Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1679: Wild beast

Up to now, the entire monk has successfully promoted the immortal, but there are more than a thousand, and there are more than 90,000 remaining.

Nowadays, more than half of the more than 90,000 people are eyeing these twelve beasts and flying to Tiantian.

Even if Lin Qing broke the genius of the world, the light should be a little bit worse.


However, when their body shape is close to Tianding, an invisible force is instantly unfolding in the sky.

No matter what kind of technique they use, or what kind of treasure they use, they can't pass it through and hit it.

As for Lin Qing’s genius, when he was invisible, the lord of the chest had a faint brilliance and made it fly safely.

"You need the lord's character to pass!"

Tens of thousands of monks reacted, suspended in the air, changed their faces, and their hearts were full of unwillingness, but they could do nothing.

Qin Nan returned to the gods and began to move. He successively performed two cross-sky strikes, and he crossed most of the monks in mid-air and went to the top of Tian Tian Ding together with Lin Qing.

"Repair the gods, I tell you, although I hate you, but if we don't join hands -"

Luo Wei took the lead in passing a thought, and when he was ready to do it, he unexpectedly took more pictures of the beast.

Qin Nan, Lin Qing, Ding Tianqi, and so on, are ready to start.

However, at this moment, their hearts and minds are in full swing, and their eyes are subconsciously looking at Ding.

I saw that there was a horrible behemoth in the Dingda.

The giant beasts are like scales, and they are like being tempered by the imprisoned prison fire. They have a chilly luster that makes the shudders tremble. The huge limbs like the pillars of the gods seem to contain the terrible power that can make the heavens and earth collapse.

It twinkles with the extremely enchanting purple gold and **** eyes, but with a trace of affection, watching Qin Nan, Lin Qing, Xiu Shenliang and others.

Just watching it quietly, let the power and the light of Qin Nan’s body tremble violently.

The invisible chill is breeding in the hearts of Qinnan and others.

Unconsciously, even the soul began to tremble slightly.

Although they do not know the origins of this horrible behemoth, they do not know the cultivation of the behemoths, but they have no doubt that as long as this behemoth is shot, they will be destroyed.

Moreover, it is still ruining.

If they had not seen a lot of Gestapo hegemons, or even felt the pressure of nine days of supreme, the heart is now filled with fear.

"What happened above?"

The group of monks below, soon found out that something was wrong, full of doubts.

"Dear friends, we must not shoot, nor can we be alarmed by this fierce beast. We are now withdrawing from Tianding. As for the twelve beasts, we are thinking of another way."

After the interest rate, Lin Qing broke the first response, his body was tight and his voice was low.

"it is good."

Xiu Shenliang and others immediately agreed, his face was dignified, and he converges to the extreme, slowly receding backwards.

Even Qinnan is the same.

Throughout the world, the silence suddenly changes, and the needle can be heard.

The tens of thousands of monks below, even if they don’t know anything, but seeing this group of geniuses, they are all enemies, cautious, and the heart can’t help but tighten.

Ten steps!

Hundred steps!

Thousand steps!

When I walked to the 1,500 steps, Lin Qing broke and so on. It was only ten steps away from the top of the Tiantian Ding.

This also made them relieved.

This beast is really terrible.

"Cut, what's so scary, this beast has been sealed by Tianding. Otherwise, will we let us go safely?"

Xiu Shenliang felt that there was no danger, and the old mistakes were made again, and the face was disdainful.

"Repair the gods, are you looking for death?"

Luo Wei and other people suddenly changed their face, and the voice was drunk.

"What is fierce? I tell you, even if you are directly fighting for the beast, then the beast will only look at it -"

The rehearsal of the gods reacted, and there was some hair in my heart, but his words were still extremely hard.

However, without waiting for him to finish his speech, the horror of the atmosphere will rise to the sky.


The terrible behemoth in Ding, standing up, screaming in the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of sky, suddenly turned into a smash, rolled up countless amazing hurricanes, the scene is awkward.

Even the tens of thousands of monks below, their faces have changed dramatically, and some have been repaired to be lower, and they have been directly injured.

"not good!"

Lin Qing broke and waited for Renren to shrink sharply. There was no convergence. It broke out all the momentum and went to the distance.

"You... find death!"

The giant beast spit out people's words, like a thunder, a pair of monster eyes, raging with incredible anger.

It did not kill these people before, it was already extraordinarily good, and as a result, it never came to mind, these people even came to mock it.

"The trough!"

The repaired face is green in an instant.

what happened?

This animal can actually do it?

"Animals! Just killing you, you want to kill us? It’s ridiculous! I will let you see it later."

Even if you feel the amazing meaning of death, even if you are full of sweat and hair, your body is shaking, and you can't help but instinct.

"Is this guy kicked by his brain?"

Qin Nan, who is flying fast to the distance, and Lin Qing, and others, almost laughed when he heard this.

They are the first to see that there is such a dead person in the world.


In the eyes of the giant beast, the anger was smashed again, and the huge claws of the claws were directly extended, covering most of the sky, and photographed toward the gods.

The four sides of the void, suddenly became chaotic.

The cultivation of this behemoth, although it is no longer the peak, is comparable to the existence of some newly promoted Gai hegemons. It is full of anger, not to mention the repair of the gods, even the peak of the fairy, it must be destroyed in an instant.

"Mom, it's over-"

The gods are cold and cold, and I can’t wait to slap a few slaps.

Duote has been able to leave alive, why did he want to talk about it?


At this moment, Nuo Da's Tian Tian Ding trembled fiercely, and an ancient demon pattern carved on the top of the copper tripod seemed to be completely recovered, shining brightly.

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