Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1712: Dongfu big change

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The first seven hundred and eleventh chapter Dongfu big change

"It should be in this."

Qinnan secretly screamed, and God thought about the purple crystal.

His mind, the subconscious became nervous and screamed.

At the beginning of the animal skin scroll, Qin Nan has a real power that belongs to him. When Qin Nansheng is immortal, he can know.

This secret must be hidden in the purple crystal.

Even in the original monks, why the gods of war chose him, the name of the **** of war, and the origins of the masterless map, etc., all of them may be in it.

But now, Qin Nan does not care about these, he only wants to know how to reshape the wonderful Princess and Jiang Bilan soul.

"Qin Nan, the method of reshaping the soul, is not in the crystal. If you want to know, you will come to the depths of the Supreme Cave House, I am waiting for you here."

At this time, a illusory voice rang in the mind of Qin Nan.

Qin Nan looks a glimpse, this voice he is very familiar with, is the mysterious animal skin scroll.

"Not in this crystal?"

Qinnan reacted and his brow wrinkled.

If it is not, why did the animal skin scroll tell him that only Shengxian can reshape the soul of Miao Miao Princess and Jiang Bilan?

"But, wait until you enter the depths of the Supreme Dongfu, and everything will be clear."

Qin Nan shook his head and no longer thought about it.

Time passed, two days later.

Throughout the nine days of the fairyland, the monks who talked about Qinnan gradually disappeared.

Even if they are unfortunate in their hearts, everything is a foregone conclusion. It is just a gifted Qin Nan, who cannot enter the top level of the nine-day fairyland.

At this time, Qin Nan and others came to the desert again, entered the Supreme Cave House, and came to the clouds in the past.

Qiu Hongxian issued a swearing oath that never leaked this place, and then whispered to Qinnan: "Nan Ge, what is going on?"

Qin Nan thought for a moment and said: "You don't care if you are extra. When the Supreme Cave House's shocking inheritance comes out, you and I can join hands to get into the depths and see if you can gain something."

In the coming road, Qin Nan has already talked with the three people of the floating fairy king. Once the change of the entire Supreme Dongfu is triggered, Qin Nan and Qiu Hong can also enter the deepest point.

No matter what you get, it is Qin Nan’s own skill.

"Qin Nan, are you sure?"

The Red Qinxian Wang couldn't help but ask, the floating king and the soul soul king also looked at Qinnan.

For the sake of this Supreme Dongfu, the three of them did not know how much effort they had put, and they also offended the people of Qinnan who had made the Supreme Masters.

If there is something wrong, then the three of them are really losing money.

"There should be no problem."

Qin Nan gave them a reassuring look, and immediately sat down on the knees, using the gods to sway the black and white crystals underneath the lord's picture, condensed with a white and blue flower.


The white-blue flower blooms repeatedly, and if there is a will, it will slowly sway in the heart of Qinnan.

Qin Nan immediately understood that his eyes flashed in the eyes.

In the past, if you want to trigger changes in the major forbidden areas, Xianfu Road, etc., you can only wait silently.

Now, he can use Jane to motivate.

Is this white-blue flower a mysterious treasure similar to a masterless map?

The thoughts flashed away, and Qin Nan immediately operated all the fairy powers, and did not enter the black and white crystals, making the brilliance of the white and blue flowers bloom instantly.

Qin Nan soon saw that the invisible force of the road was like a wave. He rolled around the square with him as the center, and fell into the depths of mystery.

Brush it!

A vast expanse of celestial light, like a peerless sword, broke out from below and pierced all the clouds.

"I just started, there is a reaction in the middle of the Supreme Cave House?"

The three emperors were excited and, together with Qiu Hong, looked down the clouds.

There are countless torn small spaces, battlefields, anger, and mountains. There are towering trees, one piece of ancient treasures, which are dazzling.

Moreover, the three princes were also keenly aware that, unlike the last time, they were buried in the middle, and some of the inheritances left by the ancient immortals and the immortals were awakened one by one.


The eyes of the three emperors have all flashed the joy.

In view of this, there is absolutely no problem in triggering the change in the depths of the Supreme Cave House.

"not good!"

Qin Nan’s face suddenly changed.

He was shackled by the Daoji, and the sacred soul was created. The fairy tales of the three immortals are now only a few people.

He had thought that the Eight Immortals was enough, but he never thought that this white-blue flower was like an abyss, and between the counts, he would swallow his power.

More critically, his mind can't be withdrawn.

If you continue to let the white-blue flower absorb, he will be sucked into a dry body.

"Three seniors, please also bring the pure fairy power into my body!"

Qin Nan whispered.

"it is good!"

The three immortals reacted, and they slammed into a three-legged array. At the same time, they condensed in the head of Qinnan. One stock was extremely incomparable and powerful, and it was continuously in the Qinnan body.

Qinnan body shocked, no longer have scruples, and fully mobilized Xianli.

The invisible force suddenly rose by tens of times, and it rolled around again and again until it was nearly three hours later.

The light of the white-blue flower also returned to calm.

"Well? How did you stop? Is this white-blue flower, can only be motivated once a day? But this time it can be uncomfortable, and the consumption of Xianli is comparable to that of a fairy..."

Qin Nan’s heart is dark.

In the future, he would like to let a certain place cause a change, but you must be prepared in advance.


At this time, a deafening loud noise came from underneath the clouds, as if in the midst of it, there was a fist shadow that could destroy the sky and lay down with anger.

Both Qin Nan and Qiu Hong’s ears are creaking, and Rao is the three kings. He is also stunned by this explosion, and the brain that is impacted is faint.

After the interest rate, they only came back to God and quickly looked down.

At first glance, I couldn't help but breathe in the air and I was shocked.

I saw only that in the vast expanse of the vast space, graves, mountains and rivers, which were filled with innumerable pieces, the ninety-nine, nine hundred and ninety-nine, and hundreds of thousands of miles wide A horrible crack in a million miles.

When you look down, it's like watching a group of giant dragons, squatting on the ground.

Through the crack, you can see a brand new small world, even if you can't see the whole picture, but the faint sense of supreme is particularly eye-catching.

Deep in the Supreme Cave House, opened!

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