Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1623: Fierce attack

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-three chapters of the murder

"Ten ... ten ... fifteen feet of real red light?"

The faces of the five young people, the time-changing white, the body trembled in the subconscious, and the voices of their voices became jealous.

They came from another small fairy field, a Genghis hegemonic level, and the top inner disciple of that power.

In their lifetime, they also saw a lot of geniuses and horrible murderers, but they have never seen them. A **** of the gods can radiate fifteen feet of dark red light.

"Ten... fifteen feet?"

Not only they, Xiaopeng Wang Wanqi, but also Zhao Lijian and Lin Elder, and the more than 70 monks and monks, the top three face suddenly changed dramatically, the latter are pale.

The dark red light of fifteen feet!

What is this concept?

At least you have to kill eight talented geniuses before they can be produced!

More crucially, they are very clear about the news of Qinnan. It is only a month or so after the end of the storm on the last birthday party!

In such a short period of time, what did he do, and he killed so many geniuses?

"Qin Nan, you..."

Tang Qingshan is completely unclear about the seal of heaven and earth, but he stepped into killing the road and know what it means to be murderous at these levels.

Qin Nan came to the nine days of Xianyu so little time, what happened in the end?

"Fear! For the predecessors, please spare your life! We are the inner disciples of the Shuiyue Xian Wang. I have been offended, we are now -"

Five young people reacted in this great deterrent, and there was no arrogance and pleading for mercy.


It’s just that their words haven’t finished yet, and a cold knife is like a demon opening a **** mouth and engulfing them all.

Five gods peak, one knife spike.


The one-of-a-kind monk who opened the door suddenly took a breath of cold air, and the cold knife and the blood that splashed and flew gave them great excitement.

They just thought, the genius of the world, but it is!

However, they are now getting wrong, and the mistake is very outrageous!

Among the geniuses of the world, there are also high and low points. Qinnan, which is in front of you, is undoubtedly the most outstanding genius!

These gods are not qualified to block each other!

"The people in the sky, you are hiding very deep, even I have not noticed you, I almost have to be trapped in a large array."

At this moment, Qin Nan looked up, blood flying, cold mouth.

Although he did not play any fairy tales, there are quite a few strong gods who only feel stared at by the horrible demon, and the scalp is numb.


Dozens of Tenjin monks who just stepped into the martial arts poles couldn’t stand it, didn’t hesitate, and worked the most powerful, and didn’t go far.

"not good!"

Xiao Peng Wang Wanqi, Zhao Lijian and Lin Elder's face changed again.

The murderous murder of Qin Nan did give them a big impact, but as long as they still run the battle, they still have a great chance of winning.

But now, it has become different.

"Breaking the sword!"

Qin Nan shot, slashing a knife, the vastness of the knife, like a fierce dragon, from the sky from the woods, standing directly in the weakness of the formation.


The invisible patterns of the lines emerged one after another and broke.

Xiaopeng Wang Wanzhen and Zhao Lizeng, Lin Elder and other people's body shape, also exposed to the world.

"Xiao Peng Wang, you are!"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the golden fire reignited, the battle armor emerged, stepped out in one step, and directly killed them in front of them, instantly tens of thousands of amazing swords.

"How did his cultivation become so powerful?"

Xiaopeng Wang Wanzhen and Zhao Lijian, I wanted to fight with one, but when this knife came to the surface, my heart suddenly became cold.


The three men immediately decided to use their means to break into the distance.

At the same time, the mood of the three of them, like a glimpse, is remorse.

If you know that Qin Nanxiu is so powerful, they should not be tempted for the time being. It is a waste of energy and puts himself at risk.

Some other gods, see this scene, where there is courage to fight, and instantly blasted.

"There is such a killing deal to deal with me, can you let you leave easily? The sky is ruined, the white spirits fly, the sky is lore!"

Qin Nan was in a strong position, and at the same time he played three fairy tales.

Between the time of the shackles, a knife and a knife, in the small Peng Wang and so on, successively opened, countless days of knives, is to push forward, a famous spirit, constantly emerge.


A scream of screams, ringing in the air.

A strong **** of the gods, directly fell, blood sprinkled on the spot.

Xiao Peng Wang Wanqi, Zhao Lijian, and so on, were also hit hard.

"What happened? Why are so many strong people falling and fleeing?"

One of the other monks, as well as the monks who are flying in the distance, seeing this scene is a physical and mental shock.

They subconsciously thought that someone had triggered some kind of murder.

"Come on you running fast!"

Qin Nan looked at this scene, and his body calmed down and fell back to the ground. He smiled at Tang Qingshan: "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

His smile, from the heart, is very warm, and there is a world of difference with the magical gesture of the world.


Tang Qingshan snorted for a while, and immediately showed a smile on his face: "You kid can, it doesn't take long for the nine days of Xiantian, it is so powerful."

Qin Nan gave a low cough and opened the topic: "Brother, what happened just now?"

Tang Qingshan glanced at it and sighed, saying: "It is a bit complicated to say this."

Qin Nan listened quietly, did not interject, until the end, completely clear.

Tang Qingshan is different from him. After arriving at the nine-day Xianyu, he went to Xuanpingtian Xiaoxian.

Later, in a forbidden area, he got an amazing secret treasure, and he was expected to be embarrassed by these young people.

In the process of fleeing, the black knife was unfortunately lost in order to protect him.

In order to find a black knife, he also came to the upstairs of the small fairyland, and entered the land of killing the celestial by virtue, and unexpectedly encountered the group of people.

"This is the case." Qin Nan nodded, and suddenly thought of something, said: "Sister, these seven peaks, it is likely to be a conspiracy, we have to leave quickly."

He just forgot about this because of Tang Qingshan’s business.

"Conspiracy?" Tang Qingshan frowned, said: "I used before -"

Before they could wait for the opening, the two of them felt keenly that the mountain under the feet began to shake vigorously.

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