Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1731: 寰宇刀诀

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The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-one chapters

Qin Nan is a bit embarrassed.

Although he has experienced a lot of things, he was once drunk by the princess, but in the true sense, he has never had any close contact with women.

This kind of skin is close to the skin, he is close at hand, he has not even thought about it.

"Why don't you call Meng Yao?"

The knife is very hot, and says: "If you don't like the name of Meng Yao, you can... can call me a little lady."

Qin Nan was the first time. She was also in such a close contact with men for the first time, and she used a small trick to seduce Qin Nan.

Such a thing, change to be her former, I am afraid I will not think about it.

Qin Nan’s body was as tight as iron. After a long while, he barely recovered and the body began to struggle: “No! Dream Yao...”

Knife Supreme was keenly aware of his reaction, his face was immediately right, the white right hand, holding Qinnan's waist, attached to his ear, said softly: "Don't make fun of you, relax your mind, let I am going to slash."

Qin Nan looked a glimpse of the original, the original knife is to use this method to help him complete the transformation of the knife method, he also thought that the sword must be strong to him.

"Qin Nan, Qin Nan, what are you thinking about in your mind?"

Qin Nan’s heart whispered a little, and said with a slight sigh: “Sorry, Meng Yao, I think too much, I will relax my mind now.”

He spit out a little and tried to relax.

If it is normal, he wants to relax his mind. It is a matter of thought.

But now, the smooth and sleek feeling of the skin, the warm breath, the scent that continues to float, and the fullness of the back feel make him feel awkward.

The supreme knives are not aware of the strangeness of Qinnan, the horrible knife, which spread out on the body, covering the left arm of Qinnan, and the knives on the broken knives, passing a god.

Brush it!

The tens of thousands of nights of fairy stalks standing in the distance broke out in a smashing weather, and tens of thousands of willows with the ravages of ruin and ruin, all bursting into the air, like big and small.

The Supreme Supreme immediately controlled the body of Qin Nan, and displayed a very incomparable footwork. He escaped the roots of the willow branches, and the broken knives were smashed out again and again. The white knives flashed in all directions.

At the beginning of Qinnan, it was completely impossible to immerse in it. Only the scent and warmth of the brain were full, but with the slashing of a knife, his heart was gradually attracted to it.

After thousands of interest, far away, the two are integrated.


Wan Wan Xian Liu saw the shape, and once again showed up the killing, hundreds of thousands of willow leaves from the branches, flying up and down, like a huge knife field, shrouded.

The knife method that was put into the sword was suddenly changed, and the knife light was rushed to the Quartet. There was a sense of the evolution of the world.

Time passes by.

In this state, after two full hours, the sword reached the Supreme and slowly stopped. On the bright forehead, a layer of fine sweat appeared.

On the other hand, Qin Nan, his eyes closed, his eyes are peaceful, and there are unimaginable terrible swords in the body, which are constantly brewing.

"Call! Exhausted, exhausted, this is more tired than the top."

The Supreme Supreme is separated from his body and feels his state. He can't help but bite the silver teeth. "This guy is really a metamorphosis. I will also participate in it. He actually integrates so quickly, and he has to evolve a new one. The knife method."

Haoyu Knife is one of the three **** swords she has mastered. It is a Taoist technique.

"However, if there is no such talent, only if the past life is very powerful, how can it deserve the deity?"..."

I thought about it.

Soon, another hour passed.

Qin Nan's eyes, slowly opened, a vast expanse of knife, immediately burst out, in this space, hard to create dozens of swords storm.

"The transformation has finally been completed! However, there are many differences between this knife and the treacherous road. It is a brand new knife!"

Qin Nan’s face showed a touch of color.

As a person who loves a knife, he has mastered a unique and new powerful knife. Can he be unhappy?

"Meng Yao, thank you for this time."

Qin Nan quickly slammed into the knife, but when he saw the sword's mouth smacked and smeared the shallow arc, he couldn't help but think of the scene that started, and his face was red.

"I don't have to be so polite with me."

In the eyes of the sword, I flashed the smear, saying: "But, if you really want to thank me, then go with me to some places."

Just a personal preaching, just a small appetizer, she has a more exciting plan.

Qin Nan heard the words and said with a smile: "Meng Yao, this is really not good, I have to go to the world, and I have to go to the fourth fairyland."

"The fourth little fairyland? Hey, I almost forgot. You are going to that place now, then you will accompany me next time."

Not to mention the Supreme Supreme, Qin Nan wants to save their wonderful Princess, including Qin Nan’s method of saving them, she knows.

"However, Xiaofujun, I have to remind you that your seven-color road is less than a last resort, and you must never show it to the world, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble."

The sword is supreme.

"Well? Do you know this kind of light?"

Qin Nan’s eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"The specifics are not clear, and I don't know why it was born. In short, its existence is no small matter. As far as I know, no one has this kind of light in today's nine-day supreme."

Supremely hesitated a little, but still did not say the old things, and the mystery of Qin Nan’s past identity.

She is not out of selfishness, but these two things are of great importance. In the event of any change caused by her advance notice, she cannot assume this responsibility.

Can only go with the flow, or wait for the time to mature.

Qinnan’s heart is a glimpse.

He did not expect that this light was so extraordinary.

"Is it because of the **** of war?"

There was a thought in his mind. I didn't think much. I asked, "This, Meng Yao, have you seen a man named Qiu Hong in your Dongfu?"

I fell into a knife and thought about it. I thought about it. "There were two nine-day supremes before. I don't know which one is Qiu Hong."

Qin Nan immediately shook his head and said: "Qiu Hong is my brother. Only the people of the realm are trained. He should leave early."

Qin Nan said here, arched his hand at the sword and said: "Meng Yao, I will not stay here, we will have a goodbye."

He is still good at the Supreme Supreme, except that he has always wanted to be a Taoist with him.


When I entered the sword, I blinked my eyes. Suddenly, the lotus walked lightly. When I arrived in front of Qinnan, my toes rose slightly, and the warm lips were printed on the forehead of Qinnan.

"Xiaofujun, there is a chance to meet again."

Gently smile and turn and leave.

However, Qin Nan, who stayed in the same place, did not see it. The smile on her face turned bright after she turned.


This little husband, is it afraid to contact her for a long time and fall in love with her?

Don't even think about it!

She is going to the fourth fairyland now, when it is time, oh...

Look at the refreshing novels.

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