Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1676: Tiantian Ding

Qin Nan looked back.

I saw only a hundred feet away from him. Hundreds of monks from the same sect door will crush a piece of jade prepared in advance.

Hundreds of thousands of gods shattered into the sky, and evolved into a head-and-mouth ghost, with a big mouth and a bite of a void.

The southern part of the Qin Dynasty was hundreds of feet, and was suddenly forcibly sealed.

After the great geniuses and the sects of various sects, they taught their disciples a lot of means, in order to play on the battlefield.

A general god, even the ten ordinary gods are not terrible, but hundreds of ordinary gods unite, it is extremely powerful.


The other monks also reacted and called out the sword of divine power. One person followed one person to form an invincible sword dragon, and crossed the air to Qinnan.

There are also hundreds of monks, whose bodies are scattered, and the French and Indians are thrown out, calling out the fire and thunder.

"good chance!"

In the distance, the three geniuses who ranked in the list of more than forty in the list of immortals, seeing this scene, immediately did not hesitate, the law was formed, and the fairy was called.

Although Qinnan’s strength is extremely terrifying, as long as there is an opportunity, they will not hesitate to take it out, even if it is Lin Qing’s break.


Wan Hao's face changed slightly.

Not many monks who saw this scene, the corners of their mouths also sneered.

Under such a situation, even if Qin Nan’s cultivation is strong, it will be strongly impacted.

Once this is done, other geniuses will take advantage of the situation and eradicate the great threat of Qinnan.

"The hundred colors are empty, flying in the sky!"

Suddenly, hundreds of loud noises sounded.

Countless Daoguang, immediately gathered in midair, like a world-class sword, broke into the head and ghosts, and made a huge gap.

The people who shot, they are the disciples of the Xia Zong.

Qin Nan divided them into fifteen lineups and did not enter the entire battlefield, in order to solve some of the murders for him when necessary.

"not good!"

A monk who was shot in front of Qin Nan, and the three geniuses of the world, his face changed.

Especially the latter, without hesitation, directly swayed into the distance.


Qin Nan flew out of the gap and immediately took out a hundred knives.

A scream of screams immediately rang, and a monk fell successively.

"The five sub-pictures, you are 100 people, and you feel at the same time."

Qin Nan flexed a shot, and the mystery of the five deputy maps and so on, into the minds of hundreds of monks.

"Thank you, Lord!"

A monk, his expression is uplifting and his momentum is rising again.

"Forget the disciples under his ancestral door!"

The monks who had just sneered, and some of the geniuses of the world, see this scene, the heart sinks, there is a sense of powerlessness.

Qin Nan’s self-cultivation, so horrible, and the descendants of Luo Xiong, and Wan Hao and his younger disciples help each other, how should they stop?

Unless they are shot by Lin Qing, Xiu Shenliang, etc., they have no hope at all.

Brush it!

Just as they thought about it, Qin Nan’s figure was once again moved, and there was no ghost. Every time it appeared, it would bring a large part of the inheritance opportunity into the bag.

No matter these monks, there are also Genius geniuses, what kind of formations are laid, or what kind of countermeasures they have come up with, they have not been able to block the footsteps of Qinnan.

"Oh, this guy is just defeating a sacred fairy. Is it because he is invincible and wants to put all the inheritance and opportunities into one's pocket?"

On the other end of the battlefield, the eyes of Xiuliang looked to Qinnan, and there was a hint of coldness.

Just a few of the inheritance opportunities were originally obtained by his disciples, and the results were all taken away by Qin Nan.

This caused dissatisfaction in his heart.

Not only him, Ding Tianqi and Luo Wei’s eyes have been watching Qin Nan.

The former wants to have a good fight with Qinnan, and the latter is high. The latter is unhappy with Qinnan from the very beginning, but it is not daring to shoot.

"Qin Nan, are we doing this right? I am afraid that it will cause all the genius of the genius."

Wan Hao flew over and some were guilty.

If it is as he said, Qin Nan will certainly not be able to stop, even he will have to suffer.

Qin Nangang was ready to speak, and suddenly it happened amazingly.


The vast expanse of the vast **** holy land suddenly ruptured a huge crack of more than 30,000 tens, with a width of more than 3,000 feet, and rushed out countless suffocates.

"what happened?"

Qin Nan, Lin Qing, Xiu Shenliang and so on, the geniuses of the world, and the hundreds of thousands of monks who have stunned, looked down on the consciousness.

I saw only the vastness of the ancient light, shining from the cracks.

An ancient black tripod that seems to come from the ancient floods is accompanied by the fairy light, little by little, appearing in the eyes of all.

The ancient black tripod is extremely incomparably huge. The statue of a statue of the gods carved on it seems to be a living thing, and both eyes stare at everything.

The slightest pressure that came out of it was like an invisible catastrophe that covered the entire **** holy place.

Whether it is a general monk or a genius of the world, at this moment, I feel a bit of chill, and my heart is subconsciously shaking.

"Is this a supplement to Tianding?"

“Take Tianding? How did it appear in advance?”

A genius who was a genius was the first to react and his face was full of doubts.

Complementing Tianding is the biggest opportunity in this masculine world. Only when the first sect is obtained in the 100th war, can it be obtained.

However, according to common sense, Bu Tianding should appear only after the end of the 100-strong war.

“Is it because of the white-blue flower?”

Qin Nan immediately reacted.

He was negligent before, and the invisible power of the white-blue flower is ubiquitous. Even in this masculine world where various rules are set, it can also have an impact.

Under the eyes of the public, Tian Tian Ding was still slowly rising to the end of the Scorpio, and then stopped.

The entire **** holy place of Nuo Da is also reborn.

The celestial light and vision that followed one after another began to evolve, with colorful and distinctive atmosphere.

These fairy lights and visions are the inheritance opportunities contained in the **** holy places. They are born in advance because of the appearance of Tian Tianding!

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