Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1714: Plastic method

The first thousand seven hundred and fourteen chapters

After the portal, it is a golden altar with more than seven hundred feet.

The altar is carved down and engraved with countless dark ancient characters. Each ancient character exudes a strange atmosphere, which seems to be an invisible abyss that can be swallowed into the human soul.

The animal skin scroll, at this moment, is suspended above the altar.

“What do you mean by this sentence?” Qin Nan’s brow wrinkled and said: “You told me at the beginning that after the ascent, you can reshape their souls.”

His senses of the animal skin scroll have not been very good, and the God of War has warned him to guard against this picture.

If it is not for the wonderful Princess and Jiang Bilan, he is not willing to have any involvement with this picture.

"Of course I said it is counted."

The animal skin scroll laughed and seemed to be a bit blissful: "In fact, the way to reshape their souls has always been in my hands."

"If you want, you can change the purple crystal in the sea."

Qinnan's look changed slightly, and his eyes immediately cooled three points.

It seems that the words of the animal skin scrolls were all deceiving him. The real purpose is to make them rise to the immortal, so as to take away the purple crystal.

"Oh, you don't have to look at me with this kind of look."

A figure appeared on the animal skin scroll, even if it was illusory, Qin Nan could also feel that the figure was ironically laughing: "After this ascension, you must have noticed the clue, your origin is not simple. ""

"I may also tell you that what you know in the sea is what you have left in the last life. Once you refine, you can get something terrible."

Qinnan heard a word.

The origin is not simple?

What is your last life?

Didn't the female emperor fly over at the beginning, he has experienced ten reincarnations and returned to the state of the beginning?

How can he still have a past life?

Suddenly, Qin Nan thought of the figure sitting on the throne at the end of the starry sky.

Is that figure

Is his past life?

"You think I deceived you, but I don't have it, I won't force you, all the choices are in your hands."

The illusory figure on the scroll, the expression becomes a playful taste: "You can choose to refine the purple crystal. Once refining, you will be able to rise again, sweeping the nine days of fairyland, no words!"

"There is nothing but a genius, a genius, a hegemony, a nine-day supreme, even a stronger person. In front of you, you are a chicken, not worth mentioning."

Having said that, it has a meal and it has a stronger taste.

"Of course, the two of them have to die completely, and there is no hope of resurrection. However, if you choose to give me the purple crystal, you can change to save them."

The voice fell, and the entire ancient altar was inexplicably windy.

Qin Nan’s body trembled slightly.

For a long time, he was very curious as to why God of War chose him from the vast sea of ​​people. What is the real name of God of War?

Such doubts must be related to his past life.

If he refines the purple crystal, he will know all of this.

However, there is no doubt that this is irrelevant compared to Miao Miao Princess and Jiang Bilan.

The reason why he trembled slightly was that the animal skin scroll played him like a beggar, which made his heart very unhappy!

"It's not necessary to say that I have to use purple crystals to resurrect them. You better not deceive me."

Qin Nan accepted all the emotions and said coldly.

"Ha ha ha!"

Unreal people heard this and suddenly laughed.

"It's ridiculous! Funny! For the two women who are insignificant, they will not hesitate to take such precious things!"

"I didn't misread you, I haven't read you wrong, you don't have to own it!"

"The **** of war, actually called you my master, I persuaded him three times and five times, he even turned to face with me!"

"The plan of the year, that plan"

"It still only depends on me to complete!"

It has accumulated tens of thousands of years of grievances in its chest, as if it had all poured out at this moment, turned into a terrorist thunder, and blew up between heaven and earth.

The entire altar, shaking violently, the rolling fairy outside the bronze giant door, is also constantly shaking, the mountain is fragmented.

The big demon who had been repaired as a terrible one was kneeling on the ground, full of fear, and screaming, as if he was begging for mercy.

Even Qin Nan was shocked and suffocated, overflowing with blood.

"Give it to me, it, you don't deserve it!"

Unreal figure stopped laughing, and his eyes looked cold and cold.

In the midair, a strange hand with a little bit of starlight suddenly evolved and caught straight into his mind, grabbing the purple crystal.


If the purple crystal feels, it will shake violently, and it will emit countless purple scent. It is like a big tree. It seems to be very reluctant to leave from Qinnan’s mind.

"He is not worthy of you!"

The illusory figure whispered, forcibly crushing the breath one by one, and grabbed the purple crystal from the mind of Qinnan.

The Qinren of Qinnan suddenly trembled and his face became white.

At the moment just now, he only felt as if his own soul had been stripped from the body by human beings, giving him an unprecedented sense of emptiness.

"Very good. It's just a pity. The **** of war has been guarding me, and I don't know where to hide the master map."

The illusory figure whispered to himself, and immediately turned into a pair of eyes. It seemed to be overlooking Qinnan, and the voice became indifferent: "You can rest assured that what you promised to you, I will give it to you."

A gray-white jade slip, I do not know where it came from, and fell to Qinnan.

"The altar mentioned in the jade is the altar. It has been shaped for you. The group of demon here will be guarded for you. This is to read in the past, to help you."

After Qin Nan’s ignorance and recovery of a little physical strength, he immediately put Yu Yu in his hand, and at the same time he was relieved.

Wonderful Princess, Jiang Bilan, they are saved.

Unreal people see this, and the eyes are exposed to scorn, saying: "The fourth child, playing with the dead, helps you resolve a very big crisis, you can not let him down."

"Next, you have to live well, it is best not to die for me."

"When the plan is successful, I will make an exception, let you board the undead mountain on Sunday, let you see the real scenery of the fairyland."

After all this, the illusory figures disappeared, and the whole animal skin scroll disappeared into place.

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