Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1592: Second self

The first thousand five hundred ninety two chapters second self

However, what she said is true.

If you want to be rehabilitated between the same level, this is not very difficult. As long as you have enough luck and enough strength and persistence, you can achieve it.

However, it is extremely difficult to really reach the level of nine days of supreme, and even the level of the hegemonic hegemony.

“Is there no other way?”

Qin Nan’s heart is heavy, and countless thoughts have flashed through his mind.

He even thought of the flower of white and blue, and went to find the ancient fairy that had not been opened, and changed it.

However, the white-blue flower can affect Xiangu, which is still uncertain.

And generally in the place of Xiangu, before the opening, the monks can not forcibly enter, not every place, and the same six battlefields.


After a long time, a cold word, echoed in Qinnan's mind.

"There is a way?"

The whole person in Qinnan was stunned.

"Of course, there is everything in the world, and manpower can be done. It is also true to open Xiangu."

Flying over the speed of speech of the female emperor, I do not know why it slowed down, just like deliberately hanging Qinnan: "When I was promoted to the second time, there were only nine fairy celestials, and some means were used. Fourteen."

"How can I tell you that I can't do it now?"

"However, if you promised, I will listen to me once in the future, and I can make the Xiangu that appeared this time reach more than fourteen."

She stepped into the camp, and in the last sentence, she finally revealed her purpose.

"...If you can do it, I will promise you."

Qinnan mouth twitched slightly, and said.

Although the flying female emperor gave him a good news and gave him a lot of help, he could not cheer up.

Just a short time of ten, his mood has risen and fallen twice.

What is the taste now, I can’t say it completely.

Flying over the female emperor did not notice the difference, as always, the sound did not ring again, and it was calm.

"I didn't even tell me about the approximate time. It seems that I can only wait."

After Qin Nan had a good sound, he calmed down and shook his head. God read the Wandao Xianling.

Perhaps the reason that Xiangu is about to open is that there has been a lot more news about how to improve the cultivation.

Some of the previously quiet Gai's hegemonic forces also opened up various conditions to attract others to go to Xianfu Road to practice.

"But go, go to a yuyu ridiculous."

Qin Nan took back his mind and made a decision.

Haoyu is a ridiculous sect, but it is one of the three supreme sects of the upstairs in the small fairyland. At the same time, there is a tendency to have the top three of the supreme system.

Bronze Mirror rejected the invitation of all forces, but in the end it took up a position like an honorary elder.

The genius of the same name, Qiu Hong, is also among them.

And according to some rules, he is too ridiculous in the world, there are many opportunities, you can get honed and upgraded.

He can also take this opportunity to see the so-called Supreme Master and see the geniuses inside.

A little bit of time passed, and it took two days to go.

In these two days, the Prince of the Yin Dynasty was introduced into the ears of some people by a message called Qin Nan, which was surpassed by the genius of the world.

However, in the end, it failed to set off too much waves.

After all, the eyes of everyone gathered in the immortality that is about to open.

Moreover, the upstairs of the small fairyland is also different from the past, the mainland of the sky, there is no emperor and **** list, or the power to spread the message.

A genius of the world is being slain, and it is still not well known.

As for Qinnan’s words, in the past two days, it’s not too far away from the night.


Suddenly, Qin Nan stopped and his eyes swept around.

Just now, he noticed a strange wave.

"Is it because Long Xuan ordered their people to kill?"

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed, his body was tense, his power was running, and he was ready to break out.


After a few interest rates, a purple-gold flame burned in front of Qinnan without any warning.

In this flame, there is a piece of jade, sparkling with warm and radiant jade.

"what is this?"

Qin Nan was puzzled and thought about it. He still explored the jade slip and solved the prohibition.

"Qinnan Big Brother, I am Qiu Hong."

A slightly excited voice rang in his mind: "I was going to look for you, but I didn't expect to notice your breath, so I came to a piece of jade."

Qin Nan listened to a sentence, even if it was him, could not help but breathe a cold air, full of shocked color.

In any case, he did not think that Qiu Hong, who thought that he had the same name and surname, turned out to be the body of Qiu Hong who he once occupied in the state of the soul.

If it is not Qiu Hong, who said the animal skin scroll, and also said the white-browed old man, and everything that happened at that time, he would not believe it.

You must know that the original Qiu Hong, but lost all life!

"Although the Qiu Hong was different from the princess, the body was not decaying. I also entered the realm through his body, but..."

The mind of Qinnan is still difficult to calm down.

The ability of the animal skin scroll is completely beyond his imagination.

These are almost the means to return to life, even if a nine-day supreme, I am afraid it can not be done?

"Qinnan Big Brother, I know that you are improving your cultivation and preparing for Shengxian."

"I just took a task this time and it has great benefits. Big Brother may wish to go with me."

"I don't know if Big Brother has already believed at this time. I will send the swearing oath now, no matter what happens, I will never betray it-"

Qin Nan’s mood began to calm down. When he heard the last few words, his face could not help but reveal a smile.

He is not because Qiu Hong has made a swearing oath, but in the fairyland of this big man, it is extremely rare to meet someone who is very familiar with each other.

The feeling in my heart is also inexplicable warmth.

More than that, the relationship between him and Qiu Hong is now extraordinary and has a sense of brotherhood.

"Then wait for me in the quiet old city, I will arrive one day later."

Qin Nan passed a **** thought to Yu Jian, and after destroying it, he converges on a gas machine and flies into the distance.

His body, being hit into the mark of heaven and earth, will release invisible killings.

In normal times, you can use this kind of killing to deter small, but when you reach the point of nowhere, you don't have to.

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