Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1755: Liuli Ancient Palace

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-five chapters of the ancient palace of Liuli

"In any case, we have to go in and have a look."

Qin Nan returned to God and said.

When the eyes of the Eight Diagrams Devils turned, they nodded.

Although he is very puzzled, there is an old saying that is very good, and there must be a demon when things go wrong.

In the nine days of the fairyland, behind any abnormal things, it must involve the secret of the world, or the treasure of the world.

"Who are you?"

The dozens of ancient people who stood in front of the bronze giant facade quickly realized the figure of the four people in Qinnan, and immediately gave a loud drink, and the body of Xianli was running to the extreme.

They originally thought that there were dozens of Gai Shi Pai outside, they did not need to wait here, but people never imagined that someone actually rushed over.


Qin Nan did not have a nonsense, and he showed a cross-day blow, and suddenly fell on the dozens of monks, and a punch immediately blasted.

Dozens of ancient monks have changed their faces and changed their minds. They quickly retreated and cast resistance.

However, most of them are just the peaks of the people, only three immortals, and still under the five cents.

Now Qin Nan is a fist, can they block it?

With the sound of a burst of explosions, their physiques were shaken together, Qin Nan and others immediately moved, all of them did not enter the bronze giant door.

Qin Nan and others only felt that the body was light, and the foreground of the eye was like a rapid change. In the twinkling of an eye, they came to another space.

Qin Nan and others stabilized their minds and then looked up.

At first glance, Huanren suddenly shrinks.

I saw only four of them, now they came to a vast expanse of ruins that could not be seen at the end. The gully was sloping, the atmosphere was sloppy, and there were some gullies that could also see a dead bone.

Not far from them, there are hundreds of stone statues, such as old people, young children, girls, youths, etc., and they look different.

However, these stone statues all made the same movement, kneeling on the ground, facing the same direction, extending their hands, like a special ceremony, worshipping an ancient emperor.

In the direction in which the stone image is aligned, and looking forward, you can see it faintly. There is a palace that is magnificent and mountainous, and the whole body is made of some kind of glass, suspended in the air.

Despite the Qin dynasty's martial arts, it was impossible to penetrate the palace in an instant. However, there are three tribes in Qinnan, and they are keenly aware of this. The palace contains imperfect and immortal.

There is an illusion in their hearts. Such a palace is not weak compared to the unblemished sacred land outside the bronze giant gate.

Even in a sense, the palace has the pure sense of immortality, and the pure immortality that presents purple, the level is much higher, and the value is more rare.

"I rely on this palace, shouldn't it be the core of this unscented sacred land?"

The gossip demon responded.

In any of the sacred land, its core, its pure sense of immortality, is far beyond other places.

Although he has never seen the core of the Xianfu Road for so many years, he can achieve this level, but his speculation has great possibilities.

"How did you get in?"

A cold drink rang from the front.

Hundreds of monks, such as Zhu Zi, Gu Julin, Jiu Jie, Ke Meng, Du Yueyu, etc. on the other side, noticed the breath of the four people in Qinnan, and they looked at the eyes and looked puzzled.

At this time, Jiang Juxian, the gray coat, and so on, appeared on the ruins.

When they saw the scene in front of them, Huanren was also shrinking, and there was a burst of horror in his heart, which was full of deep doubts.

However, they quickly calmed down and found four people in Qinnan.

"Qin Nan, give me death!"

Jiang Juexian Wang screamed like a thunder, rolling Xianli, all broke out.

"Come so fast?"

The faces of the Qinnan people changed slightly, and they were ready to fly all the way to the front.

"This youth is Qin Nan who was riddled by the Tao?"

Zhu Zi, Gu Julin and other monks, but the look is a glimpse.

Especially the geniuses of Zhu Zi, Gu Julin, etc., they are the core disciples among the various ancient nationalities and the various supreme sects. The attention to Qinnan naturally goes far beyond others.

"And slow!"

I wished that the child suddenly thought of something, and quickly shouted: "You can't do it here. Once you start, these hundreds of stone statues will wake up and kill the people who will do it!"

As soon as this was said, Jiang Juexian’s body was stiff and his eyes were swept away. He saw a crack in the crack, and he was carrying three bodies of blood that had not dried up.

Moreover, these three bodies were also known before his death, but the three people reached the existence of the Eight Immortals.

Jiang Juexian Wang and other Gai Shi hegemons immediately thought of the strangeness of this place, and they could not help but scare a cold sweat.

If the reminder of the past is slower and the hundreds of stone statues are alarmed, they will be seriously injured if they do not fall.

You must know that among these ancient ruins, some are taboo-like murders, even if they are nine days of supreme, they will be hit hard, not to mention them.

"Is this still the case?"

The eyes of the four people in Qinnan suddenly became bright.

"Cut, but also the hegemony of the world. Now how are you all stunned? It’s really shameful to be a shame. For an enemy like you, I don’t even have the interest to shoot."

Although Xiu Shenliang was afraid of these dozens of hegemonic hegemons, he began to ridicule his instincts as soon as he spoke.


A few dozen people in Jiang Juexian’s face changed.

When did they be treated like this? Not to mention that the other party is just a small person.

"What are you? Are you wrong? I tell you, I just ran away, just want to tease you, if I really shot, you are all sorts of people."

The gods are full of disdain and lingering.

The dozens of Jiang Juexian’s faces have become iron and blue, and the anger in their hearts has rushed up, but they have to hold back and grieve.

Even the genius of Zhu Shi, Gu Julin, and so on, can't listen anymore.

This is a good thing, a mouth is too owed!

"Cough, well, well, don't care about them."

The Eight Diagrams Devil was glazed by this group, and he looked at the panic. He quickly stopped the mouth of the gods and let him not speak.

They are now in a hurry to save themselves, and if this group of hegemonic lords are tempted by the gods, they will be irrational, and they will be miserable.

On the contrary, Qin Nan, looking at the eyes of Xiu Shenliang is full of surprises.

He originally thought that repairing Shenliang's slumber would only cause trouble, but he did not expect that this kind of effect could be exerted on this occasion. The ridicule made people feel happy and wanted to make a case.


Jiang Juexian Wang looked cold and looked at Qinnan four people, no longer talked, and other fairy kings secretly whispered a few words, they flew toward the palace at the same time.

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