Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1627: Fairy tree

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of the tree

Behind Qinnan, a vast expanse of blue light emerged.

The ancient pressure is like the boiling sea, sweeping the entire hall.

Even if it is the gossip demon in front of you, under this pressure, it must be much smaller.

"What is this? How is there such an amazing pressure?"

The gossip demon face was surprised, but soon he became more excited: "Ha ha ha, I did not expect your origins to be very extraordinary, this time cheaper me!"

The eight magical flames that he had turned into were directly covered by Qin Nan and began to burn.

"no response?"

Qinnan looks a glimpse.

Could it be said that he had thought wrong before, and the soul of God of War did not restrain this soul?


The Eight Diagrams Devils still have the hands to do in the future. They only perceive the body of Qin Nan. In a moment, they burst into a thick mouth: "You...had you condensed Daojing and stepped into the Daocheng Dacheng?"

What is the concept of Dacheng Dacheng?

In the past, he was trying to consolidate Daojing, and he did not hesitate to take risks. He went to refining and killing the ancient land of Xian, and finally led to this appearance.

But now a god, there is no ascension, how did you step into the Tao?

"Looking... lying down! This... what is this?"

Then, he saw the skeleton of the dense warfare, which made his whole person completely shocked.

I have never seen such a thing in his knowledge, and I have never heard of it.

How can the lines cover the bones?

At this time, as a top-ranking hegemony, there have been countless times of in-depth experience, which gave him a very strong intuition.

What he wants to refine this time is not only an extraordinary genius, but also a shocking background!

Simply put, he kicked the iron plate.


Although the excellent opportunity was in front of his eyes, but he did not hesitate in the slightest thoughts, and this thought came out of his mind, and he also urged a soul shackle.


At this time, the God of War pattern spread in the Qinnan body, broke out with a terrible horror force, hitting the eight flames.

"Give me away!"

The Eight Diagrams Devil felt the unprecedented crisis. At the moment, he slammed the scorpion to the extreme and escaped the body of Qinnan.

However, this is the case, he was also hit by the aftermath, the body shape directly dimmed, so that he could not help but make a few snoring.

"It's too dangerous... too dangerous!"

The gossip demon looks pale, looks at Qin Nan's gaze, and there is no more excitement, etc., only a burst of heart and soul.

If he just responded a little slower, then his gossip, the devil, will inevitably be erased in this world.

"Gossip, all are dying, and courage is not small."

Suddenly, a cold voice rang from the hall.

"Who? Who are you?"

The Eight Diagrams Devil was shocked, his hair was upright, his eyes glanced around, until he finally felt something, and saw the red rope on Qinnan's wrist.

His scorpion suddenly shrank slightly.

"Fly... Flying over the female emperor?"

His voice, with a tremolo.

His reaction was no less than the invisible force that he had just encountered.

Others don't know, but he can't forget that when he was eager to fly over the beauty of the female emperor, he was repeatedly harassed, and he was taught a terrible lesson.

If it wasn't for his timely response, he would really be born to die.


Bronze mirror did not answer the Eight Diagrams Devil, but found the strangeness in Qin Nan's body and sent a surprise.

Her thoughts are also sinking into it.

The entire hall is due to death.

" kid is...what is it?"

The voice of the Eight Diagrams Devils trembled.

He has seen many people who have come to the sky, but he has never encountered Qinnan.

"I do not know either."

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the golden fire beats and his face becomes cold. "It’s just a senior, you violate the promise, and now I don’t blame me."

The Eight Diagrams Devil was severely hit, and the soul was incomparably weak. With his current combat power, he added the mystery of the broken knife and made him completely more than enough.

"wait wait wait!"

The Eight Diagrams Devil was frightened and jumped. "Misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding. Don't be impulsive!"

"I made a **** oath, this time I will take you to the place of inheritance!"

Qin Nan heard a sneer and said: "Do you think I will be fooled?"

The body of the Eight Diagrams Devil shuddered, and a lot of cold sweats appeared on his forehead. He hurriedly said: "Dao You, this blood soul swears and the fairy swears are different, and they have a binding force on the soul!"

"Moreover, you have such a horrible thing in your body. You are still flying over the female emperor. Now give me the courage to dare, I don't dare to move you!"

"That... that place, but there are thirteen trees!"

A look at Qin Nan’s look: “Chemical fairy tree?”

When the Eight Diagrams Devils saw the opportunity, they came to the spirit and smiled and said: "You don't know, this is a fairy tree, but it can make people rise to the fairy tree!"

"Even if you are an extraordinary genius of the world, refining and thirteen sacred trees, it is more than enough to promote the immortals!"

"And, beside this sacred tree, there are three powerful inheritances!"

After that, he felt a pain in his heart.

Originally, he also planned to refine the Qinnan, and then pass these inheritances, as well as all the scented trees.

In this situation, he is completely ruined.

“Is there a strong heritage of the fairy tree and three places?”

There was a glimmer of light in Qin Nan’s eyes. When the next line said: "Well, you made a vow, and this time you will not care about it."

"If you dare to make such a move next time, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The gossip demon screamed and nodded, and made a **** oath.

"In case, just in case."

Qin Nan flexed his finger and smashed a symbol of the light of the road and the meaning of the collapse into the body of the Eight Diagrams Devil.

With this character, even if the Eight Diagrams Devil is making other tricks, he can easily clean up the Devil.

"I also know how to use this method? If that is the case, just this kid just let me out, it is not stupid, but I have already left my back hand, and there is no fear."

"I didn't expect that my gossip, Wang Mingming I, was planted again."

The gossip demon king stunned for a while, only felt a toothache, and immediately said: "Go, I will take you now."

Qin Nan nodded and walked out of the hall together with him.

However, what they are not clear about is that when they left, a whispered voice swayed in the hall: "Is that blue light... Is it that I perceive it wrong..."

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