Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1607: The crisis is coming

The 1867th chapter of the crisis

You must know that Ding Tianqi only repaired himself and suppressed it to the three gods.

Qinnan’s level of the peak of the earth’s gods, under his hands, has supported a full amount of time. What does this mean?

That Qin Nan and Ding Tianqi are equally cultivated, and the two will inevitably be divided.

Even said that Qinnan is still slightly better.

"This son, is it difficult to master the path of Xiaocheng?"

In the mind of a monk, there was a thought that made them breathless.

As everyone knows, to master the heavens and master the four poles of martial arts, you can call it the hegemonic hegemon.

If you go up, you can call it a nine-day supreme if you have enough to master the situation.

The path is small, this is a myriad of geniuses, and even some of the new world's hegemony, are dreaming of the realm.

If you say that Qinnan Shengxian is successful and you have mastered the Tao, you can call it ‘the genius of the world.’

Looking at the entire nine-day fairyland, it is one of the top talents.

A top genius like this level is either a supreme sacred person or a core disciple of Supreme Orthodox. His status is extremely extraordinary. His future achievements are also directed to the Supreme!

"Qin Nan, you really gave me too many accidents today. This time I lost, but next time, you don't want to win me again."

Ding Tianqi took the lead to return to God, and there was no slight loss on his face.

After the talk, the focal length in the eyes began to slowly collapse, and the whole person was like a puppet, and went to his position.

Qin Nan nodded and the war retreated.

I have to say that he has experienced so many battles, this Ding Tianqi is one of those few opponents that can be respected by him.

At this moment, the entire hall is still silent.

Qin Nan quickly returned to God and stepped out of the field. He said, "There are no seniors. According to the agreement, can you give me the knife?"

When he said this, many Tianxian strong people began to return to God.

"Haha, it’s really a hero who is a young boy. If you change it to me, I am afraid that you will not be 30%." Wu Dingzhen made a big laugh and said: "This knife is here today."

There is no dissatisfaction in his heart.

Qin Nan’s strength has already made him look good.

If he said that Qin Nan had such strength, he would not hesitate to Qin Nan at the beginning and would not hold this battle.

"Qinnan Xiaoyou, your move is really wonderful!"

"Qinnan Xiaoyou, congratulations!"

"Qin Nan -"

The other powerful forces have also reacted and raised their glasses.

As the saying goes, the king is defeated.

Now that Qin Nan wins, he is the current king. No one will slap him again, but he will be well with him.

"Qinnan Daoyou, I didn't expect your strength, it was so strong, I just worried about it for a while."

Xu Xianzhi moved lightly and smiled like a flower. He said: "I have sent people to trace the origins of this knife."

Qiu Hong, who is on the side, also quickly said: "Southern brother, don't worry, I sent someone to check."

Qin Nan heard this, a slight glimpse, and then solemnly salute.

Although Xu Xianzhi’s move is quite good for him, he deliberately sells the feelings of others, but now he is in the ascendant days, the strength is thin, and it is too difficult to track down alone.

Xu Xianzhi and Qiu Hong, taking the initiative to help him, is a thick friendship.

"Must be ok!"

Qin Nan held the black knife tightly, and then slowly released after half a ring.

"After this time, I will retreat!"

Gao Yuanxian and Zhao Lijian's face are not particularly good-looking, but Xiaopeng Wang Wanzhen, while his face is ugly, his fists are clinging to death.

In his heart, it also ignited a long-lost fighting spirit.

Because he wants to surpass the mountain of Qinnan.

"Continue to hold a birthday banquet." Zhao Li gradually took a breath and calmed his mind. He said: "Now the second ceremony, all the friends, salute, and respect the wine -"

Everything is on the right track.

However, because of the fact that Qin Nan and Ding Tianqi had just played against each other, the atmosphere of this banquet became very warm.

Just as at the reception, Qin Nan has also become the focus of the audience.

Time passes by, and after half an hour, all the rituals are over.

The monks who were present began to talk to each other, toast each other, and to establish diplomatic relations.

When the atmosphere was very warm, a disciple dressed in a blue robes ran quickly and yelled at the voice of the real person.

"Long... Elders, a little bit of a change, a river, and a meta-seeking road, a change has occurred, and suddenly opened in advance."

Linhe and Yuanshou Ancient Roads are among the most famous places in Wantian Tianyu. They are built by Nanshi Xianwang and are responsible for Wudingzhen.

Wu Ding lived a cold look at this disciple and said: "Just just open it in advance, then let the outer door and the inner disciple begin to conduct assessments and enter the game in advance."

If it was not at the birthday party, he would certainly reprimand the disciple.

What kind of things are you doing now?

The disciple was cold and sweaty, and his voice shook slightly: "In addition...the long...the elders, the Taoist stone also started to work in advance."

There is no such thing as a real person.

Looking at the stone, different from the previous two trials.

It is made from the refining of the Southern Kings, and it runs once a year. After running, it can discover their enemies from the vast sky.

It is because of this stone that many dead soldiers sent by other forces have been discovered one by one, bringing great benefits.

Only a month ago, it has already been opened, and now it is open again?

"I know, you go ahead."

Wu Ding real people waved his hand, he now feels awkward, but can only wait until the end of the birthday party, he will go to explore it.


The disciple breathed a sigh of relief and ran slowly.

The dialogue between the two of them was unrecognized. In the entire hall, people came and went, and they were still enthusiastic.

In particular, Qinnan was shown by many forces. After learning that Qinnan had no Zongmen, it also got a lot of attention.

"Qinnan Xiaoyou, may wish to join us? With your qualifications, you will inevitably become a pro-disciple of Nanshi Xianwang, at that time-"

The eyes of the real person did not stare at Qin Nan.


His words have not been finished yet, and the entire hall suddenly trembles.

An invisible pressure, I do not know where to come from, above the crowd, slowly swinging.


The monks present, looked up one by one.

"Is this what it is -"

There are no real people, and Zhao Lizeng, as well as many Tianxian strongmen under the Nanshi Xianwang, are keenly aware of what.


Suddenly, a vast blue light crossed the countless voids, like the sea, and fell on Qin Nan.

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