Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1746: Unquestionable

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-six chapters are not seeking supreme


Xu Lai coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and immediately took out a white jade-like medicinal medicine to swallow his mouth and restore his injury.

"Very good, it is the first fairy of the past, even if the Doji is smashed, with the cultivation of the immortal peak, I am not a rival in this fairy! But Qin Nan, don't forget, this is Wanxianxianlou!"

Xu Lai whispered and passed a **** thought. The whole person was like a life and death with Qin Nan. The figure once again rushed up and displayed a powerful Taoism, killing Qinnan.

"Bold! I dare to scatter wild in the fairy tower!"

At this moment, a strong voice, from the hall of the hall, there are thirteen figures in the blink of an eye, flying out of it, the French seal is a knot, the fairy sorrows across the sky, if the waves are like a wave to the south of Qinnan.

These thirteen figures, five of them, are the ones of the heavens, and the rest of them are the existence of the two.

Although only three of them are martial arts and four poles, others are martial arts three poles, but the combination of their actions, the power, is also very powerful.

The face of the **** person is pale, and it feels like a pale boat in a stormy sea. It will be overturned whenever and wherever.

Qinnan cross-browed cold, no fear, step by step, a knife and a knife.

His knife's momentum has become more and more fierce. It is like the anger of the earth and the earth. It has the power to destroy and destroy the door, and instantly destroys it into countless smashes.

Xu Lai and these thirteen heavenly angels could not help but reveal a trace of horror.

They are under the guise of the sword, and they feel the most distinct. The knife is a knife, giving them a sense of destroying everything, including them.

"Someone started?"

"Is there still someone else?"

"Hey, not just a giant, the courage is so big!"

Such a big movement, naturally a nearby palace, as well as a monk above the Cyan Avenue, was amazed and swept away.

Many people are watching with great interest, just like watching a wonderful drama.

"No, this place should not stay for a long time."

Although Qin Nan has some anger in his heart, he is not stupid. He is fighting in the ninth space of the sacred fairy building.

Now only the monk is coming out, but I don’t know what it is.

"let's go."

Qin Nan's big hand stretched out, and the **** eyes were enveloped in it. It broke out at an astonishing speed and flew toward the transmission array.

"Bold thief, this place is what you want to escape!"

Along the road, the sound of the sound, from the Wan Dian, and the heavy hall in the distance, a monk, the monks, flew out of their bodies, and played a door to Qinnan.

"I just want you to stop me?"

Qinnan shouted, his body flashed, like electricity, erratic.

His **** of war, the immortal, also spurred to the extreme, and the hole was completely weak, and the sword quickly annihilated it.

Looking far away, now he is like a beast in the storm, rampaging, seems to have to break everything.

However, under the murder of the sky, several untimely voices were heard.

"Brother, give me the knife, I will help you!"

"Kid, you can't escape without your strength!"

"Children are not bullying, the price we have here is really a virginity!"

The people who shouted were the small forces who built their own palaces in this ninth space. However, most of the things they said belong to the ridicule.

Even if they are extraordinary, they can't turn their faces in the ninth space and Wan Xianxian, but they have the bottom line.

Of course, if Qin Nan really comes up with a terrifying treasure, then it is another matter.


Qinnan’s eyes are like a knife, and everything is turned a deaf ear.

However, at this time, the three extremely amazing momentum, like the peerless sword, broke out from afar and fell into the sky.

"Districtly, do you dare to come to our vast fairyland?"

One word and one sentence, like a thundering thunder, rolling out.

The three magnificent, sturdy figures, huge and terrible figure, gradually came out, eyes locked in Qinnan, opened an amazing pressure.

These three are the hegemony of Wanxianxianlou!

"There were three Gestapo overlords at once, it seems that this guy is not playing, and he doesn't know which party is the power."

A monk in the ninth space shook his head and regained his gaze.

The outcome has been fixed and no attention is required.

Even this guy, the origin of his identity is not simple, but he is already a big taboo in this 10,000-strong building, and will be executed on the spot.

"not good!"

Qin Nan’s heart sank.

The appearance of the Gai hegemon was a little earlier than he expected.

Now even if he has the token given to him by Supreme Supreme, he can use the meaning of Supreme twice, but how can the ninth space of the sacred fairy building be only the hegemony?

There must be nine days of supreme existence!

"You can only fight together first, but you can't do it, you will push the mark."

Between the electric and the flint, Qin Nan has made up his mind. For the emergence of the three hegemonic hegemons, regardless of disregard, he exerted a cross-day strike and landed on the transmission array method.


At the same time, the three Gai hegemons chilled and shouted. One of them was a one-shot, and the other two were sleeves and gowns. They saw the sky hundreds of miles above Qinnan, and instantly became a chaos.

The power of wind, lightning, thunder and so on, raging in it, is like a catastrophe.

Qin Nan was sweating and squatting. When he said nothing, he immediately offered a token and prepared to play the supreme meaning.

At this time, an invisible force, I do not know where to come from, fell in the wind, fire, thunder and so on, and even strangely settled it, can not fall to Qinnan.

"What happened here?"

A faint voice came from the depths of the sky.

A stalwart of supreme power, in the invisible, is scattered between heaven and earth, everywhere.

"After nine days, the Supreme is alarmed?"

Originally, there was a place where there was no small source. The monks who had not paid attention to all of this were immediately exposed in the eyes, and they reappeared.

"See Unquestionable Master!"

The one who was in charge of Qin Nan’s shot, and three Geshi overlords, also stayed for a while, then reacted and quickly bowed.

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