Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1596: Haoyu is too old

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-six chapters

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-six chapters

"The method of asking for a good god."

Qin Nan’s heart was slightly shocked, and he stabilized Daojing and looked at it carefully.

"The world is big, it’s a life, it’s not a glimpse!"

"All the people in the world, the law of all things, are illusory. In the martial arts, it is not a way of life, let it be high in strength, strong in strength, and also a mortal, talk about practice!"

"This is called Yu Yu is too wild and true! What is He Wei? He Weiyu? What is too old? If the world is regarded as a fairy light, then the so-called "穹"

With the look of Qin Nan's ancient characters, in his mind, it seems that there is a supreme being, sitting on the void, pro-intellectual Taoism, mysterious extraordinary.

However, Qiu Hong gave him only the first one in the world.

This first article is a general outline. It is about why the universe is too old.

But even then, Qin Nan’s mind gradually sinks into it and enters a state of no self, which is completely attracted.

After all, he had stepped into the realm before, and then went to the next stage of the Dacheng. In a sense, he did not rely solely on comprehension, but a breakthrough.

He is still a blank piece of paper about the perception of the environment.

The time passed slowly, and soon it took a day.

I saw that the whole person in Qinnan was shining with a ray of light, which made the tables and chairs in the whole room seem to have come alive, with amazing spirituality and no longer dead objects.

From this invisible sentiment, his own use of Daoguang has begun to reach another level, which is not a small breakthrough.

However, Qin Nan did not realize that his forehead gradually climbed up with a strange mark like a flame, inhaling the power of his body.

Soon after, from the imprint, a black line was extended, facing the face of Qinnan, as well as the neck and chest spread.

A kind of ambiguous meaning of nothing, began to quietly born.

This kind of change has been going on for a long time. After two days, the meaning of the glory of Qin Nan’s body has reached a very strong level.

Even the tables and chairs in his side, such as the three feet, were affected by the will and became decaying.

"I don't think it's the way to ask the truth. It's so amazing that the universe is too ridiculous and contains the mystery."

Qin Nan’s eyes slowly opened, and his heart was still shaking.

After these three days of sentiment, with his martial arts talent, for this first article, I have not fully understood, but I have a general idea in my heart.

He also has a new understanding of the environment.

The so-called state refers to the road to success.

The avenue, which can be called the law, is the root of everything, even between heaven and earth.

If there is no law, the heavens and the earth will be chaotic, and everything will be attributed to nothingness.

He now understands why the original animal skin scrolls will say that the Dacheng Dacheng and the Taoism are perfect, which is a world of difference.

The Daocheng Dacheng is just a kind of light in the body, reaching a certain level.

When the road is complete, it is the road to establish itself.

As soon as the avenue is completed, the law is born, and the monks themselves are not in the world.

In a sense, the monk has become an independent self, and there is no difference between the heaven and the earth.

Haoyu is too ridiculous, and after training, it is also the way of the world.

"However, the universe is too ridiculous, but it was founded by the nine days of the sacred ancestors of the sacred ancestors, or by others. If you learned this..."

The thoughts in Qin Nan’s mind emerged, and he had not waited for him to ponder, and he suddenly felt something.

"How can my body become like this?"

Qin Nan's face suddenly changed.

Is it to say that when he realizes that the universe is too ridiculous, the will in the midst of it will let his flesh and self-cultivation begin?

"Qiu Hong, Qiu Hong, why don't you tell me this in advance?"

Qin Nan could not help but smile.

He is not so interested in the way of the world, but he has no plans to practice now.

"Well, it is already here, and it can't be changed. Let's cultivate this road."

After a long time, Qin Nan was calmed down and shook his head.

In a way, he and Haoyu are too ridiculous, but they also have a lot of fate. If you really cultivate, then there will be nothing.

Deeply took a breath, Qin Nan hands changed, and finally formed a strange law.

This name is 穹印, which is the basis of the foundation of the world.


The glory of his body was too ridiculous, and suddenly it was like a kind of inspiration. He brushed into Qin Nan’s body and merged with his divine power.

Even if it is successful, it is the first step.


Just in the midst of this millennium, in the body of Qinnan, there was a very horrible breath, like a nine-day supreme, awakened from the ancient times.

"this is"

Qin Nan’s face was a glimpse.

Then, the change started again.

The wing where he was in, suddenly changed, turned into a vast expanse of boundless blue world.

In his body, the meaning of the vastness of the universe is all sucked out by a force, and evolved into a road like a dragon.

As for his distance, there is an incomparable stalwart, domineering, and unable to see the true face of the sky.


Looking back at the shadow of the sky, overlooking the light of the sacred sacred road, issued a cold word.

The entire blue world suddenly trembled.


Haoyu is too ridiculously dizzy, although it is constantly collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it seems to be unwilling to burst, constantly gathering.

"You don't have to struggle, you can't do it, but you don't deserve it!"

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