild battlefields."

The Unreal Shadow nodded and slammed, and the ancient transmission method suddenly spread under the feet of the two.

"Predecessors, leave."

Qin Nan clows his fist and hands, and then his body shape disappears in place.

At the same time, what Qinnan did not know was that in the upstairs of the small fairyland, the fairy tales of the female emperor flew over the deepest.

In the sky, the infinite snow and ice that constantly danced, suddenly, was illuminated by a vast expanse of green.

Every piece of ice and snow suddenly lost its chill and turned warmer.

Under the snow and ice, the female emperor flew over the knees, the blue silk was draped, the white clothes were slightly moving, and the appearance was beautiful.

After the count, there was no sign, and in her body, an extremely amazing momentum broke out.

Moreover, this momentum is constantly rising, and in the blink of an eye, it has surpassed the level that the hegemony can understand.

“After breaking the three catastrophe, my practice speed is a hundred times faster. Now that the road is complete, you can start to hit the supreme position.”

There is still no slight change in the look of the female emperor. It seems that in her eyes, becoming a nine-day supreme is only a trivial matter.


She soon noticed that in the red rope on her wrist, Qin Nan came to a god.

"Would you like him to come over..."

Flying over the female emperor's fine eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

After returning to the nine days of Xianyu, she had made many powerful monks specially grilled a lot of fish for her, and it was still comparable to the immortal fish.

But I don't know why, these grilled fish are all tasteless, completely without the original tender and refreshing, fragrant and delicious.

She later thought about it, perhaps because the people who grilled the fish were different and the taste would be different.

After all, Qin Nan is not a general monk.

"After achieving the supreme, let him come."

She thought for a long time before she made a decision, and the beauty slowly closed.

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