Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1617: Ascendant

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters

Time passed and it quickly passed for a month.

In this month, several major events took place in the entire nine-day fairy field.

The Xiangu Jiuqu, which was previously opened in the Xuanpingtian Xiaoxian domain, has been completely opened, attracting countless monks.

In the days of the small fairyland, there are also many gods going.

Then in the upstairs Tianxian domain, the Longxian Daochang and the Chiyue Shuicheng, which were crowned as Xiangu, responded one after another.

Thirty-three days in the Xiaoxian domain, Tai'an Tianxiaoxian domain, the red dust world that was crowned as Xiangu also reacted.

In short, count the mountains of the Emperor's Demon that had reacted before, and there are a total of five immortals, which will appear in the same year.

"One Xiangu has been opened, and four Xianu are about to open. A new round of opportunities for the rise of immortals has arrived!"

"Call me to go, all the gods and monks, all retreat! Missed this opportunity, at least have to wait for twenty years!"

"The last time I rose, I must succeed this time!"

"The nine songs of Xuan Pingtian Xiaoxian are separated from the river and have gathered a lot of monks. Then I will go to the next day and wait for it!"

"The mountain of the emperor, this place is best for me!"

It is precisely because of this, the entire nine days of Xianyu, among the small fairy fields, the thirteen major Supreme, hundreds of Gai hegemonic forces, countless martial arts families, have begun to pass orders.

Many of the dissidents of the realm of the gods have also stepped into a forbidden place to make final preparations before the war.

In addition, due to the emergence of three immortals in the small Tianxian area, the monks and forces in other small fairy fields also began to leave, and came to the sky.

"This time the tide of rising immortals, only five immortals appeared, it is impossible for me to rise to the immortal, it seems that I can only wait."

At the same time, there were some extraordinary extraordinary things, shaking his head.

Like Qin Nan, they only have a few centuries-old words, they can't make them successful, they need more scenes.

At this moment, the sky is a small fairyland, a mysterious place.

Flying over the female emperor in a white dress, black silk shoulders, ice-like eyes, sparkling with amazing light, staring into the distance.

"These three princes also brought Qinnan to that place."

In her heart, she thought quietly, and immediately extended a five-finger jade finger, and placed it in the void, drawing a pattern.

"It's time to wake up other fairy gods for him."

Under her body, there were a hundred thousand legal patterns spread in an instant, intertwined into an ancient array.

In the middle of this array of law, countless lines of light, constantly shining, an ancient book made of some kind of animal skin, slowly emerged.

At the same time, the Supreme Cave House is a terrible place.

The fierce collision sounds like a blast of blasts.

In the whole month, Qin Nan was constantly stifling with the crickets, and a total of four quadrupoles and hundreds of other crickets were defeated.

He now exudes an extremely astounding murderousness on the whole person, and the dark red color of the square is already visible to the naked eye.

In addition, the divine power in his body has reached the seven gods.


A bundle of thirteen kinds of fairy light, with an astonishing speed, hit Qinnan, Qinnan has long felt, and his body shape is biased.

Unexpectedly, this light was also followed, and it was hit on his chest, and a fist-sized blood hole was made, which made him scream.

"Inferior body!"

Qin Nan’s heart and soul moved to repair the flesh. At the same time, he stepped back a hundred steps, and the golden fire-like eyes were closely guarded in front.

In front of him, there are thirteen defects.

One of them is the master of a Taojing, and the other two have reached the four poles. The other ten scattered powers are the peaks of the gods.

This is the strongest lineup he has encountered in a month, has been killed for three days and three nights, still has not won the game.

"First kill this crystal!"

Qinnan’s momentum has skyrocketed, and the broken knife has come out and has turned to one of the four poles.


Ten gods and peaks, immediately rushed up, played a door to the fairy, to force the broken knife to give birth.

"Wan Wan lore!"

Qin Nan flexed a shot.

Two invisible knives, instantly enveloping the two quadruple.

If the Daojing is ignorant, the palm of his hand is waving, and the ten gods are peaking, and immediately they are coming toward his figure.

"Step on the world, collapse the war!"

Qin Nan screamed and screamed, and many figures were punched out.

After so long killing, his current warfare has already climbed to the extreme, strength, and so on.

Even if ten gods are embarrassed, confrontation with him must be suppressed.

"The magic of the magic fairy!"

Qin Nan suddenly turned into a residual image, which appeared in front of Daojing, his palm, also turned into a French seal, photographed on its forehead.

The illusory spirit, rising from the ground, does not move.

The knives on a quadruple scorpion immediately got an invisible call and swiftly approached it.

White Pelican Flying Knife!

Dao Jingyu seems to have noticed that he has already counted, and quickly retreats backwards, his body flashing light, trying to eliminate the spirit.

In addition, the two heads of four poles rushed quickly and pinched Qin Nan.


Qin Nan gave a low drink and his body shape disappeared in the same place, and it fell on the top of the road.

The spirit behind it, began to pick up the broken knife, and took the lead.

Qin Nan also used his left hand as a knife.


Rao is this crystal, extremely extraordinary, but under these two killings, it is impossible to resist, and a slamming sound is turned into a crush.

The mark of heaven and earth, once again, entered the Qinnan body.

The vast red light of the road, also at an astonishing speed, fell into the power of his body.


At this moment, two cold and cold killings, straight to the back of Qinnan.

"First break through the gods!"

Qin Nan does not hesitate, will no longer suppress the power of God.

The momentum of his whole person has skyrocketed again in an instant, and the blooming light has become extremely dazzling.

This is his plan. Although Daojing is not the strongest, the benefits should be the biggest. He can break through after killing.

In this way, he can kill the ten peaks of the gods and the two quadruple.

After all, these embarrassing people are strong ones in life, and the instinct of fighting is still there. If Qin Nan’s power and the gap between them are too great, they will not win.

"Suppress me for three days, now it's my turn!"

Qin Nan blood flying, the body of the red gold armor, I do not know whether it is because of the heaven and earth imprint, but also bloom in the blood, if a **** to kill God.

He did not have any extra movements. He just slammed out the two poles and slammed back and forth.

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