Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1655: Extraordinary power

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-five chapters extraordinary power

"Ha ha ha, God really does not bear me!"

A monk in the depths of the demon palace took the lead to react and gave a big laugh, and his figure immediately fell into the dragon's mouth.

"The opportunity is coming!"

"We are going in quickly!"

The other monks also reacted quickly and did not enter.

Although I don't know what happened in the end, being able to get into the depths means that you can get extraordinary inheritance!

"It's a pity. The dragons I recruited are not enough. I can't even go deep into the demon palaces..."

The remaining monks couldn’t help but sigh and shook their heads.

Opportunities are right in front of them, but they are out of it.

"What happened? How can I enter the depths of the Demon Palace?"

Suddenly, a monk was shocked.

He just moved subconsciously, but did not expect that he actually entered the depths of the demon palace.

"What? Can you enter the depths of the Demon Palace?"

"Quick and fast, two friends, we quickly enter inside!"

"I still compete for what is going on in these palaces. Now I can enter the nine-headed dragon-shaped shadow!"

Between the time, the whole audience boiled.

A monk is full of excitement.

In addition, on this piece of land, because they each recruited the dragons to be not enough, they could not come to a monk in the Kowloon Wonderland.

They quickly realized that the obstacles in the dark had disappeared, and the moment they came at the fastest speed.

Soon after, in the small world.

"It really is!"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was a strange color.

"Qinnan Road Friends, do you know what Wu Huisheng is doing?"

The purple fox perceives his look and asks softly.

“It’s very simple. Wu Daoyou’s willingness to use Longxiang’s will to refine all the rules here.”

Qin Nan smiled lightly and said: "These rules, that is, those who need the dragon fairy, can enter the celestial dragon body, but also need to ride the seven-claw dragon to get to this small world and so on."

"In other words, wherever you want to go now, you can go there."

As soon as this statement came out, the monks present on the scene showed an incredible color on their faces. Wu Huisheng actually abolished all the rules of this place.

Just as they raised this doubt in their minds, they suddenly noticed something and looked back.

In that distance, there are several gods of light, flying rapidly toward this place.

The monks outside, really came in!

At this time, some people still have puzzles, but Liang Qi and the purple fox and a few monks are awakened.

Whether it is the species of the dragon fairy, or the land of the dragon, it can be called extraordinary inheritance, and even exceeds the extraordinary level.

It stands to reason that even if it is a genius, it will be able to ascend.

Wu Huisheng failed to promote the success of the immortal, because it lacked a grand scene!

He is now making this move to attract all the monks to come here to form a grand scene.

In other words, it is to witness him ascended by God!

Thinking of this, the purple fox and so on can not help but take a breath, this Wu Huisheng, really great force!

You know, after the introduction of many monks, no one can say what is going on in the end.

"Good, a bit of eyesight."

Wu Huisheng glanced at Qin Nan and immediately looked at the crowd. His eyes were like a peerless king. He looked down and said, "The rules have been broken. Let's join hands and fight with me."

A faint sentence, but it contains a big domineering.

Immediately, he did not take a look at it, and his body shape did not enter the dragon body.

"The opportunity is coming, a few friends, we are together!"

The one of the monks, who soon returned to the gods, showed a happy color and brushed the dragon to the dragon.

Regardless of Wu’s intentions, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them.

Although Wu Huisheng is powerful, it is not strong enough to make them fear and lose all courage.

Qin Nan and Zihu and Liang Qi, the three looked at each other and also flew into the bottom.

In that distance, a monk is constantly coming.

In this dragon corpse, a war has begun.

Wan Hao had already been killed under the dragon's heart, and he showed a powerful fairy technique, which defeated the monk and the soul.

"Millions, be careful!"

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s thoughts passed to Wan Yan’s mind.

Wan Hao’s movements were slightly stunned, and immediately felt a terrible chill and hit him at an alarming rate.

His face changed, without any hesitation, and his feathers burst into a dazzling light, blocking the murder.

"The demon's genius? I will leave you a life."

Wu Hui’s anger was like a rainbow, and the French and Indian seals ended. Tens of thousands of cold swords were suddenly blooming in the void, and they became a large kendo.

"not good!"

Wan Hao’s heart was cold, and the wings suddenly rose up, like two peerless swords, smashing that sword.

"The Wrath of the Dragon!"

Wan Hao will retreat in this way, evolve the shadow of the ancient dragon, and combine it into one.

Amazing anger, condensed into substance, turned into murder.

If ordinary people use it, they can't do this, but his body is the golden-winged Dapeng, the Longpeng one, and the anger.

"The world has no sword!"


Liang Qi and Zi Hu, who are flying to the heart of the dragon, see this scene. There is no hesitation at the moment, and they have played a fairy, a different treasure, and killed it.

The three are geniuses and join hands.

Between the electric and the Flint, Wu Huisheng did not change his face, but raised his right hand and a dragon fire appeared in his palm.


At the next moment, his figure disappeared straight into the place and came to the back of Wan Hao.

"what happened--"

Wan Haoren shrinks.

Is this Wu Huisheng also mastering a similar technique to Qinnan?


Then, his face changed greatly, and Wu Huisheng, who came to his back, showed countless lightning marks on his palm and photographed directly behind him.

At this distance, he could not react at all.


At this moment, with a broken sound, a palm suddenly slid out and grabbed Wu Huisheng’s arm directly, making it impossible to move.


Wu Huisheng's eyebrows picked up slightly and looked at Qinnan, who appeared in front of his eyes. He said: "You really are also a genius, but this is also the case, you four people together."

Qin Nan heard this and couldn’t help but smile: “Let’s go together?”

"You come to deal with me, it's almost the same."

As soon as the voice fell, it was amazing and suddenly broke out.

"Well? It seems that you are not a general genius, but such a big talk, dare -"

The expression on Wu Huisheng’s face still has not changed at all, like the King of the World, and ignores the princes of the world.

It was only his words that had not been finished yet, and the big hand that held his arm suddenly shone with a dazzling light.

The majestic force directly shook his arm into pieces.

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