Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1723: Huadao Xianyan

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The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-three chapters

I saw that in the incense burner, under the white smoke, there was a thumb-sized white flame that shook slightly, and did not emit any breath. If you did not observe it carefully, you could not detect it.

Qin Nan can be sure that he has never seen this kind of flame, but somehow, he has a very familiar feeling in his heart, as if he has carved into the soul.

"Is this flame screaming for a masterless map?"

Qin Nan reacted, thought about it, tried to pop up a fairy, and his will, and fell into the flame.


Qinnan’s knowledge of the sea, the inexplicable tremors of the moment.

A tone of voice is low, if the sound coming from time and space sounds.

"This is the sacred fire of the sacred fire, but when the old man refines the heavenly lord, he will live in accordance with the heavens and the earth! If you practice this flame to the extreme, you can melt the avenue and burn the celestial beings!"

"The old man has reached the limit, and he is dead and does not exist on the world. If a good person comes, he can learn the main seal, refine it, and let it be famous in the future, and it will be heard for nine days!"

"But remember, in the future, if you fail to reach the level of the nine-day supreme, don't let the people of the Xianling family find out, or they will endless trouble!"

Immediately, countless ancient words were immersed in the knowledge of Qinnan.

In the eyes of Qin Nan, suddenly revealed a mistake.

He didn't think that this voice was cheating on him, but how could such a good thing, such as Tianda, come to him for no reason?

Although Qin Nan knows that his luck has always been good, but he has not reached the level of such a rebellion.

"This flame ignited the masterless map, the master map is given to me by the **** of war, and the animal skin scroll is also holding this picture, that is to say..."

"Is it the reason of past lives?"

There was a sudden thought in Qin Nan’s mind.

The only reasonable explanation is that this mysterious strong man knows his past life, and the relationship is very good, only to leave the fire of the martial arts.

Even if it is not the case, it has a lot to do with his past life.

After all, only with the masterless map can you become the ‘beautiful person’ in the mouth of this mysterious power.

"I don't know if my past life was the first celestial or the second celestial being. It has caused such a huge impact on my life."

Qin Nan’s heart is dark.

If he is not curious at all, it is completely false.

"This...this knife...the knife is a senior...all has nothing to do with me...I...I don’t know..."

Suddenly, the stuttering voice came from outside.

I saw only the body of the Eight Diagrams Demon from the courtyard, and retreated into the room, his face was slightly pale.

The person in front of him is the sword of supreme.

At her side, it is the floating king and the soul of the soul.

The faces of the two kings are also pale, and there is a thick, unwilling and struggling color in their eyes.

"Into the sword supreme? Can you come in?"

Qin Nan’s scorpion shrank, and immediately put the token of the Supreme Supreme in the palm of his hand, and his mind was tightened, ready to urge the God of War.

"What is the difficulty of coming in here?"

Into the sword, a pair of beautiful women, looked up and down Qin Nan, and took a look at the incense burner, after seeing the sacred road of the fairy flame, the beauty flashed a touch of color.

"It seems that you are the one who the old guy is looking for?"

Gently smile into the knife, like a flower blooms.


The Eight Diagrams Devil and the Two Immortals are all a look.

"Do you know this?"

Qin Nan was slightly shocked and immediately reacted. He asked the fist: "Don't ask the predecessors, I don't know who left this flame. Who is it?"

I’m so angry that I’m so old-fashioned? Are you still called my predecessor? Call me Meng Yao later!

Her real name is Xue Mengyao.

The Eight Diagrams Devil and the Two Kings are a bit silly.

Is this what they know is the ultimate knife?

Moreover, why is it that Qin Nan, who is also smashed in the dojo of the district, can get such treatment?

"This one……"

Qin Nan’s face was also awkward, and he nodded. “Well, I will call you a dream... Meng Yao.”

However, he did not relax his vigilance.

A nine-day supreme character, etc., this is completely unpredictable, it is likely that she is now smiling and in a good mood, but the next moment may be suddenly unhappy, directly killing.

"Forget it, let's talk about business, lend me the knife in your hand, I will tell you the origin of this old guy."

I thought of what I thought of the sword, and blinked. "You can rest assured that as long as you are willing to borrow a knife, I will not harm you."

Qin Nan looked a glimpse, and asked: "Do you want to borrow ... broken knife?"

Supremely slammed into the sword, stretched out a lazy waist and said casually: "I don't want you, I was hit into a few broken nails by the Taiji taboo. I can't break it now, I have to use your knife."

As soon as this was said, the doubts in Qin Nan’s heart disappeared.

When he entered this space, he saw the ancient nails with his own eyes.

"Let's borrow! I have long wanted to say it. We and the grown-ups are just like you. Don't say that you are borrowing a knife. What do you want to do, we have nothing to say..."

The spirit of the Eight Diagrams Devil was aroused and excited.

He just thought that he had to become the guardian of the temple like the two kings. As a result, he did not expect that such a big turn took place.

The look of the two kings has become extremely complicated, with a hint of envy, a trace of sorrow, a trace of resentment, and a hint of helplessness.

They have thought that they are the two masters of the world, in the eyes of the sword, but far less than a Taoist beggar, only Qin Xian repaired by Qin Nan.

"Are you still worried about it? Then I will send a swearing swearing oath?"

Into the sword supreme disregard of the Eight Diagrams Devil, eyes straight into the look of Qin Nan, the corner of the mouth opened a touch of smile.

"This is not necessary, Mengyao is a nine-day supreme, a word, I naturally believe in you."

Qin Nan shook his head and his right arm evolved into a broken knife.

He really does not believe in the former, but even if the former is repaired, it is impossible to occupy the knife, unless he is given the choice.

"Well, I know it."

The sword was taken to the extreme knife, and the knife was slamming and the cold light flashed.

"It’s a great knife, I don’t know how you got it, even I’m a little envious...”

After the knife slammed into a whisper, he immediately moved and took the two kings out of the house.

The sound of the sound is coming from a distance.

"The old guy is one of the top ten sects. Whoever said it, he won't let me say."

"In addition, if you use the Huadao Xianyan, you can refine the Xianfu-class Tiandi Dibao in the hospital. You may be able to reshape the Tao."

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