Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1706: Wild thunder

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-six chapters

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-six chapters

With a cold voice, a book is condensed by a white flame, and if you carry the sword-like spirit of the heavens, you will be born from the void and suddenly come.

The entire Nuo Mountain is like a country of ice and snow, and every monk feels a cold chill.

"The way to the universe!"

Hua Yu’s deputy master’s face changed dramatically, squirting a drop of blood and producing a French seal. In an instant, there were hundreds of fists that were like a dreamlike light, which came to his face.

Every light spot, seemingly ordinary, is actually a prototype of a small world. As long as it has enough aura support, it can become a kind of existence similar to the world of the universe.


The spot is broken and the sword is broken.

Hua Yu’s deputy teacher was hit by the vastness of this collision, and the figure suddenly fell out of the way, and the Dao’s dojo was smashed into a smash and suffered a lot of trauma.

However, this is not over yet, and the broken swords are actually split into hundreds of thousands of swords in the blink of an eye, like an overwhelming sword rain, sweeping down the entire mountain.

The mysterious gray robes were shot to kill all the monks on the mountain.

"not good!"

Fenghua Zhang, Rong Wangzhang, Yueshou, and so on, the face of the hegemony, the face changed, only feel this sword, like a sacred, let them feel the amazing danger.

boom! boom! boom!

At the time of this life and death, they also refused to take care of others. They could only use their best efforts to shoot a door, a magic weapon, a magic weapon, and a confrontation.

"A nine-day supreme wants to kill me?"

In the midst of great confusion, Qin Nan gradually returned to see the situation in front of him. After guessing an approximation, the eyelids could not help but jump.

When he saw the careful word in the killing of the ancient land, and later heard the bronze mirror, he already knew that after he rose to the immortal, he would inevitably encounter great changes.

Just a nine-day supreme, how can you stare at him? Even at the expense of being alone, break into the world of this world to kill him?


Suddenly, rolling and screaming, resounding all directions.

When Qin Nan subconsciously looked up, he saw the mysterious gray robe. I didn’t know when it came to the top of the mountain. Even though I couldn’t see it through the robes, I could feel it. The eyes under the robe were overlooking him.

"Hello, no matter who you are, I don't want to hurt Qinnan today! You are going back now. Today's things, our rights have not happened."

The longest sacred singer came from the emptiness. Behind him, an ancient sacred country that evolved and evolved one after another, swaying an indescribable power.

"On your own, can you block me?"

The gray robe people whispered, it seemed to be a sneer.

"Hello, you don't have to delay the time here. What do you secretly do, I really didn't notice it? You have a martyrdom, I am not your opponent, but we are too ridiculous, not just me."

Changchun Supreme said faintly, the moment when the voice fell, one statue was more than five hundred feet, and the whole body was like the stalwart figure of countless Xuan Lei. It suddenly fell on the top of the sky, so that the surrounding roads boiled like boiling water.

"Too wild thunder!"

The stalwart figure moved directly, and the big hand took a shot. A wild world consisting of ancient Xianlei suddenly emerged between the heavens and the earth. It was like a horrible monster, opened a **** mouth and swallowed the gray robes.

This stalwart figure is another nine-day supreme of the singularity of the sacred sect. It is called the sacred thunder and supreme, and it is only a little less than the sacred sage.

"The world of the universe, listen to my orders, the Eight Dragons, the lock of the heavens!"

The long sect of the Supreme Court has changed, and one of the immortal countries behind it has not entered the whole world of the universe, making it sound like a dragon.

Then, at the end of the eight sides of the world, there was a horrible dragon with a scale of 300,000 feet, which was like a spar, rising from the sky and wandering.

The 300,000-mile-long center of the gray robes is like a layer of shackles, forming a huge blockade, even if the power of the avenue is also enclosed.

When Qin Nan came to participate in the Battle of the First Immortal, the flying female emperor could not come because of her own, so she gave a greeting to Fenghua in advance, and let the latter settle some trouble for Qinnan.

In order to prevent accidents, she also specifically told Changchun Supreme, which is why the Supreme Supreme will suddenly add rewards before the First Immortal War.

The longest Supreme is a bit curious, and it is so extraordinary that the young people who fly over the female emperor so much.

Later, after flying, the female emperor felt the meaning of the past life of Qin Nan, and immediately hesitated. Please move the Supreme Supreme and the Supreme Thunder to let them pre-emptive means.

The Eight Dragons are the means by which the Emperor Supreme is in advance.

Once it is deployed, it can gather the boundaries of the whole world and block the enemy. Even if it is a strong nine-day supreme, within a few hours, it cannot be broken.

"Hello, finally advised, leave here."

The longest sage is open, the gray robes are involved with the legendary ninth ninth, and he has to be careful not to rush to kill.

Otherwise, if a great disaster is brought to the vastness of the sinister sect, even if they can resist it, it will inevitably be a heavy loss.

"Is this kind of worming technique, and it’s also a shame?"

Unexpectedly, without waiting for his words, the gray robe again whispered, the sarcasm and contempt, not a little bit hidden.

"The Great Eternity!"

The gray robe people suddenly shot, pointing out, the endless stream of the immortal flame, actually turned into a black hole-like existence, twisted the wild and small world into a piece of crush.

The eight giant dragons in the distance seem to have been attacked by a strange will, and they have been flying wildly and making a roar.

The invisible shackles of a length of 300,000 miles also trembled violently, as if they had set off a wave of waves, which made the invisible blockade force instantly weaken half.


The longest Supreme and the desperate Supreme look at each other and never expect it. This mysterious gray robes have such means.

Immediately, they passed a trace of cold mans.

Judging from the current situation, this gray robe does not kill Qin Nan. It is impossible to leave. If this is the case, then they can only cost it and move it.

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