Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1660: Liuyuedao City

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-six chapters

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-six chapters

"First supreme?"

Qin Nan was shocked and did not think that the bronze mirror was about to reach that level.

"Then congratulate the first Supreme Bronze Mirror in advance."

Qin Nan returned to God and sighed.

The icy voice did not sound again as always. Qin Nan was also used to it, no longer talking about other things, and began to hurry.

Time passed, and after one day, the two arrived at the place where the yin and yang small world was located, and they were attracted by the sights just in sight.

I saw only a magnificent ancient city floating in the middle of the sky.

The city is more than 50,000 miles long, and it is like an ancient iron casting. It is very majestic, especially on the wall of the city. The shining moonlight is mixed with a trace of morality.

Whether it is Qinnan and Wanxi, or a monk who is flying into the city from all directions, his body shape seems to be small, like an ant and a giant.

This city has surpassed the level of the fairy and reached the point of the half-walker.

"This city is called Liuyue Ancient City, and the Jiugong Jinxianzong group of guys, in order to make a bigger gambling event at this last minute."

As Wan Yan said, he was running the demon power, and the feathers on his body were all turned into purple gold, and the atmosphere was completely different.

The last two Xiangu, especially the small world of yin and yang, do not know how many geniuses and giants will be recruited, and even the hegemonic hegemony.

He must be well concealed, and no one can find a clue.

"This Jiugong Jinxianzong is really not a persistent attachment."

Qin Nan shrugged without a word, and held a fist to the distant void, and passed a god: "Three seniors, I will be advanced."

The voice of the floating king, immediately rang in his mind: "You go, the three of us stay here."

The soul of the soul of the king also said: "Qinnan, this is the last chance, you must be well grasped. Do not worry about anything, even if it is a great disaster, we will also flatten for you."

The Red Qinxian King and the Floating King, all nodded and sighed.

It is very important for Qinnan to succeed in the promotion of immortals. If they fail, they will have no hope in the things in the Supreme Cave House.

"Three seniors, you can rest assured that this time I will rise to the next."

Qin Nan promised that he would not delay and fly into the city at the same time.

When I entered the city, Rao was the two of them, and they couldn’t help but look at it.

Countless snoring, overwhelming cover to both of them, countless monks, coming and going on the streets, looking around, can not see the end, like a sea of ​​people.

When they looked at the distance, they didn't feel the slightest, but they didn't think that there were so many monks.

"The light is where we can, there are no less than 30,000 monks, and the monks in this city have not reached hundreds of thousands of people?"

Wan Hao screamed.

Hundreds of thousands of monks, this is not an amazing number for a big city. But we must know that these hundreds of thousands of people, of which there must be more than half, are directed at the small world of yin and yang.

Moreover, the cultivation of these people is generally above the five gods of the earth gods. It is difficult to see a few monks underneath.


In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was a glimmer of light.

For him, the more the monk comes, the better. What he needs is an unprecedented grand scene.

"You must be the famous **** Qinnan?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, a young man wearing a nine-square pattern, with the peak of the earth god, came to Qinnan, not humble.

"Well? Is there something?"

Wan Yan's eyebrows can be seen from the costumes. This young man is an inner disciple in the Jiugong Jinxianzong.

"Lord Qin Nan, you are one of the geniuses of the world in the small fairyland. According to the orders of our elders, we want to invite you to live in Zhuying Palace."

The youth made a gesture of asking: "The other geniuses of the world have come there. Tonight, our great elders will also be there to entertain the genius."

"I also hope that Qin Nan, can give us a thin face of Jiugong Jinxianzong."

Qin Nan heard this, without any hesitation, said: "That will trouble you."

Qiu Hong and Xu Xianzhi must have waited for him at Zhu Ying Palace. He also happened to attend the dinner to see how many geniuses are coming.

The young disciples immediately thanked the lead, and after passing through the crowds, came to the back of the ancient city.

Hundreds of palaces of different sizes and depicting various demon patterns appeared in front of Qin Nan and others.

Qin Nan ran a bit of martial arts, and wanted to spy on it. He immediately suffered an invisible obstacle and could not see the slightest situation in other palaces.

"His Qinnan, the dinner is held in the main hall, and you are sure to participate."

The young disciple brought Qin Nan into a palace and handed a hot stamping invitation, then turned and retired.

"Qinnan Road Friends."

"Southern brother."

At this moment, Xu Xianzhi, Qiu Hong and the **** person who received the news came.

Unlike the past, Xu Xianzhi wore a long green dress with a white coat on her chest. The delicate collarbone was hung with a pale golden jade.

After the rise of immortality, her breath has become more ethereal, and the faint luster of a pair of beautiful eyes makes people feel pure as crystal, and there is an inexplicable attraction.

On the other side of Wan Hao, eyes look directly at stay, Rao is Qin Nan can not help but look at more.

In contrast, Qiu Hong and the **** people are immortal, there is not much change, only the body around, exudes a trace of Xianwei, people feel the difference of the gods.

"Hey, is this a purple **** bird?"

Xu Xiangzhi’s gaze fell on Wan Hao with a hint of curiosity.

The purple golden **** bird belongs to one of the ancient interracial people. She has seen it before, and it is not unusual.

But she felt that this purple **** bird seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"Qinnan, you must never tell Xianzhi!"

Wan Hao was completely panicked and quickly sent a voice to Qin Nan.

If Xianzhi knew that he was riding, he would have no hope in his life.

"Well, this is an accidental gain. This bird doesn't know why. It has been depending on me. I can't play it."

Qin Nan smiled lightly: "I just took it as a mount."

Wan Hao heard that he wanted to vomit blood.

How can this Qinnan be so shameless?


At this time, if Xu Xianzhi had a feeling, he looked up and looked into the distance.

Qin Nan also sharply caught a wave of volatility and looked up.

call out!

An incomparably rushing voice rang in the huge city, so that one and one monk could not help but look at it.

Then, in a palace in Zhuying Hall, there was a pale yellow light that rushed into the city.

The light shattered and evolved a huge chessboard pattern.

"Nothing is idle, which Taoist friend, dare to use the power of God to play a game with me?"

"of course."

"You can also go together."

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