Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1726: One voice lord

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The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-six chapters

At this moment, the mysterious cave house, inside the bluestone house.

Qin Nan did not feel that the Huadao Xianyan in his body had spontaneously emerged and turned into hundreds of fire dragons. He swam in the middle of the lake of Yuanyuan, opened his mouth and absorbed and refining a piece of lake water.

One of the most powerful and pure Xianli, once again fell into the body of Qinnan.

The present Qinnan is like a bottomless abyss, constantly absorbed, and the immortal force in his body has not grown by any slight.

These pounds of fairy power, I do not know where to go.

"What's the situation now?"

The Gossip Demon, located in the Jade Emperor's Lake, runs out of the Promise, and wants to pry into everything below, but it is invisibly blocked.

He looked at the boiling lake of the Yuan Dynasty, and his heart seemed to be scratched by the claws, and he could not wait to see it for himself.

For him, curiosity has always been serious.

"Forget it! Near Qinnan, this little bastard, there is no good thing."

The Eight Diagrams Demon King resisted the urge and continued to refine the exquisite jade crystal. At the same time, he also made up his mind. He will leave this ghost place until tomorrow, so as not to be caught by the knife.


However, he did not feel that the figure of the Supreme Supreme and the Grey Gown was penetrated into the Jade Zun Ling Lake at an extremely amazing speed and entered the lake of Qianyuan.

"This reshapes the road base, and it really is very difficult. It has absorbed so many Xianfu-class Tiancai treasures, and now it is barely entering the state of enlightenment... huh?"

When she entered the Qingyuan House, she entered the Qingshi House, and a pair of beautiful eyes were stared at the soul of God of War behind Qinnan.

"This is nothing..."

When the gray robe saw the soul of the **** of war, there was a hint of embarrassment in the eyes under the robe.

Although it has not been known for many years, the earth-shattering events, the terrible war, the toasting of drinking in the blood, and so on, seem to have passed.

"You didn't guess wrong. He is the fifth person of Zhu Xian. It is also my big brother. His name can't be mentioned at present. Most people call him a **** of war."

I don't know how long it took, the gray robe talents slowly said.

"Sure enough, he!"

The sword of the Supreme Beauty shines brightly. For the deeds of God of War, she knew a lot in the starry sky hidden in the first fairyland.


At this moment, Qin Nan’s body suddenly trembled fiercely. The hundreds of dragons outside the sacred flames suddenly skyrocketed hundreds of times, and the speed of refining the lake of the Yuan Dynasty increased hundreds of times.

Under the influx of the vastness of Xianli and the heavens and the earth, Qinnan still seems to be an abyss, with constant inhalation.

However, his body began to react, and the cyan glow emitted from it gradually became brighter, then gleamed, and finally slowly closed toward where his heart was.


The bell rang again and it rang through all directions.

Qin Nan’s body gradually radiated a little bit of meaning. Although it was very weak, it was a kind of fire that appeared in the sky.

"There has been a glimpse of the situation! Ordinary people, after the initial voyeur, I don’t know how long it will take before I can step into the path of Xiaocheng. He is now reshaping the Doji, and he must be able to step in immediately and hit the Daocheng Dacheng. ""

In the eyes of the Supreme Supreme, the light flows, saying: "If you have excellent luck, you may be able to complete the direct situation."

Her voice has just fallen, and the meaning of Qin Nan’s excitement has suddenly increased by dozens of times, and the blue light of the road has re-emerged in his body.

Moreover, this is not over yet, and the Tao is still growing. It’s just a few moments in the past, and it’s already approaching the point of Dacheng Dacheng!

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred.

Vibrant and radiant, as if it was hit by an invisible big hand, it instantly weakened to the extreme and became bleak.

Now let's not say that the road is big, and that you can be regarded as a small path.

"Well? What's going on?"

The gray robes and the knives are all wrinkled.

In the nine days of Xianyu, there have always been many peerless strongmen who have suffered from the rumors of the Taoist base and later reshaped the Doji.

Therefore, they are very clear about the process of reshaping the road base. The Tao and the Tao will only continue to increase. How can Qinnan weaken?


Invisible, there seems to be something that suddenly breaks apart.

I saw that the blue light of the Qinnan body bloomed, and there was a crack in the road. When one of the cracks fell off, there were three different colors of brilliance.

"Is this...three colors of light?"

In the beauty of the sword, there was a shock.

As everyone knows, the light that everyone emits is blue, but in the ancient rumors, there are some anti-day characters, their road light belongs to three colors.

She thought it was just a legend, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"His road light, showing three colors is normal!"

The gray robe people saw this scene and looked at Qin Nan’s face. He couldn’t help but sigh: “Less Lord, please forgive me, I can’t call you like the big brother. After all, what you used to do is really uncomfortable. Objective."

"Your talent is also very high, but you are obsessed with beauty, it is difficult to extricate yourself. So, when the second brother took away your past life memories, I did not block more, I hope you don't blame me."

"In addition, he is arrogant about your Taoist day. It is really impossible to do it. A blind woman who is very terrifying has told me that you will not be promoted within a hundred years."

"I also found the old guy in the East China Sea. I counted it. If you are a rising fairy, it is really dangerous. But, I am awakened one step later, you are still rising, so you can only swear you. ""

"You can only rely on you to go in the future. I can do it, there are only so many, after all..."

The voice of the gray robe is low and heavy.

A knife on the side of the Supreme, heard this, can not help but slightly contemplative, can be called the Shaozhu by the gray robe, that Qin Nan's true identity, in the end, who is it?

Thinking about it, she suddenly felt something. When I looked closely, my son suddenly shrank, and the voice was full of shock: "Old... old guy, look carefully... this road light... seems to be seven colors..."

The gray robe looks awkward, his eyes are swept away, his brows are slightly wrinkled.

How can Qin Nan’s body appear in seven colors?

Can it be said that the old masters of the past have quietly cultivated to this level?

This is very likely, after all, the talent of the young master is also extraordinary.


At this time, Qin Nan’s body swept a strong force, causing everything around him to change.

The blue stone house is gone, replaced by a vast starry sky.

"this is……"

The look of the gray robe is unpredictable.

After the count, the knife screamed and exclaimed, he thought of something, hurriedly looked at the front, and immediately saw the end of the starry sky, with an immortal throne.

Above the throne, sitting on a stalwart figure that is difficult to describe with words.

"Sure enough, he!"

The gray robe people saw this, and it was a long sigh.


The stalwart figure suddenly stood up from the throne, strode forward, and walked toward Qinnan. When each step fell, the whole piece of the vast sky was constantly shaking.


The stalwart figure stayed in the footsteps, and under the gaze of the gray robes and the sword, he was kneeling down on one knee and heading to Qinnan.

"See my master!"

The word of the Lord is in the ears of the gray robes, but it is like a thunder.

"How is it possible! How can he call the Lord as my master? This is absolutely impossible! Can it be said that Qinnan's past life is not a lesser, but..."

The gray robes suddenly thought of something, and the body could not help but tremble.

"Chen, eternal life forever, will not die in the Tianshan Mountains, welcome my Lord to return!"

The stalwart figure, turned a deaf ear, only the sound like a thunder, rolling back in the stars.

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