Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1643: Sublimate the Golden Wing

The first thousand six hundred and forty-three chapters to surrender the golden wings

In the heart of Qin Nan, suddenly a feeling rose.

The masterless picture seems to tell it that it has taken the first step and can show the power.

"Are you concentrating all the war gods, you can start to push the masterless map?"

In the mind of Qin Nan, the thoughts flashed, but the movements in his hands did not stop. The seals were printed, and countless lights, shining and blending into the sword.


A knife smashed out, the streamer of white volts, suddenly suffered a huge impact, Zhang mouth spurted a line of blood, the body shape evolved again, squatting in the distance on the ground, the breath decayed.

"You... have you mastered the path?"

White volts and Wan Hao’s eyes were once again exposed.

This is a small path to the world, many of the hegemonic hegemons, have not yet reached the martial arts realm.

"The ultimate character!"

White Fu quickly returned to God, without any hesitation, crushed a fairy, ready to escape from here.

In his heart now, there is no idea.

"Try it first, can you push it!"

Qin Nan had been prepared, and the heart was moving. The one without the master figure immediately blossomed out of the amazing light. He flew out of his knowledge of the sea and shrouded in the whiteness.

"How come back -"

The white volts were shrunk into needles, and his words had not been said yet, and they were inhaled into the catalogue by a vast force.

The entire hall restored calm.

The masterless map returned to Qinnan to know the sea, Qinnan eyes immediately looked.

I don't know when to start, there is no gossip picture above, except for the crystal and white and blue flowers, there is a gossip pattern.

On a small corner of the pattern, there is an extra portrait, which is white.

"How is this going?"

Rao is Qinnan, and the brow can't help but wrinkle.

After Bai Fu became a portrait, the vitality and so on were still there, but it was impossible to move, as if it had been sealed.

However, is it that the power of the unintentional map is to seal other monks?

Just as his thoughts rose, a few ancient characters floated around the white portrait.

The Great Master of the True Life Avenue!

More than that, there are still new ancient characters floating out of it.

"The Master of the True Life of the Great Avenue? Isn't this the way to ask for the door? Is it true?"

In the mind of Qin Nan, he suddenly raised a thought, which made his heart can not help but accelerate.

If it is really as he guesses, then the power of the masterless map is really too bad!

"Wan Wan, did you practice the law of asking for it?"

Qin Nan quickly calmed down and asked.

Now everything is just speculation, whether it is true or not, you have to wait and see.

"The law of spiritual practice? If I practice the law of asking, I will let you defeat it so easily!"

Wan Hao bit his teeth while his feathers are quietly stretching.

He is waiting for an opportunity to release some means to leave this place.

"No cultivation..."

Qin Nan sighed and said: "Even if you have not practiced, I will take you to try it today."

In his heart, the unintentional attempt was made again, and the latter looked at his figure and was sucked into the picture to form a second portrait.

Qin Nan immediately looked at it. Next to the portrait of Wan Hao, there were also an ancient word that appeared to help the Jiu Xian Xian Jing!

"No master map... I really have this kind of anti-power."

Rao is Qin Nan, and he can't help but **** up the air.

From the current situation, the masterless map can not only seal the monk in it, but also obtain the strongest method learned from the monk.

As long as the monk has practiced the method of asking for the Tao, you can get the method of asking for it!

Moreover, multiple monks can be inhaled at the same time.

"If I say that I have taken the innocent map and inhaled all the true disciples of the Supreme Masters, wouldn't I be able to learn the big questions?"

Qinnan blood began to boil.

But soon, he thought of a problem.

Bai Fu is only a true disciple of the Extreme Gate. He has only studied the general outline of the Zhensheng Avenue, and he has no choice but to attract the master.

In order to get a complete method of asking, unless it is to seal the top disciples of the top ranks.

"Even if this is the case, the masterless map is still against the sky."

Qinnan heart and soul vibration.

The most crucial point is that this is just the current power of the unintentional map.

By the time he is trained to be strong, there is probably more horrible power.

"It’s no wonder that the animal skin scroll will care about this picture."

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed and he said: “Look if you can release him.”

His heart moved and communicated without a master map.

In an instant, the portraits that Wanhua had turned into a golden light, flew out of the picture, landed on the ground, and evolved the original body.

"Qin Nan, killing and killing! I don't care, it's also a genius, why use this weird means to deal with me!"

After Wan Hao landed, there was a roar at the moment.

Just now, in addition to the uncomfortable restraint, his consciousness has turned into a blank, and he still feels that there is a mysterious force that is taking away from him.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

"Not only can people be released, he still does not know what the exercises are being sucked away."

Qinnan eyes are bright.

In this way, if he wants to learn the laws of the incomprehensible, the latter will not be aware of it, saving a lot of trouble.

"Wan Wan, the ants are still stealing, you are so willing to die? The words I said at the beginning are effective, come to my mount, I will not let you die."

Qinnan Zhengshou Road, this golden-winged Dapeng, he can stay for a long time, will not give up easily.

"Oh, I want to be a mount? You dream!"

Wan Hao sneered, without the slightest shake.

"You should understand that with my current cultivation, I can force you to be my mount."

Qin Nan’s face was calm and said: “However, I don’t want to be like that.”

"And you think about it, in the near future, I will be able to seal the first fairy, and the whole nine days."

"Give me a mount, would you be a shame?"

Wan Hao heard a glimpse, then sneered aloud: "The first fairy? Just rely on you? You are really strong, but also stepped into the Tao Xiaocheng, but don't underestimate the genius of the nine days of Xianyu!"

Before he entered the war, he had a good understanding of it. As far as he knew, there were several freaks that had touched the road.

Touching the road, although not comparable to the path of the small, but there is not such a huge gap.

"If I can't be the first fairy, I will give you a sin in the first place, so you won't be embarrassed."

Qin Nan held his hand and looked at him with a narrow look: "If I became, you will be a mount for ten years, can you dare?"

Ps: The four chapters are finished, there is no more, I hope everyone Haihan.

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